Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Left Wing Media Finally Identifies Who The Terrorists Are...

And Dear Reader ... It's TRUCKS.

You got it right - a Truck is responsible for the death and destruction that took place this past Thursday in Nice, France.

"Calling all cars ... be on the lookout for a Trucks..."

The New York Times - 'Truck attack on French crowd; scores die'

Or this, 

CNN - 'Truck rams crowd; 84 dead in Nice'.

And of course, not to be outdone - 

Our own public broadcaster - CBC - 'Children feared killed in Nice as truck attacks family event'.

So there you have it folks - it is no longer the rogue mentally ill - or petty criminals who we must watch out for - as the little guy in the White House has so often referred to them as ....but it is Trucks - we now must fear.

The timing of this revelation should not be underestimated - since these mass killings of innocents are taking place on a weekly - or should I say - daily basis.

Finally though we have something concrete to sink our teeth into - 

For too long our Elite Powers refused to specify who or what exactly we were at war with.   Now we know ...


So forget radicals and terrorists too .. all we need do now is focus on Trucks.

And I do not expect the State would even have to read a Truck its Rights - but in this day and age that too may be debatable.

I am not even certain that a Truck can be arrested but hopefully some common sense will prevail to ensure that it is a least decommissioned.

So I know you will share with me relief and gratitude for this progressive development - Trucks wherever you are - we will find you.

But beware ... they are very, very dangerous.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Friday, July 8, 2016

Queers, Straights, Black, White, & Brown...Something is Wrong in the State of Denmark.

Five Cops shot dead in Dallas.

Fifty Gays killed in Orlando.

Blacks killed in very suspect circumstances by Cops throughout the USA most recently in Louisiana and Minnesota. 

What in Hell is going on?

I was thinking about doing a Blog on the recent Toronto Gay Pride Parade and its involvement this year with a branch of Black Lives Matters.

It would not have been a supportive Blog - nor would it have been highly critical - other than to say, as I have in the past, that Gay Pride Parades are spectacles that are best left to the fringes of their Community.

But the recent events in Orlando, Louisiana, Minnesota and yesterday's killings of five white officers in Dallas got me to thinking.

Now is not the time to criticize either the Gay Priders or the Black Lives Matters folks - both groups have valid complaints.

Initially, I was sad to see our Prime Minister decide to attend the Toronto Parade but that was prior to the Orlando Gay Massacre.  Indeed, under those circumstances, I too would have joined in their march to show solidarity - unlike our P.M. though I would have refrained from his sticking out his tongue antics.

As for Black Lives Matters - prior to Louisiana and Minnesota I was firmly in the camp of All Lives Matters - as they do.  But the recent events in these two states now convince me that there are a number of rogue Cops out there who shot first especially at Blacks and then make-up their stories afterward.  Thank heavens for cameras.

I heard one radio announcer say today that all of this must be considered in context.  The context being that the killers of most Black People are Blacks themselves.  Which though true - misses the point entirely.

If Blacks cannot trust the police - even if it is only a significant minority - who can they trust. Police are there to Serve and to Protect - all of us - Blacks - White - Brown - Red - Yellow accordingly.  That is what a free and open society is all about.

If they are not safe - nor are the rest of us.  And as of 2016 - they are not safe and we are in for a very turbulent - violent time.

I may have misgivings about Gay Pride Parades and Black Lives Matters movements - but compared to what they are facing - my misgivings are small potatoes.

I'll bite my tongue and give both groups some slack to see if they can effect change where it is needed now more than ever.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Euthanasia...One Good Thing !!

As Charles Dickens so aptly pointed out in his classic - A Christmas Carol - it will certainly cut down on the world's surplus population.


Have you ever tried to get a loved one into a nursing home of late - many have waiting lists of 5 years and more.

I shared with you the experience we had getting our elderly aunt admitted - but for the purposes of this Blog I think it is worth repeating.

In her nineties and suffering from dementia we were told that it would take at least a year and more likely 2 years before a bed became available.

At little over a year later we received word that she was "second on the list for admission".  We cancelled our holiday plans since we were told that when an opening came up - the family had to move immediately or else their relative would be dropped to the bottom of the list.

We were told it could be a few days or even a couple of months ...but no longer.

