Monday, January 23, 2017


Built in 1884, the Olde Towne Hall was positioned right in the centre of our quaint town, along King's Highway 2, then the main thoroughfare between the mega cities of Toronto and Montreal.  

It was a monster of a red brick least for a village the size of Brighton, situate in close proximity to picturesque
Presqu'ile Park on the sandy shores of Lake Ontario.

The following services called it home:
  1. Police & Jail
  2. Fire
  3. Provincial Court House
  4. Town Council 
  5. Town Maintenance 
It also provided a handy meeting spot for our cub scouts in the days well before beavers.

In earlier years, it was used for travelling opera, live theatre, and other special events such as Christmas, Easter and Halloween Parties.

By the time I came in contact with the 'Hall' it was in poor repair but nonetheless still well and truly utilized. 

In this Blog, I am going to deal more with its uses during my youth in - the 1950s and 60s, but first want to get back to how the Olde Towne Hall escaped the Wrecker.

By the early 1970s, the Town Hall was virtually a vacant, run-down mass. The tenants had fled to a new Town Hall, new Fire Station, new Court House and so on.

It really was not worth saving and talk had matured to the point where general agreement was coalescing around the need to tear the nearly 90 year olde structure down.

But as today's title suggest, the Hall escaped that fate least sort of.  In the summer of 1973, as providence would have it, one of Ontario's first tornadoes ripped through Brighton and in so doing took with it our beloved Town Hall. It was the only complete structure totally destroyed by the storm. My parents home, just a minute walk north of the Hall, lost its chimney along with our very productive and much missed pear tree.

Of greater loss were the 100 year old maples that lined both sides of Brighton's main drag ... they were torn out by their roots like flimsy pieces of dead grass.

So no Wrecking Ball but... reduced to dust and rubble nonetheless. 

So let's review for a minute its uses during my formative years:

It provided a small office for our police force which usually consisted of one officer.  I believe in an earlier Blog I had mentioned that Dido Simpson was our sole police force during the 40s,50s and 60s.  I never met Dido since he spent all of his time driving around town in his relic of a car --- an olde Studebaker. He was so short, all you could see of Dido, when he drove by, was his well worn grey fedora.  But like the RCMP, Dido 'always seemed to get his man' !

In looking back ...with all the driving he did, I cannot help but wonder if his main source of income came from mileage claims? 

And the Hall included a jail cell.  Its inhabitants usually limited to our town's drunks (all two of them - usually one at a time) and as you walked outside on the path beside the open barred window, you could often hear a drunk inside swearing it off. 

Our village's almost antique fire truck also called the Hall home.  It was located beside the jail, in the north end of the building.  Our's was a volunteer fire department and boy could those guys get to the fire truck in jig time. I have mentioned in previous blogs that winter was one of their busiest times since they were called upon weekly to put out fires in the town's garbage truck caused by the townsfolk throwing live coal embers into the trash.

I remember one day walking along the main street when the fire truck came wheeling around the bend in highway 2 when one of our firefighters - Ed Boes, lost his footing and fell hitting his head on the pavement.  Ed was one tough dude and was soon back to fire-fighting but for that particular day, the fire truck was obliged to leave him behind. 

It was also used as a Provincial Court Room - where most charges dealt with such issues as drunk driving, theft and assault. A circuit court judge came round on Wednesday's to hear and adjudicate these cases. One of the main judges hailed from Brockville - a city some 100 miles east of Brighton.  I got to know Judge Runciman quite well in the 1970/80s and even then he was still complaining bitterly about the inhuman working conditions he was forced to endure in the bowels of the olde Hall.  

Our town council too held its monthly meetings in the Hall's downstairs chambers.  This was one group that surprisingly did not complain about their spartan surroundings.  I attribute that to the fact that in those days being a member of the town council was more an honourary position accompanied by very low pay.  Their main focus was to keep realty taxes low, so being housed in depression era conditions was bearable for them. 

The other group that seemed to be okay with their lot was our hardworking maintenance crew under the able supervision of foreman Bud Simpson.  I remember he once trapped a beaver that had suddenly appeared one day in the little creek that flowed beside my parents' home.  You had an issue... Bud and his Boys would come to your aid. 

