Monday, July 6, 2015

Gay Pride (?) Parades.


The other day, in one of my mini blogs, I gave the new leader of Ontario’s Progressive Conservative Party a called strike two (2) for having participated in the City of Toronto’s recent Gay Pride Parade.

After the blog – the usual left wing media came out to say ‘it was about time’ the Tories showed up and to my surprise, there were also a number of conservative commentators who felt likewise.

Well like Donald Trump did re his controversial comments about the porous southern US Border – I stand by my position that a serious politicians do  not attend Gay Pride Parades.

These so-called Parades are nothing about Pride and all about creating a spectacle.  Too much skin – silly outfits and people running about in their underwear. 

To participate only gives legitimacy to these antics and has nothing to do with recognizing the gay community as being equal to everyone else in society – which they are.

I have read about a number of Gays themselves who refuse to participate in these spectacles.

I guess they have too much Pride !

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Greece Votes No…



The Returns are in and Greece has voted ‘No’ in their Referendum held earlier today on whether or not to accept the terms of Europe’s proposed Bailout Package; the Package itself having been turned down by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras a few days ago.

So the question of the day is why did Greece even hold a Referendum if the bailout package had been withdrawn and more to the point,why did they hold it when they already held a referendum on this same subject less than 6 months ago – as in their their national election held on January 25, 2015.  It was on that date that  Mr. ‘No’ – the newly elected PM Tsipras had received a mandate to tell Europe to shove it …so to speak.

Frankly I am personally surprised by the results of today’s vote since I thought that with bank closings and the like – common sense would have prevailed with the populace voting ‘yes’.

So what is the fallout here?

Not much for those other than the Greeks – maybe some tiny market disruptions for a day or two, but really nothing of substance for countries other than Greece and that includes the EU too.

For the Greeks though they have once again laid down a marker that they want to continue with their spendthrift way of life – much like the Government here at Queen’s Park, in Toronto.

The Bankers though – the EU and particularly Germany are not apt to give into this petty blackmail and I can see Greece exiting the EU sooner rather than later.

And for Greece in the longer run it will be a good thing since they will only be able to look to themselves to solve their made in Athens problems.  Much like the natives on reserves here in Canada and the inner city Blacks in the United States.

But it is going to be a very painful journey for the average Greek.

It will be quite interesting to see how the tough talking juvenile delinquent – Alexis Tsipras fares.

The fellow is an avowed Communist who was unable to accept the ‘NO’ mandate he received in January’s election, then he petulantly went about negotiations with the EU Powers that be – and now he is faced with no one to blame but himself and the Greek electorate that voted twice in his favour.

And with two ‘No’s’ to his credit – his options are twice as limited.

If the consequences were not so dire – it would make for great entertainment.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Thursday, July 2, 2015



I Blogged the other day about how glad I was to see Donald Trump aka the Donald,  entering into the race for President of the United States since he could be counted on to call things as he sees them.

That said, if I was American I do not see myself voting for Mr. Trump unless it came down to between he and Hillary Clinton.

But the issue I was writing about – i.e.  that politicians on the whole do not tell us what they really stand for, was soon born out shortly after his presidential announcement:

Trump was asked about the situation on the southern border between the US and Mexico and he made it very clear that he was worried about ‘criminals, drug dealers and rapists’ entering the States virtually at will.

It did not take the Left long to vilify Trump and, led by the one of their Network spokes organs – NBC – Trump’s Apprentice Show was cancelled followed by Univision’s cutting its ties with his Miss Universe contest.

They called his comments “racist”.

Trump when asked if he was sorry for having made his comments quoted government documents which confirmed that 80% of women crossing the southern border had been raped during their journey while some 350,000 illegal refugees were serving time in jails for various criminal offences.

Bottom-line, the Southern Border is porous and American authorities have lost control over countless thousands of illegals entering into the country each year.

So the Donald was not cowed by the racist designation but you can see why other less brave (or perhaps more politically correct) refrain from saying anything they know might offend the sensitivities of the Progressive Left.

To call someone racist is perhaps the worse thing one can be called. How do you respond?

“No I am not racist” does not cut it – the damage has been done and the discussion has been effectively shut down before it even begins.

There are other such words that have almost the same negative effect – including Misogynist and Homophobic.

Dear Hillary falls back on the former while our esteemed Premier – Kathleen Wynne, the latter.

How do you fight it?

Sadly, if you are not a Donald Trump you don’t.

The result though is that discussions on issues that need airing are shut down – and freedom of speech sidelined.

The only way to correct this imbalance is for more of us to continue hammer away even in the face of such derogatory and demeaning labels from the Left. 