After 3 more months I called our contact with the Province to be told that our Aunt had dropped to 7th on the list even though there had been no improvement in her condition - in fact it had gotten worse.  She was now having heart issues.

I relayed this to the Provincial Rep only to be told by her that this would make no difference whatsoever.

Eventually, we got the call to bring her in and since then - my Aunt has had the best care she has ever received as a dementia patient.

She still recognizes us and enjoys our visits.

As I was leaving after one of my visits recently I looked around at the many residents who like my aunt are receiving first rate care by first rate staff.  I got to thinking though what would it be like in say 10 - 20 years of the new Euthanasia Law....

These places will be empty.

I know, I can hear some of you saying there goes Galagher exaggerating again.

Maybe ... Maybe Not.

The law that was just past received most opposition since 'it did not kill fast enough'.  That is to say, it was limited in scope to only those in the terminal stage of death.

Court Challenges have already been launched and you can bet your bottom dollar that the Supreme Court will strike the law down for its limited scope in killing.

At that point we will have no law against Euthanasia - open season in other words just as now prevails in the case of Abortion.  

Anytime - anywhere.

When I speak with many proponents of Euthanasia, they talk about the right of the individual to have some kill them because they suffer from unbearable pain.

I come back with Hospice / Palliative Care which promises to eliminate pain while bringing joy to the patient's last days on earth - whether it is measured in months or even days.  Reports from patients and families that have experienced this care are most positive with many family members joining Hospice Teams to volunteer their services when their loved one has passed.

It is Win Win - but a recent article I read in the National Post reports that a major Hospital in Montreal, which has a Hospice Wing, has been told by the Province's Minister of Health that their Hospice must adhere to the Euthanasia Law - in other words - must kill off their patients rather than promote their end of care mission.  

The Minister, in his directive to the Hospice had the following to say:
  • "For me, it is squarely against the law and borderline provocation"  
One bright light in the Euthanasia Debate - has begun to flicker...

There has been great wringing of hands about all of the Baby Boomers coming of old age.  Not to worry though, there will be many less of us around than you might otherwise have thought.

And Dear Reader - no need to worry about long waiting lists to get into care.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


It never fails to amaze me just how stupid (dumb) our elitist planners - including both Politicians and their Politically Correct Bureaucrats.

I give you the following three (3) examples from our municipal and provincial governments.

First - the simply dumb one:

  • motorists must now keep from coming within 1 meter (39.370 inches) of a bicyclist.  If we - the car drivers, come within this arbitrary barrier - we are not only fined but lose points against our driver's licences. As if the harried motorist does not already have enough to watch out for.  But the Politically Correct do not like cars - they want everyone to walk or bike and to Hell with Cars.  Driving, is no longer fun.  
Second - the Dumber:

  • in recent years 'round abouts' have cropped up all over our roads - not a bad yet as England ...but we are getting there.  Anyway, I do not much care for round-abouts but must admit they do seem to work in attaining their goal of keeping cars moving - without the need for traffic lights or stop signs.  Until recently, the rule was that cars had the right of way over pedestrians - as it should be, if the underlying concept of continuous motion was to be maintained.  But now dear reader this has suddenly changed - now cars within a round-about must stop for pedestrians and they even have a new politically correct name for it - 'pedestrian crossovers'.  This PC advancement not only defeats the purpose of Round-Abouts but insures that more and more pedestrians will not make it safely to the other side.  Again, where do these Bozo Planners come from.
And Third - the Dumbest:

  • Safe Injection Sites for Addicts.  We here in Ottawa are now on the list to get several of these cesspools - thanks again to the enlightened.  Number one - they do not cure addiction - in fact rehab is not even part of the program. They do attract all and sundry addicts who to fund their addiction - rob, steal, prostitute to raise the ridiculous amounts of money to fund their drug purchases.  Areas of the City which are identified to host these parasites, are headed for slum, crime ridden neighbourhoods.  If these enlightened planners are indeed so enlightened as to propose the establishment of these sites - I propose they be built in their neighbourhoods. Plus, another choice location would be within City Hall itself.  Don't hold you breath on seeing either occur though.
Given just these 3 examples, it is no wonder to me why Donald Trump has such a following.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Sunday, June 26, 2016


The Why in Why the British Voted To leave the European Union (EU) is, I believe, two-fold:

First, the mechanical reason - Prime Minister David Cameron was unwise to have called for a Referendum on the subject.