As an aside, I remember I had a trip coming up to Kitchener and since I was working at that time at Brintnell's Mens' Wear I decided to drop into Kitchener's Greb Shoe Plant.  One our our customers was one of Bud's Crew by the surname of Dusenbury. Mr. Dusenbury took an extra wide work boot, a size we did not carry. I returned to Brighton with a proper fitting pair and felt pretty good for my effort.  Mr. Dusenbury too was quite impressed saying he never before had such a good fitting boot.

Next time I saw him I naturally asked how he was enjoying the new boots. "Don't wear them" he caustically replied. Turned out his fellow workers had teased him for wearing less than manly boots. I guess Greb Shoes were just too advanguard. 

My greatest memory though concerns the Cub Scouts - ages 8 to 11.  Our meetings took place on the top floor where in the past live travelling theatre entertained the local denizens. My good friend Johnny who like me lived on Sanford Street close to the Town Hall and I were often the first to arrive - even before our two women leaders.  The doors never seemed to be locked and indeed in those days most doors were left open throughout the village with the obvious exception being the Town Jail. (Although I expect Jesse James would have had little difficulty in picking its lock).  

But even though the Hall's doors were unlocked - the lights were not on.  The only lights on in the Upper Hall were exit lights with their dim presence.  But even with such reduced lighting we were able to see the numerous paintings affixed to the walls of Brighton's illustrious forefathers with their sinister faces and beady eyes watching our every move.  

It scared the bejeebers out of us!!

Finally, the Olde Hall was not without a tragedy.

In earlier years and before my time, a Halloween Party was held on the infamous second floor and one young girl, I think her name was Flindall, came in contact with a candle.  Her costume was made out of highly inflammable material and she quickly perished in the ensuing fire.

Some 70 years on, I still think of that unfortunate little girl when my mind takes me back to the Olde Brighton Town Hall.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Wednesday, January 18, 2017



The DEMS mistake was to stack the deck for Hillary Clinton at the expense of its more popular candidate Senator Bernie Sanders.

And the SMOKING GUN which proves that was the EMAILS emanating from the top echelon of that Party.  And what those emails make evident is that had those shenanigans not taken place, Senator Sanders would have faced off against Trump and the Republicans in this past November Election. 

And just to be clear...IT MATTERS NOT AN IOTA HOW THOSE EMAILS BECAME PUBLIC. Little Boy Blue could have blown them out of his horn for that matter...the important thing is that they got out and the Demo Elites got caught out.

And I am not alone in my analysis...

Here is what Bruce Forsyth, columnist had to say: " doesn't really matter who hacked the e-mails. What really did matter was what was said in (them), which exposed the dishonesty and ruthless behaviour of the DNC ...rigging the primary process in favour of Hillary to win the Democratic nomination and then the White House, at any cost".

And what is also clear is that this is twice now, in two of the last three elections, that the Democratic Party has been undone by its own blatant bias in favour of Clinton.  The first time in 2008 when an unknown junior senator from Illinois was able to best her for the nomination and the second time of course being last November's Election where the Party assumed Hillary would walk all over the Mad Hatter Trump. 

Lesson for the Dems ... don't try to out-guess your voters in the Primaries..let the grassroots decide who best can represent them.

But the Democrats cannot accept that and put the blame on the Russians and Putin who make a convenient target.

And more from Columnist Forsyth:

  • "Hillary lost because she is disliked by a lot of people who see her as cold, entitled, dishonest, morally bankrupt and corrupt elitist who has used her position for wealth and power and who really doesn't care about the general population".  He goes on, 
  • "Hillary went from having a good chance of being the first female president, to being so reprehensible to many people that electing Trump was the better choice.  Supporters didn't care that Trump was boorish , obnoxious, misogynistic, and spoke his mind regardless of the consequences".
In other words dear Reader, the finger of blame rests on the shoulders of Hillary Clinton and upon those of the Democratic Elite which conspired to see it happen.

As I see it...

'K. D.  Galagher'

Monday, January 16, 2017


What Was Up ...Is Now Down;  What Was Inside...Is Now Out; and What Was Right ...Is Now Wrong.

