Thursday, July 30, 2015

Political Attack Ads…


Whether or not they work, I do not like them and believe that only parties that are bankrupt of ideas, stoop to us them.

Yes, I am speaking of the Conservative Party of Canada under the leadership of Stephen Harper.

The trouble I have is that this same team is the best of the lot – despite their use of negativity.

Tom Mulcair and the Dippers want to return door to door mail-delivery when then is very little mail to deliver in the age of electronic communications.

He is opposed to Free Trade Deals despite the fact that it lifts the economies of all parties who sign such agreements.

He is opposed to using our military oversees to fight such bad guys as ISIS – you know, the ones that cut people’s heads off and bury little children.  Imagine how the military will fair with Commander Mulcair at the head.

He is opposed to Pipelines despite the fact that much of our economy is based on our oil and gas industry and despite the fact that Provinces, like his own home province of Quebec, depend to a great extent on transfer payments which originate from oil and gas sales.

As much as Harper’s child care funding has been criticized it is interesting to note both the Dippers and the Liberals will keep it in place place.  Indeed the Liberals will double it and the NDP will add to it $15 dollar per day day care using the Quebec model which been a financial nightmare for them as well as an abject failure.

As for Trudeau of the Grits, lets just say he puts his foot in his mouth nearly every time he speaks off the cuff.

On the cusp of an Election Call expected this weekend – we find Canada nominated by the international Reputation Institute as the most envied country in the world.

And for most of Harper’s tenure, Canada led the G-7 in economic performance.

Our debt to GDP is at its lowest level in years and credit agencies are unanimous in stating that we are in a very favoured position compared to most other nations.

This year has also seen the Federal Budget balanced in more than 10 years.  Which too is a great accomplishment despite Young Trudeau’s declaration that ‘budgets balance themselves’.

There are things I do not like about Harper’s approach - over and above his reliance on mean-spirited ads.  In fact, I did a Blog not too long ago which highlighted a number of things that I would do if I were in his place.

But for me, it comes down to supporting the best of the bunch even if it means holding one’s nose to do it. 

I do not know which party will win come October 19th, nor do I know whether it will be a majority.  or a minority victory. Anyone predicting this early in the piece one way or the other is simply fooling themselves.

I do know, if Harper is unsuccessful, Canada will pay a dear price for his failure.

Whether you like the guy or not, he is far and away the best of the lot.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

IT’s Right Down The Centre …


The Umpire Calls Strike Three and,

Patrick Brown, recently elected Leader of the Progressive Party of Ontario, meekly walks back to the Tory Dugout.

What did Patty do now?

He was quoted over the weekend saying that during his leadership he would not open either the issue of abortion or gay marriage.

This from the guy who promised once and for all to do politics differently.

And this from the guy who attended the recent Gay non-Pride Parade.

So much for doing politics differently.

Lets take a look at the issue of abortion first:

The left will tell you that this matter has been decided by the Supreme Court of Canada.

It has not.

The Court, in 1988, kicked the olde law back to Parliament with instructions that it be clarified. (Even this left wing establishment recognized the need for legislation in this important humanitarian area).

Parliament though refused to act and continues to do so and thus Canada, along with such notables as China and North Korea, have open season on the unborn right up and including the time of birth.

Talk about inhumane.

Now in regard to same sex marriage, once again the Supremes worked their will and decided that same sex marriage was a right protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  To hell with history dating back hundreds and hundreds of years.

Decisions such as this, should be a societal decision either by way of referendum or via their elected representatives.

With a minority government – Harper and company made a half hearted attempt at legislation to make it clear that Marriage was a union between a man and a woman.  They naturally lost the vote and … quickly moved on and did not raise the issue again despite the fact that for the last 4 years they have enjoyed majority status.

So today we find ourselves with two very important issues dramatically affecting society that neither it nor its representatives have had any say in.


And along comes Paddy who promises to deal differently with politics.

And how does he begin  - he attends the Toronto Gay Pride Parade where a bunch of show boats prance around half naked … in their underwear.

And then he turns his back on two of the most important issues facing society which society has had no say in.

He would rather dedicate his time to more important issues such as imposing stiff restrictions on harmless e-cigarettes.

What a guy.

What is most sad in all of this is that Brown may very well prove to be an successful politician but he will never be able to say his success came from doing politics differently.

He is just like all the rest.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’




Saturday, July 25, 2015




Well, in fact, it is Terrible.

Let me count the Ways:

But first, for those of you who do not live in our fair and bankrupt Province … a little background.

As the Western World’s population ages, much time and effort is being expended on whether or not seniors will have enough money ($) to retire on when they hit the magic age of 65 years.

Here in Canada, there are a number of social programs that have been devised to address this issue including -

  • The Old Age Pension;
  • The Canada Pension designed to provide for 25% of a retiree’s income;  and,
  • The Guaranteed Income Supplement for Seniors.

Taken together, this provides the average retiree  with over $1,300 … about 1,000 Euros a month.

