Thursday, August 25, 2016


But first... Do you get the feeling that we in the West are becoming immune to the daily onslaught of killing and raping going on throughout the world - most notably, but not exclusively, in the Middle East and Africa.

Each day it seems the newspapers contain many articles documenting the atrocities carried out by ISIS - a 100 there, 50 here, 30 somewhere else. These stories have something in common - beside the fact that they relate to the Barbarism carried out by ISLAMIC Extremists - they all are buried deep in the paper itself. What should be front page stories no longer warrant that coverage because they have become so common place. 

It reminds me of the olde saying:  First they came for the Jews etc etc.

Now Back to today's Blog:

As a Democrat and a Libertarian I believe that wherever and whenever possible, accommodation be made to incorporate minorities.

Take for instance our own Royal Canadian Mounted Police decision this week to allow Female Muslims to wear Hijab as part of their uniform.

A similar decision was made by the RCMP 25 years ago when they decided to allow Sikhs to wear Turbans.

At that time, I was opposed to this for reason of Tradition.  The RCMP dates back to 1873 - 6 years after Confederation and although its distinctive Stetson was not officially adopted until 1903 - it was its unofficial head-dress for many years prior.

You cannot get much more Canadian Authentic than the RCMP Red Serge - with Stetson and Sam Brown Belt.

To  me - Tradition is so important because it binds past, present and future generations and to tamper with that can cause the unraveling of our Identity. 

That said, I am not opposed to the Force's recent decision in the case of the Hijab because the precedent has already been made in the case of the Turban.  

So if Tradition did not trump Accommodation in 1990 why should it be any different in 2016.

The other issue in the news of late relates to what has been dubbed the 'Burkina'.   And this relates to the second part of today's blog - Freedom vs. Discrimination.

Several parts of France have banned the Burkina from their beaches - preferring as it were - half naked women in bikinis to fully covered Muslim Women in Burkas.


My philosophy - as I believe everyone else's should be - if your activity does not interfere with the rights of others - do not interfere with it.

In other words in the case at hand - if you like swimming in a bikini - go for it and by the same token if you are more comfortable covering up - so to speak - that's okay too.

That does not mean there is no place for exceptions. For instance, I believe a teacher should not be clothed in a Niqab since it impairs the learning experience.  Same for giving testimony in court - it is imperative that the Judge and or Jury are able to determine credibility and that cannot be done properly when a person is masked. 

So there you have it - Traditions are important to societies and should, unless there are very good reasons to the contrary be maintained.  Freedom is even more important and should not be restricted unless the reasons for restricting it is self evident.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Sunday, August 14, 2016

To Keep The Peace And Be Of Good Behaviour...

Many Jurisdictions have provisions whether it is for Bail, or Parole or a Bond - to allow individuals to be at large on their promise to 'keep the peace and be of good behaviour'.

And it works ... so long as the individual is a person of peace.

It is not so effective for those like sociopathic husbands who kill their wives for reasons of control or jealously nor is it effective for Zealots such as Islamic Jihadists.

On average, 3 women are killed by their male partners each day. 

Do you think for one moment that their undertaking to keep the peace etc. makes one bit of difference in their decision to the kill their spouse?  Hardly.

But today I am focusing on the second group - the Raging Jihadists and the effect such undertakings are likely to have on them.

We in this country just witnessed a case this week where a 24 year old male blew himself up even though he was subject to a Peace Bond. The Bond had been issued because of his online support of all things ISIS.  

Due to the excellent undercover work of the FBI - our RCMP was able to intercept this Terrorist as he was setting out to detonate two bombs destined for a nearby metropolitan area.  The Police caught him as he was entering a cab at which time the young chap blew himself.  No doubt his last thoughts were of the 70 virgins awaiting his entry into the hereinafter. 

Sweet Dreams Chump.

  • (We got lucky here - but from news reports around the world we know that too often that is unfortunately not the case). 

The issue that has emerged in our particular case is whether or not promises on the part of Jihadists to keep the peace .... is of any value.

And I think you will agree with me - that it is not.

The only way such promises will work is if the Police place themselves on 24 hr - 7 day watch of these disturbed and ruthless bozos but of course all that is lacking is the manpower and money to do it.