Second, and more substantively, European Nations, including Great Britain - are terrified by the tidal wave of refugees pouring in from the Middle East and Africa.  The overwhelming numbers will change the EU's and indeed the West's makeup forever.

The argument that it was caused by the EU's renaming fruits and vegetables to me is irrelevant.

But the 'Who' in all of this is the more relevant question which I will come to shortly.

Before I get to that,  I would like to set out my own thoughts on Britain's decision to leave.

In a word ... I am 'disappointed'.

On an Emotional Level though - I must admit that it is nice to see it Given to the Man, but on an Intellectual Level - I see the downside:

a) Russia and China are once again threatening and from my perspective this will only get worse;

b) The US hegemony is in irreversible decline; and,

c) The world is on the cusp of renewed nuclear proliferation beginning with Iran - followed by the Saudis and spilling over to a host of others as the realization of a) and b) continues to sink in.

Counterweights, like the European Union are desperately needed.

That is why I am disappointed with the Referendum's outcome.

Now for the 'Who'.

As in Who Is Responsible For This Outcome.

The United States of course and more specifically - its last two Presidents - George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama.

Of the two, Bush* must take the greater share of the blame since it was his decision and his decision alone to destroy Iraq and take out Saddam Hussein and leave the Middle East with a vacuum that was in due course filled by zealots, and ne're goodwells.

 Obama's contribution to this fiasco was that he sat back and watched this happen as if a disinterested observer.

  • When I think back to Bush's invasion of Iraq, on the pretext that there were Weapons of Mass Destruction involved , I also think back to the JF Kennedy days and his distrust (for good reason) of what US Military Leaders were telling him during the Cuban Missile Crisis.  His skepticism likely saved the world from Nuclear War.  Too bad George W was not made from similar cloth. 
It is well to remember Newton's 3rd Law - for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

The damage done by these two Presidents is incalculable viewed in the light of today.  The most notable of which is the Mass Migration taking place across Europe and now spilling into North America.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'


Monday, June 20, 2016



Well, the 'depending case at hand' concerns our Miele Vacuum Cleaner.  It stopped working.  Or at least, I stopped it working.

The other day I was engaged in my annual vacuuming of our family car and in so doing, was using our household Miele Vacuum Cleaner.

I know - should have used a Shop Vac...

We had paid king's ransom for it some years ago and it had functioned well ever since ...until my annual car cleaning event of last week.

I was 2/3 rds done when it suddenly shut down.  I hit the re-set button and zilch.  

So now what?

Given its pedigree, I took it back to the dealer where we had purchased it some 7 years ago.  (They sell and service nothing but vacuums and the German Miele is one of their best sellers. Kinda like the Mercedes of vacuums you could say).

Nice olde man at the counter greeted me with that knowing smile - you know - that ..'you broke our machine' kinda look.

I asked him for his advice - 'would it be better to have the critter fixed or should we be looking at buying a new vacuum?'

"Depends" he said.

'Depends on what I countered'?

"On how serious the problem".

So I left it with him with his promise to call me within a few days to let me know the extend of the repair.  I of course was expecting the worse -i.e. she's kaput ... so what have you got on sale...

Instead, when he called, it was with good news - "a plastic water bottle top had caught in the upper portion of the hose".

So it was a minor problem after all and I arranged to come in and pick it up and pay his bill.

When I got there the following ensued:

He told me that the bottle cap had become lodged in the upper part of the hose and that the vacuum's "panel" had automatically shut the machine down before more serious damage had occurred.

I said, 'well that was a good thing'.

"Depends" he replied.

'On what I countered'

"On whether or not the system will shut down again in the future.  This could have been a one-time only occurrence".

'Never thought of that' said I.

'So is there anything we can do to try to prevent this from re-happening' says I.

"Depends" he says.

'On what', says I 

"On whether or not you like the Miele." 

'What do you mean by "like"... until this recent occurrence, it has always worked well.'

"Well it is like buying a car - some people like a ford, others a chev - some like blue ...others red."