And that leads into today's two real stories:

True Story Number One - 

I have recently spent a great deal of time in my Blogs highlighting what I see to be the negative effects attached to today's modern trend toward Euthanasia which I term as being another word for 'legalized murder'.

Story One deals with this issue.

A good friend of mine who I will call 'Larry' for the purposes of this blog is a member in good standing of an organization known as Dying With Dignity.*

  • As an aside isn't it cute how these organizations name themselves - Dying With Dignity aka Murder Incorporated and ...not to be outdone is Planned Parenthood whose goal it is to see that no one becomes a parent.  It is to weep.
Back to my story though.

Larry and I have had a few discussions about the (in)appropriateness of Euthanasia with my pitch against it being two-fold...a) life is sacred and b) pain medication has advanced to the point where no one need suffer.  

Larry counters by saying if a person wishes to 'call it a day' so to speak, they should have the right to have a 3rd party administer a humane ending.  Larry also believes that there is still too much suffering which cannot be adequately controlled even by advancements in medicine.

I was therefore surprised the other day to hear Larry speak about a close relative of his who is quite ill.  Apparently she has been receiving medicine which has kept her pain well under control but recent cut-backs in our health system is now threatening see these effective pain meds cut-back.  (Remember Larry has hereto always told me that pain meds were just not up to the job). 

"What are we to do?" he asked.  "Without sufficient medication she will suffer pain".

"Larry" I said, "I have the answer for you - as a member of Dying With Dignity all you need do is to see her put out of her misery".

...Not so easy is it Larry?

True Story Number 2 - 

 A few weeks ago family members of ours were off to an out of town funeral.  The deceased was a middle age married woman who had sadly died from a debilitating illness.

I knew the town where the funeral was being held and asked what Church would the service would be held in? 

"Galagher, the funeral is not being held in a Church".

There was only one funeral home in this particular town so I simply said well then it must be taking place there.

"Not being held there either."

Now I was truly puzzled...where then is it taking place?

"In a local Bar"

I nearly choked.

With a Minister present, I asked.

Oh yeah, they've got a Minister lined up.

I must admit the thought ran through my mind that I hoped, at least, the good Reverend was a member in good standing with AA.

Anyway after their return home I was anxious to hear all about what had happened.

Was their drinking, I asked.

Oh yeah, lots of drinking 

And did the drinking stop at least for the service?

No, most of those assembled...(formerly known as the congregation), had a bottle of beer or glass of wine in their hands.

I refrained from asking whether or not the Minister was equally decked out.

But it got me thinking about Irish Wakes and I have been to one or two myself but they usually take place after the deceased was well and truly prayed and mourned for within the hallowed walls of the local eglise.

However in the case at hand, the Bar became a place for One Stop Shopping Funeral Shopping. 

In that regard, I wonder if the Bar has considered installing a crematorium out back.

Welcome to the 21st Century. 

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'


Saturday, January 14, 2017


Our National Papers have been actively following the story of a Registered Nurse (RN) charged with the murder of a dozen nursing home elderlies under her care.

With Euthanasia the new norm ...and more and more countries opting to make it legal, it is not surprising that the numbers of assisted suicide (legal murder) are snowballing.

This causes me to wonder if the above-noted RN is simply a bit ahead of the curve and that one day soon she will be seen as the Matron Saint of this abhorrent practice.

I say that since current polling indicates that a majority is in favour of it.

That's what brings me back to today's title regarding Legalized Gambling.

For years, governments professed to abhor all aspects of gambling and the 'unsavory' people who engaged in this 'immoral practice'. 

But that was then - today is now... where cash strapped governments are only too willing to dirty their hands in this.  I laugh out loud when I see a small gambling outfit - i.e. not pre-blessed by government, prosecuted to the full extent of the law for the temerity to ...well..gamble. 

It seems to me that governments' ire has more to do with it losing profits than it does with any concern for morality.

Simply stated, how in hell can government claim to fight against 'illegal gambling' when it is up to its collective armpits in this tawdry business. Of course it can't.