This takes me back to earlier Blogs I wrote where I provided the only solution....lock them up.

We are at War with ISIS and their ilk and in a war situation the only effective measure to stop 5th columnists is through confinement. Full Stop.

And how long should that confinement last?

Until the War has been Won !!

When I wrote this before I knew it was the only solution but I also knew that it was highly unlikely - in our Politically Correct World where bad is good and good bad - our wimpy politicians would ever deign to do this.

But the times dear Reader are a changing and more and more persons in authority are beginning to vocalize this very solution.

Sooner or later our anemic leaders will have to admit we are indeed at War with Islamic Terrorists and once that is done - the rest will follow.

Until then the domestic carnage will continue unabated.  

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

TEN THOUSAND BDS FOOLS MEET IN MONTREAL ...and the 11 year old girl.

Thousands of Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) followers are meeting this week in Montreal Canada with not only government approval but with government financial support. 

BDS of course is a movement against everything Israel and has over recent years spread across our Universities like a living cancer. 

Why Israel? may well ask, since it is the only ray of hope in the Middle East - a Democracy - with Rule of Law - and strong protection of Human Rights.

The answer of course lies in the fact that antisemitism is on the rise throughout the world.  It is to weep.

Which leads me to our 11 year old girl whom I met today and listened to her story.

Our heroine was that tender age when the Nazi stole her Austrian homeland and shortly thereafter tore her Jewish father from his family's arms and sent him to the infamous death camp Aushwitz. She told me she remembers the day like it was yesterday.

He died there.

Her mother was Christian and thus spared the camp but died shortly after the war presumably of a broken heart.  She had not only lost her husband to these animals but her young daughter as well whom she never saw again. 

Permit to explain. 

The family had an aunt in England who convinced the mother to send her daughter there.  So one day in 1938 her young daughter boarded a bus with other children of her age ... right down to tiny babies in diapers and left Austria.

When she reached England - she was told that her aunt could not take her in because she was a live-in domestic and there was no room for her.  She was placed in the home of an elderly couple who provided for her needs best they could. 

She told me today that she still vividly recalls how very homesick she was.  You could still see the pain in her eyes.

As she told me her story I thought of all those Holocaust deniers spouting their venom but it made me appreciate all the more the strength of character that this young girl possessed.

She went to school - married and has 5 wonderful children.  It is indeed a testimony to the strength of the human spirit.

She and her husband immigrated to Canada and enjoyed a long married life before her husband's recent death.  She is still physically and mentally fit despite the fact that she will turn 90 on her next birthday. 

She is quick to smile despite the tragedy of her youth and told me that she always reminded her late husband that he was most lucky to have married her - an orphan - since it meant he did not have to contend with an overbearing mother-in-law.  We laughed. 

Give me her Spirit any day over the wickedness of the 10,000.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher' 

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Who Ya Gona Vote 4 ??

These days, it seems when two or more get together the talk is about the American Election and more specifically 'Who Do You Think Will Win...Trump or Hillary?'

Indeed, I have lost count of the number of times I have been asked this question and it goes something like this:

  • Hey Gallager if you could vote in the US Election would you vote for Trump or Hillary.
  • "Trump" I say.... "can't stand Hillary".
  • Trump is a nut bar at least you know what Hillary stands for.
  • "True" I say... "and that is why I prefer Trump".

But in thinking about it goes way beyond my belief that Hillary is a money grabbing, inveterate liar.

Take the Beer Test if you will.

Who would you want to sit down with over a beer - Trump or Hillary.

I think if you were honest - you'd say Trump.

But even that does not quite define - at least for me, why I'd vote Trump if given the opportunity.

Simply stated I like and identify with his supporters!!

They are people like you and me - not hoity toity - just simply hard working and often god fearing folk who are tired of having their way of life ridiculed in a politically correct world:

  • Hard work is a mugs game;
  • Capitalism and Profit are evil;
  • Abortion and Euthanasia are derigueur;
  • Smoking's bad, marijuana is cool;
  • Religion is for the knuckle draggers;
  • They can't be trusted to raise their own kids;
  • Marriage is no longer defined as being between a man and a woman;
  • The Environment is the new Religion ...Stupid;
  • Tax, spend and rack up Debts and Deficits;
  • Police are pigs;
  • Whites are responsible for all of society's ills;
  • etc.
Count me with these supposed losers.