Now this was getting bizarre ... what had a working Miele Vacuum Cleaner - albeit used, have to do with buying a car of any colour?

He went on - "you might like your Miele, but I might like another make".  He stood back looking quite satisfied.

I thought to myself .. isn't this guy in the business of selling Mieles?- one of their best lines and now it appeared to me he was suggesting that a better more reliable option exists.

I told him I would take a chance - it had worked okay for 7 years - and as the problem was just a stuck bottle cap, we could hope that it would be good for another 7.

Our Miele though was a dull black...

Anyway, I paid his bill and was about to leave when I foolishly mentioned another problem we were having with the machine.

'From time to time the power to the vacuum hose inexplicably shuts off, any idea what would cause that?'

"Well it depends ...but what do you do when it happens?"

'I push the hose's on button and it restarts'.

"Seems reasonable, why don't you just keep doing that".

For the first time I found myself in total agreement with the olde fellow.

'Sounds reasonable' I said.

"But it depends" he said.

'Depends on what', I shot back.

"On whether you want to purchase a new hose"

'How much' I asked.

"Over $200"

'I think I will take you initial advice and simply turn the hose back on when it cuts out'.

Once again he came back with one of his Depends - "Depends whether or not you want to get another 7 years out of your Miele."

I pretended not to hear this as I hurried out of his shoppe with my repaired merchandise in hand.

On the way home though I vowed to get a Shop-Vac for next year's cleaning of our car.

And, I think I will get a Red One.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


As readers know ...I make mistakes - lots of them - just review my past New Year Predictions.

Another miss is coming up -  my prediction that on the last days of Obama's Presidency the public would be riding him out of town on a rail. (an olde American expression meaning the towns-fold are fully disgusted with someone and want them go leave town).

Today, though, that is most unlikely - the little guy has a favourable rating of 53% which is astounding for a President in his last days of his second and final term in office. 

What it tells me though is that more and more Americans - like citizens of other Nations in the West, are becoming more and more socialist ...takers as opposed to doers.

The USA still leads in doers - with some 47% to only a third 'doers' in other first world countries.

Those higher numbers indicate that if Obama was legally able to run for a third term, he might well just be successful.

Readers know full well that I view Obama as the very worst President ever.  Not surprising though, given the above stats, when I speak with my follows about Obama, most refer to him as a very great President.

So in my ongoing attempt to bring reason to this debate I submit the following analysis of the little guy ...from someone other than myself:

America, under Obama, has passed the status of world financial centre back to London, persecuted law-abiding financial companies and their senior personnel, and assured sluggishness of the entire sector ...

Stimulus money did not improve education outcomes ... and it funded shovel ready boondoggles of the Democratic congressional barons..

The green energy initiatives that have paid dividends were an egregious waste of money deployed to the now vanished bogeyman of global warming..

Obama's health care measures was dishonestly presented with two thirds of Americans wanting it repealed... 

He should not have given control of General Motors and Chrysler to the United Auto Workers who were far from blameless for their parlous condition...

He has done almost nothing for African Americans ...

Obama quadrupled the money supply under the spurious cover of quantitative easing and maintaining minimal interest rates by selling trillions of dollars of unbought bonds to the Federal Reserve - a 100 per cent subsidiary for the Treasury paid for by the issuance of notes. It is a shell game that would be attacked in the private sector...

And if this what not bad enough Obama's efforts on the Global Front fared even worse as the author explains:

Obama has allowed the Western Alliance to atrophy...

He has failed to render any assistance to the Ukraine..

He has ensured the disintegration of the of Iraq and the near capture of Bagdad by the Islamic State..

He drew a red line against the Assad Regime for gassing its own civilian population and then abdicated military command the Russians..

Obama's pledge to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear military power evolved into a green light ...

The piece de resistance has been blundering into the position of having Iran and Russia as allies against ISIL

The Author of this piece .... why none other than The Baron of Cross Harbour ... the Honourable Conrad Black.

I could add even more glaring examples of Obama's complete incompetency - for instance - all of the Middle East is Burning...but I won't...maybe I will provide a full recital of his abysmal record at a later date.

For now, suffice to say - regardless what I or even Baron Black has to say - the majority seem to see Obama as the great secular messiah.  

They can have him - give me a Churchill any day of the week.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'