For the lowest 20% of seniors – this is more than they were receiving post retirement.

Now eliminating the highest 20% of seniors because their income is such that they do not need government assistance – we are left with the 60% that make up the  lower / middle / and higher Middle Class.

They too receive the Old Age Pension and Canada Pension plus many also have their own pensions from their days in the workforce.

But in addition, our Federal Government has other vehicles to help them prepare for their golden years including the Registered Retirement Savings Plan and the Tax Free Savings Plan.  Both Plans not only help retirees but also place funds in the retirees’ own hands to do with as they wish.

So all in all, Canada’s Seniors are doing very well … thank you very much.

With this background, we have the grossly indebted Province of Ontario coming along recently to say that Ontarians are not saving enough money for their retirement and it must now step in and create a new Pension to save them from their folly … so to speak.  This new Pension Plan, the Government says, will replace 15% of a retiree’s income.

So let’s see how they are proposing to do that:

  1. They will take from each employee 1.9 % of the employee’s annual wage and the employer will be required to match that.

    The employers say that this will only result in greater unemployment since they already have to pay for a number of deductions such as Unemployment Insurance, Canada Pension Deductions, Workers’ Compensation etc.

    The employee says ‘what am I going to do with the loss 1.9 % of my wages – with the high cost of everything, I have little enough left over now’.

2.   It will take 40 years of contributions to qualify a worker for a full pension but if the worker dies before he or she reaches that magic number – all is lost to the Government.  

     This is unlike the two Federal Plans above where you get to manage and control your own investments and when you die, whatever remains falls into your estate for distribution.

3.  The Plans’ greatest flaw though is that the individual’s contributions will be used by the Province to fund infrastructure projects – things like sewers, roads, bridges, transit.  Excuse me, but I cannot see how such projects will generate interest, or dividends or capital appreciation?

Do you?

This, then, is all a scam and has come about since our Province, once the economic engine of Canada, is now a basket case wallowing in debt.

Hardly a day goes by when the Liberal Government of Ontario does not announce another scheme to tax the hard won earnings of the Province’s hapless Taxpayer.

And the new Ontario Retirement Pension Plan is just another such scheme, albeit, a most outrageous one.


As I see it…


‘K.D. Galagher’ 



Friday, July 17, 2015

The Obama Deal…


Good or Bad ??

You Decide.

Allow me to help you by setting out what I see as the agreement’s pros and cons.


  • The big pro is that to stop Iran in it tracks from building the Bomb – it would have taken war between the USA and Iran.  It would not have been pretty, but it would have been doable.
  • ISIS is the biggest threat in the Middle East today and is extreme Sunni.  Iran on the other-hand is Shiite and a bitter enemy of ISIS and as Churchill is famous for saying “your enemy’s enemy is our friend”.
  • Many say it delays the inevitable – that is to say, that eventually Iran is going to get the Atomic Bomb regardless what the US or anyone else does – so anything that delays the inevitable is not all bad.
  • Russia and China are part of the Agreement so it will be a little difficult for them to reject it after the fact.


  • Iran is one, if not the greatest sponsor of terrorism in the world.  Seeing it obtain the Bomb is most ill-advised.
  • Iran is also one of the world’s greatest denier of human rights.
  • The country is ruled by a bunch of religious fanatics who, to put it mildly, cannot be trusted.
  • Iran is on record of stating that it will annihilate Israel and the only way that can be done is, if and when, it gets the Bomb.
  • When Iran does the get the Bomb – the agreement more or less says it can have one after 10 years – then other countries, most especially ‘Sunni’ Saudi Arabia will want it too and an arms race will be the result… increasing the likelihood of Armageddon.

Okay – I believe these are the most relevant points – so over to you – what do you think.  Let me know.  I know the answer is not black or white so I look forward to receiving your thoughts.

One thing though is certain – although Obama boasts that this agreement will help bring peace to the Middle East, one thing is certain – countries like Saudi Arabia will not wait 10 years to arm themselves with Atomic Weapons – if they have not already begun to take the steps necessary to get it – they soon will, since they fear Iran nearly as much as does Israel.  

And as a result, the Middle East powder keg will become even more explosive.

And wasn’t it the Bible that predicted the end of the world would begin in the Middle East?

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Ontario Teachers Need To…



We here in Ontario find ourselves in the midst of labour strife on the part of our Teachers and this coming Fall looks to become the major battlefront.

From my perspective, education is the most important service that government can deliver for society.  More so than health care because our future welfare depends upon a well educated and motivated labour pool.

And yet our education system sucks.

Right now, Ontario spends a little less than $10,000 US per year per child educated ($11,200 Cdn).  Although we do not fall within the top 10 nations in per capita student funding, we are on the cusp of qualifying for membership in that club.

The UK, Sweden, Holland and Belgium per capita spending is just over $10,000 and the remaining six countries range from $11,400 to $19,000.  (America spends $11,800).

So it is not that we here in Ontario do not devote enough money to educating our kids.