And as for the hoity toity - the Busybody Takers - just look who Hillary surrounds herself with - the arrogant, know it all Hollywood set that count themselves comfortably in the 1 %ers.  I can just imagine how long they would sit still to see their incomes taxed at usurious rates as the B and Ts would like.  Not long I can tell you.

And the socialist politicians that hover at her beck and call - they have never had a real job in their lives - preferring to live off the avails of the hard working taxpayers.

And then dear reader we have the Media - so far up know - where the sun don't shine.  No wonder Hillary and her ilk look so good to them.  These none-news folks have been able to sway public opinion time and again away from the Producers and Doers and chances are they will once again be successful this November.

But I for one do not like it and I still believe there are enough Americans who feel likewise.  

Trump has a good chance of winning despite recent polls but even if he does not win, I can take solace from the fact that there are worse things than losing - take for instance winning without a speck of integrity.

So count me among the red necks and the losers - aka 'the Doers' -

There I am at Home.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Saturday, August 6, 2016


For quite some time I have found the labels for Political Left and Political Right out of date and over the course of the last few weeks I have been putting my mind to finding better descriptors.

In a very generic fashion - Right to me means supports least government and least taxes while the Left of course appears to support the exact opposite.

But to me those generic descriptors do not appear to capture the essence of either one.

I kinda like the word Doers for us Rightists and Takers for you Leftists.  But those words too are not all inclusive enough.  

That said, I read with interest the other day that a Wild Rose Supporter described the new Socialist Government in Alberta Canada as A PARTY OF ENTITLED MOOCHERS  while calling his own party on the Right as a PARTY OF PRODUCERS.

Pretty Good Descriptors Too ...I'd say.

So we have Doers / Producers on the Right and Entitled Moochers and Takers on the Left.

This weekend I read of another suggestion - this one by Lord Conrad Black.  In his article 'America the Basket Case', he refers to the Left as a bunch of Vulgar Idiots.

So no shortage of potential new names.

But I am inclined to disregard Lord Black's offering - since I think the term 'Vulgar' is a bit over the top and the term 'Idiots' quite frankly applies to all of us at one time or another.  But good try on his least we know he is on our team so to speak.

So what about -  Producers & Doers vs. Moochers & Takers?

  • I see the word Producers to include our inventors and our builders - those that make things and create the jobs in so doing and in the word  Doers those who work day in and day out to provide for themselves and their families in our over-governed and over taxed world.

  •  Moochers & Takers are more closely aligned but between them they encompass those who love nothing better than to spend the avails of others especially the money of the Producers and the Doers.  For instance, public service workers earn much more and have greater benefits - including pensions -than their counterparts in the private sector. And why is this?  It's because our politicians - those elected to spend our tax dollars wisely - roll over time and again to keep bureaucratic peace and by so doing, buy the bureaucrats votes.  

In our country, their are twice as many Moochers and Takers than there are Producers and Doers.  In the United States the two groups are split roughly 50/50. And the rise of former is historically a rather recent phenomenon - dare I say - it started in the 1960s?
Prior to that and dating back to the very beginning of the settling of North America - our people were fully consumed with producing and doing in order to eke out a living. Moochers and Takers have only begun to appear in the last 50/60 years with the proliferation of social programs and the heavy taxes that support them along with the unrestrained growth of government.

It is worth repeating that 50 Million Americans are on Food Stamps - 1 in 6 while 100 Million - 1 in 3 receive some form of welfare.  They have opted out of society in large measure because they can. 

So let's reduce it down to Producers & Doers on the Right and Takers on the Left. 

But there is still something missing in the cut-down descriptor of the Left. It does not explain the Left's penchant for wanting - nay demanding -that everyone walk in lock-step with them (i.e. everyone must think like them).  When they support Global Climate Change - we all must do so; when they hate oil pipelines - ditto; Kangaroo Human Rights Commissions limit our Freedoms; they see Christianity as flawed  yet voice not a word of concern about the Islamic faith - well that is just the way it is and you'd better come on board, add gay marriage, unrestricted abortion and on and on and on. 

And of course, when those of us on the Right do not quietly fall in line with their often dubious way of thinking - we are labelled racists, homophobes and misogynists.