To be clear, as a Libertarian, I am not opposed to an individual gambling - heck I have succumbed to buying the odd lotto ticket and in my younger years went occasionally to the track with a $20 Bill in my pocket.  It's just that I do not see it to be governments' role to be actively involved in it. 

But what is clear ...whether it reigns in money from a plethora of lotteries or from skimming off profits from legal casinos, governments come out it Winning Big Time.

So what does this have to do with Euthanasia?

Well it wasn't that long ago when one of government's most important jobs was to protect the lives and welfare of its citizens...all of them.  Why laws have been on the books from time immoral to outlaw murder and since the time Before Christ, Doctors have pledged to 'do no harm to their patients'. 

Again, that was then and today is now.

I am particularly concerned because I am near the top of the Baby Boom and as such, am fully conscious of the fact that government health care systems will not be able to cope with our aging populace. 

What better way to deal with our influx than by seeing us prematurely 'offed'.  Not only will the heirs rejoice, but governments will save Big Bucks in the process while basking in the knowledge that the bulk of the populace is supportive.

And do not think for a minute the dirty deed will be limited to oldies - in many countries where Euthanasia is legal it applies equally to the infirm as well as to children.  

As I have said before, either life is sacred or it is not.  Once you give into Assisted Murder you are Gambling on it being judiciously applied.  It won't be. 

Why I'd even say you can safely Bet On It.

As I see it... 

'K.D. Galagher'

Thursday, January 12, 2017


That is to say, the latest craze going the rounds is to provide safe injection sites for drug users and even more recently, to provide vending machines to drug paraphernalia. 

This is in addition to supplying addicts with Free Methadone which costs our taxpayers close to $200 Million Dollars per year.  

Nothing though for drug treatment.  (Talk about coming at a social problem from the wrong end). 

I say this since, as a Libertarian, I defend the individual's right to do what he/she wants when it comes to their own person as long as their actions do not hurt others including unborn babies.  So, if an individual wants to take drugs,... that is their decision, but don't expect society to either assist them in their activity or pay for their habit. 

The same with Tobacco, if you insist on smoking - go to it, even though I personally would not smoke and even though the evils of smoking have been well and truly documented. 

Free Will includes the right to do what others perceive to be not in your best interest.

For example, the other day a friend of mine put forward the old adage that smokers should be denied government funded health care because they have compromised their own health through their reckless behaviour. 

There are lots of reasons available to refute this suggestion many of which I have set-out in earlier Blogs, so I will simply focus on the main one...if you value freedom, as I do, you do not want Big Government or any Government for that matter telling you or me what you or I can do / not do with respect to our own personal welfare. 

That kind of paternalism is only appropriate in the rearing of young children by their parents. 

More recently, the glare of Government is coming to rest on the issue of Obesity.  Again I say, if someone wants to eat themselves into poor health ...that is their business.  The Government has no place in their mouths or in their stomachs.  

And dear Readers, this intrusive role began in the 1970s with the mandatory requirement to wear seatbelts. Governments got away with it then and have ever since looked for new ways to meddle and interfere with one's own personal rights.

And of course realize, Governments usually have good reasons to support any of their proferred restrictions - certainly seatbelt use does save lives, and restrictions on what one can / cannot eat will have positive health effects... But again it comes at the expense of an individual's Personal Free-Will.  

And it is an expense I personally am not prepared to pay.

Its a slippery slope belts today, smoking tomorrow, what you can/cannot eat the next day, helmets.... and one day no doubt we'll all be required to try to get around in a plastic bubble.

Once a right is is lost forever.

So is there a Role for Government in all of this?

Of course... and it is an important one. In fact, it is two-fold:

First - Education

Government to me has a responsibility to its citizens to identify the pros and cons of various activities.  For instance, they have certainly done a magnificent job in explaining the dangers attached to smoking.  Smokers can no longer say that they were not pre-warned when they succumb to lung cancer.  Same with druggies, they too know the harmful effects of taking street drugs.

For those who heed the warnings..good for them.  For those who don't ... they are adults and are entitled to do what they wish... again as long as it does not injure others.