It comes down to how we are doing it or should I say, not doing it.

My daughter is a high school teacher so I have some inside knowledge on what is going amiss.

And dear reader, I am going to tell you what is wrong. 

It is just too bad that the teachers themselves – educated as they are – seem most incapable of telling us themselves what is wrong.

So here we go:

  • Class sizes are too high - 30+ class size cannot be properly managed;
  • Classes include numerous ‘special needs students’ which often disrupt the class and always slow the learning process for the non-special needs children;
  • The old core curriculum has been replaced by politically correct studies;  and,
  • Students are not allowed to fail.

These four fatal flaws come down from on high – that is to say from the Education Commissar in Kathleen Wynne’s Government at Queen’s Park in Toronto. 

So much for the Board of Education concern for the welfare of Ontario’s students.

Seems like an easy message for our teachers to communicate; does it not?

And yet the Teachers and more to the point – their Unions seem most incapable of doing so.

For them, it is all about power and more to the point – it comes down to the money – the Teachers’ Union is forever chasing more pay and benefits for its members – despite the fact that teachers on average earn $90,000+ per year plus benefits and pensions that take them well over the $100,000 mark …and this for working less than 9 months a year.

So the teachers are greatly indebted to their Unions.  And the Union itself manages a Pension Fund that as of the end of 2014, was worth in excess of $154 Billion Dollars.

You can see why teachers defer to their Unions and why their Unions are more focused on power through rising teacher salaries and benefits.

Given this and the fact that in the Teachers’ strikes over the course of three administrations – Conservative, Liberal and New Democratic, - the children are continually used as pawns in a constant blackmail for more. 

So when it comes to the welfare of our kids, it seems clear to me that neither the Teachers’ Unions nor the Liberal Board of Education in Toronto, have much, if any, regard for the welfare of our children.

The Board of Education needs to get back to basics and cut out the politically correct nonsense and the Unions need to be broken up.

In regard to the latter, I would issue vouchers to each student so that they may take their annual allotment to the school of their and their parents choice.

This will in effect privatize education and will result in much better educated students.

Competition is what is now lacking and Competition what is now needed.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

p.s.  For readers in countries other than Canada – please let me know if you are experiencing the same type of problem with your own school system.


Wednesday, July 15, 2015




The other day when Greece voted ‘No’ in their Referendum on whether or not to accept more conditions on their EU Bailout, I said the European Bankers were not apt to knuckle under to Greek Blackmail.

And they didn’t.

More surprisingly though the Greek Prime Minister did a complete 180 degree turn.

In so doing he out-did the most disingenuous of politicians:

  • he campaigned in the recent Greek Election on standing up to the EU and promising to never again submit to their demands for austerity;
  • then he called a referendum – ‘for democracy sake’ where he once again campaigned for the no side…and once again, won.

But with his capitulation before the EU Assembly all that meant nothing; So much for conviction, integrity, conscience and so on. 

He is left with zero credibility and now has the unenviable job of trying to sell his sell-out to the Greek Parliament, which has until midnight tonight to accept the tainted deal.

In a country where the truth is spoken lightly, the Prime Minister’s personal conduct in this area is entirely missing.

I think the chances of its Parliament approving of the recent bailout is remote but even if by some miracle it slips through, the chances of Greece surviving the package’s implementation are most unlikely indeed.

Greece has strayed so far from the norm in managing its own affairs – as countless recent news stories can attest, any chance of its citizens coming on board - even to give the deal lukewarm support is remote.

The only hope for Greece to get back in balance – that is to say, to start living within their own means and not relying upon the largess of others, is to bite the bullet – go it alone and resume using their own currency.

To me it is just a matter of when.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Monday, July 13, 2015

Let The Trumpets Sound…


The Donald is in First Place.

In a field of nearly 20 seeking the Republican Nomination for President of the United States, recently announced Donald Trump leads the pack with 15% support.


But you will recall that I predicted good things for the Trumper – simply because the guy can be expected to say what is on his mind, which in some cases are common sensible. 

Take his stand on Illegal Immigration – due to him alone it is now the main topic of discussion amongst the Media and the Pols alike. 

For decades America has had a porous border with Mexico. 

Even the highly revered Ronald Reagan did not have the courage to address the problem.

The Donald has stated that he will make closing the border his number one priority should he get elected and the folks are cheering him on wildly.

Every day seems to see another horror story concerning innocents being killed by illegals – one poor woman was murdered by an illegal Mexican Immigrant who had been deported on five separate occasions.

And you can bet your last dollar that none of this would have come to the fore had it not been for Trump’s candidacy. 

Do I think he will take his Party’s nomination – no I don’t but he most certainly has had an effect on the conversation – an effect that I view as positive since in the case of the illegals – it is an issue that desperately needs airing.  I view a nation that cannot manage its own borders to be a failed one.

But as I have said in an earlier Blog – if Trump does finesse it and it comes down to between him and dear Hillary – I will be rooting for the Trumper.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’