And dear Reader I have the word for this most offensive of traits - Leftists are ....drum roll please are .....Busybodies.

  • Busybodies are defined in the dictionary as persons who pry into or meddle in the affairs of others.

That leaves us with Producers & Doers on the Right with Takers & Busybodies on the Left. 

So from now on when I write about Producers & Doers I am speaking of those of us on the Right and when I refer to Takers & Busybodies I am referring to those on the Left. 

A final note - there are fewer and fewer countries with a majority of Producers & Doers the day appears to be coming when the vast majorities will consist of Takers & Busybodies and that will last only as long as the hard-earned avails of the former last. It is a world I do not want to inhabit but my heart goes out to my children and my children's children who from birth to death will be told how to , think and how to act and behave.

As I sadly see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Monday, July 25, 2016

SPEECHES ...Some Good...Some Bad

In that regard, I would rank Donald Trump's speech at the Republican National Convention as a 10/5 which I will explain in a moment.

But first, in modern time the Best Three Speeches for me are as follows:

1.  Winston Churchill's we will fight them on the beaches speech - which arguably saved Great Britain from defeat at the hands of Nazi Germany;

2.  Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech I have a dream which advanced civil rights for the Blacks immeasurably and finally,

3.  John F. Kennedy's inaugural speech - ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.

The first two - Churchill and King were orators - Kennedy was a good speaker but owed much of his speaking success to his speech writer Ted Sorensen.

So this takes me back to Trump's acceptance speech at last week's Republican Convention - as I said above, I give it a 10 /5.

By that I mean a 5 for delivery - Trump is no orator.

But he is a Communicator - and in that respect I give him full marks for his speech - a 10 out of 10.

In this, he is able to do what most politicians are incapable of - including his opponent Hillary Clinton.  The Poor Dear is neither an Orator nor a Communicator. 

Trump though hits the necessary notes and by so doing inspires his target groups - those who, for whatever reason, feel left out of today's political landscape.

How many of those that feel this way and who actually come out to vote - remains to be seen - but if Trump is ultimately successful in his contest against Clinton it will be solely due this ability.

And in that regard, I believe Mr. Trump has changed politics for some time to come - both in America and throughout the world.

The old style politics where the masses are lectured to and misled are for now behind us.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Elephant and the Donkey.

This coming week, will see the conclusion of the Nomination Conventions for both the Republican and Democratic Parties in the United States.

Trump has been confirmed and Hillary about to be.

One is a performer with no political experience whatsoever - a clown if you will while the other is an olde school pol who will do whatever is necessary - e.g. lie - to get her own way.

So who do I think will win - Hillary of course - how can she lose  - she has the women's vote, the youth vote, the black vote, the hispanic vote, the welfare vote etc etc.

Trump has but the vote of old white males.

Bookmakers too share this opinion giving dear Hillary 3 to 1 odds to win.

But of course Bookmakers are sometimes wrong as recently evidenced by Britain's vote to leave the EU.  The bookies overwhelming favoured the remain side to their chagrin.

And don't forget dear Reader that the same thing was said about The Donald when he began his quest for the Republican Crown nearly a year ago.  He was a Clown - unhinged, a dolt - no one in their right mind would vote for him.

Well someone(s) did.  He took the Republican Nomination with the most votes ever recorded in the history of the party.

Even I said at the beginning that although I was glad to see him in the race - so critical issues could finally see the light of day - I did not for a minute think he would end up victorious.  

So maybe - just maybe, this time the Elephant will prove to be victorious.

But the Trumper is making it difficult for himself.  In a Party criticized for being too old and too white - he picks a VP Candidate who like himself is old and grey.

I simply do not understand his choice when there were VP candidates available to him like Marco Rubio who would cut into the Hispanic Vote which would otherwise go to the Dems. 

Hillary's choice for VP is similarly tarnished (old/white) yet she need not worry about offending the Black and Hispanic Vote since they are her's by definition.

But the one thing Trump does have going for him Big Time is Islamic Terrorism.  Hardly a day goes by without news of another slaughter at the hands of ISIS somewhere in the World. Each time such occurs, the number of potential votes for The Donald increases.

And you can bank on this continuing to happen regularly right up to and beyond November's Election.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'