Second - Treatment

Governments' other important role is to provide timely and effective treatment when it comes to activities that addict - most notably street drug use.  If after advertising the ill-effects of drug use an individual still succumbs to its usage, Governments need to have in place treatment centres to help those who try to shake their addictions.  But it needs to be treatment ... and not enabling.

These two important  roles, in turn, will help empower Society to raise the overall health and welfare of its members.

It will also leave intact the individual's right of free will. 

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'  

Saturday, January 7, 2017



And the Progressives are beside themselves.  

And nice to see that they are no longer calling the least in America.

I won't recite the litany of reasons I have for saying this since like many of you, I am getting tired of rehashing their (the Progressives') shortcomings but for now let's just say things cannot really get much worse even under a Trump Administration.

Trump has placed Conservatives in all the key spots...several being his rivals from last year's Republican Race.  And to a person, they are smart and accomplished people.  No 'yes' men and women..rather they each have the gravitas to stand up to The Donald when they think he is wrong.

And as today's Title signals, we be doubly blessed since we'll know what's on the Prez's mind almost instantaneously from his ubiquitous Tweets.  

The lame Media will not know what to focus on since the 'news via tweets' will be coming so fast and furious, they will have little time to process one before another 'mock outrage' takes its place. 

Like many of you too, I am sick and tired of politicians saying one thing to get elected and then doing the opposite when in power. And though there will no doubt be some of that with Trump, it will be by happenstance rather than by cynical design.  

But make no mistake, Changes are coming and as a student of politics I can hardly wait.

And the Changes that are about to come are not simply due to a change in Parties ...that is to say from Democrat to goes way beyond that, since the GOP had itself become just a lighter version of the Donkey.  

This time the Change has more to do with the Average Man taking his / her rightful place back from the Self Appointed Elites.  And that is how it should be; Democracy is about the Will of the People not that of succumbing to the wishes of a select self-absorbed few.

Lunch-bucket issues will prevail over esoterical nonsense. 

But regardless of whether you are a Trump fan or not, the next 4 years are guaranteed to be anything but boring. 

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


But before I get into it, a note of thanks to you- the Reader.

A year ago I promised to focus mainly on items of international interest / import and since doing so, Readership has nearly doubled.  At the end of last year I had a grand total of 50,000 reads since I began this Blog a few years back, today that number stands at over 90,000.

So I will continue to stick with the international focus for the coming year.

In some ways, 2017 will be a replay of last year - the world will continue to spiral out of control but due to two very different personages - Obama and Trump, we are guaranteed some significant changes.

1.  On the international front and due to Obama's negligent dithering, Syria will become almost peaceful in 2017.  "Good news" you say ! Hardly, what it means is that with Russia's and Iran's backing.. the Syrian Henchman al Assad can now rule Syria again with a iron hand.  No freedom, No Human Rights, No Humanity. But...Peace.

2.  Trump, on the other-hand, is coming to power on a pledge to keep the US out of foreign entanglements and to play nice with brutal leaders such as Vladd Putin.  Fortunately, The Donald is not built that way (see final line below), and soon the two will be at each others' throats.  And that applies to other dictators and bullies around the world who mistakenly may think Obama's pacificisty has rubbed off on Trump.  

Here are some other important areas which will see notable changes in approach between these two:

3.  Climate Change, Green Energy, and such will take a back-burner in importance in the United States thereby saving American's $ Billions of Dollars in wasted time, effort and especially money.

4.  Business is back.  Trump's policy of reducing Business Tax from 35% to 15% will provide a huge stimulus to the American Economy resulting in jobs, jobs, jobs.

5.  The American Dollar will be strong throughout 2017 compared to other currencies.

6.  The Keystone XL Pipeline will finally get Presidential approval.

7.  Changes are coming to Obama Care but the big one will see  business get out from under paying the high cost of health care for their full time employees.  This in turn will reverse the trend, over the last 8 years, in the spectacular growth in part-time workers at the expense of full-time. 

8.  Given the Religious Community's support for Trump in the recent Election - something of significance will be given to them. Certainly we will see the de-funding of Planned Parenthood and likely much more. 

9.  The Wall will go up on the southern border with Mexico and Trump will find ways to wrest $ from their neighbour to the south to help pay for it.  Will it though stop tunneling? Because it won't stop migration from sea and air..but it will help.

10. Trump is also on record as promising vast investiture in infrastructure.  It won't happen - the Democrats have doubled the national debt to over 20 Trillion Dollars - that's Trillion with a T. The fact is the US is broke and it will take years of righting the Ship of State before infrastructure $ can be freed-up.

11.  On Free Trade, Trump has indicated that he will rewrite them in favour of American interests. Here again I hopeful that common sense prevails for a couple of reasons:  first, america is no wilting violet when it comes to negotiating such agreements and second, protectionism does not work all you end up with is more expensive and yet inferior goods and services. If Trump does persist with his nonsensical plan, we will all suffer, most especially the United States.

Other Predictions Regardless of Trump:

12.  Gold will tread water where it currently is - $1,100 per oz range.

13.  Oil will tread water too at the mid $50 dollar a barrel range even though OPEC members have promised to cut production to force the cost per barrel up.  This group makes Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves look like can't trust them.

14.  I mentioned Syria will see peace breakout and all for the wrong reasons. But Iraq will continue to see much division and bloodshed. The southern part of Iraq which is Shia will be spared since they will be protected by Shia Iran.  The Sunnis middle will continue to be the target of the Shiites and will foreshadow the day when the Middle East will see open warfare between Sunnis and Shia Muslims.  The northern part of Iraq occupied by the Kurds will see unrest until the day comes when the Kurds are given their own country...and that day is not far off.  In fact, you will soon see the current Iraq divided into three separate countries - the Kurdish north, the Sunnis middle and the Shia south and although that is unlikely to happen before the end of 2017 it will certainly be evident to all at year's end that this is the direction things are headed.

15.  2017 will see ISIS and similar Murderous Barbarians without any land holdings in the Middle East.  The Caliphate will have to await another time.  Their terror will now fully morph into guerrilla warfare throughout many parts of the world - more car bombs, lone gunmen, and the such.  It will not be pretty.

16.  Russia and Iran have replaced the US role in the middle east and more conquests can be expected...Libya anyone?  As long as NATO is parked in the former satellites of the Soviet Union, Russia will refrain from attacking them militarily.  I am though worried about the Ukraine which is not a NATO member and which does not appear to have sufficient support from that organization.  I would expect Putin to try more mischief there during this coming year. 

17.  Sunnis Nations such as Saudi Arabia will intensify their efforts to obtain nuclear weapons.

18.  Germany's Angela Merkel is toast and won't survive this year's national election.  She is blamed for the chaos caused to her country via the invitation to 1 million + unvetted Muslim Refugees in 2015 and 2016. 

19.  The EU will continue to totter which is too bad since a strong united European Union is needed to fend off an aggressive Russia, a totalitarian Giant - China, and a large pockets of hostile Islamists. 

20.  A strong NATO is needed now more than ever given the fallout from #19.  Trump threatened at one point to leave NATO...which is crazy talk and then demanded correctly that NATO countries pay their fare share. Of its 28 member nations only 4 or so pay the recommended 2% GDP on their military.  If NATO does not step up to the plate so to speak, things will go from bad to worse for freedom loving peoples of the world.  My guess is that the membership will start paying up in this coming year.  Plus I would have it change its name from North Atlantic Treaty Association to the North, South, East and West Treaty Association and expand membership to such countries as India, Japan, Australia and South Korea. 

21.  The British economy will decline and its pound drop even more from the effects of moving out of the EU.  Won't be a good place to invest in 2017.

22.  China -  will continue to threaten its neighbours.  It will also focus especially on Taiwan given Taiwan's President recent friendly chat with Donald Trump. I do not think it will go so far as to invade Taiwan... at least in 2017. 


So Predictions, Predictions, but one thing is certain, with The Donald at the helm of the Free World, ... 2017 will certainly be a most interesting year. 

And nothing, dear Reader, is certain as per the following passage I read in the papers over Christmas:

The mainstream press and the politicians take Trump literally but not seriously,,,while the electorate takes Trump seriously but not literally.  

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'