So go get’im Donald you are needed more now than ever and know – if it does come down to you and Hillary, and though you may not be able to count on my ballot – I most certainly will be in your corner.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’



Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Happy Dominion Day


As in July 1st. 2015.

For most of Canada’s history – beginning in 1867 – our birthday was known as Dominion Day and that was the name I grew up with.

Regardless – We live in one of the best countries in the world – we are so fortunate for peace, prosperity, health, clean water, good food, open spaces and our many freedoms.

This though did not come free; from the battles of the War of 1812 to the First and Second World Wars – many of our ancestors paid the supreme sacrifice in order to ensure that we enjoy the life we have today.

We, the living, must ever remain vigilante to protecting and preserving our way of life but for today – let’s take the time to fully enjoy our Country and give thanks for it.

God Bless



Monday, June 29, 2015

Donald Trump and Me


Donald Trump recently announced that he is officially running for the Republican Nomination for President of the United States.

And I am simply delighted since I find it most liberating to have a politician who feels free to tell us what he thinks, as opposed to the majority who tell us what they think we want to hear or even worse, cloak their speech in such bafflegab that it is impossible to discern what the hell they are all about.

So I am okay with his run for the Presidency despite the fact that the guy is a loud mouth buffoon and an ego maniac. 

And when you stop and think about it – these characteristics too make him quite suitable for political life.

So bring it on dear Donald.

So how do I fit in with this … as in the ‘Donald and Me’?

Well I would like to think that if I became Prime Minister of Canada, I would work to implement the crystal clear platform that I ran on.

And which, dear Reader, in no particular order, would include the following

1. I would axe the Senate;

2.  I would increase Canada’s military spending to 2% of GDP as suggested by NATO (currently we wallow at less than 1%);

3. I would bring back the death penalty for those who kill police officers / jail guards and for those who commit fatal domestic attacks on behalf of international terrorist organizations;

4.  I would retain only core government services as in Defence, Treasury Board / Revenue, Justice / Regulations, External Affairs, Federal / Provincial Relations, Immigration / Refugee and the rest would be either Shuddered or Transferred to the Private Sector;

5.  I would axe all of Canada’s Human Rights Boards, Commissions and Tribunals since in reality they do not protect rights .. they limit /eliminate them;

6.  I would make it clear that marriage is a union between a man and a woman as it has been for ages and will continue to be and which has formed the cornerstone of society.  Gays can have their own unions and call it what they want – but not ‘marriage’ … that term and definition has been taken;

7.  I would make it clear that Freedom of Religion is second in importance only to Freedom of Speech;

8.   I would introduce laws to Protect Unborn Children and reinforce laws to prevent Euthanasia.

9.  I would build oil and gas pipelines on a War Footing from Coast to Coast to Coast and beyond.

10.  I would axe the Indian Reserves – they don’t work and are the cause of keeping natives down in our modern era.  They need to go.

11.  Once the civil service is downsized I would keep any new growth to below the % increase in overall population growth and below the % increase in the annual cost of living index. 

12.  In hiring for the civil service I would cease quotas and make ability the sole criteria;

13.  I would give Members of Parliament real power to represent their constituents and to work on Parliamentary Committees that can make binding decisions;

14.  I would also work on a War Footing to eliminate the National Debt to ensure that our Children and our Children’s Children are not stuck paying off our bills;

15.  I would privatize health care and transfer much of the savings to education to ensure that our country has a strong foundation to build on now and in the future;

16. I would sue the major oil companies for price fixing and restraint of trade and keep suing them until the price of gas better reflects a truly competitive market;

17.  I would invoke the Notwithstanding Clause continuously in cases where our Courts feel the make law rather than interpret it.  The unelected Supreme Court needs to be told that its nine (9) justices cannot replace the Will of Parliament ..full stop;

18.  I would institute a pilot on an Annual Guaranteed Income on the basis that the many administrations involved in the current morass of income programs cost more than what actually reaches the pockets of those intended – the poor – the disabled an so on.   If, as I suspect, the Pilot bears my theory out – I would apply across the board;

19.  I would simplify the Tax Code requiring that all income be treated the same and would eliminate all of the special subsidies, allowances and so on.  There would be but three (3) brackets – 20%, 30% and 40% while those earning below a given ceiling would pay 0%;  and finally,

20.  I would implement the rank ballot method for deciding elections.  This would no doubt most adversely affect the right as things currently stand here in Canada but it is the fair thing to do – i.e. rank balloting assures that at least a majority of voters get a say in who their representative is.

That is what I would do and what I would like to see our politicians do.

In the meantime we continue to exist in Socialist Alice in Wonderland where as the late Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher said is okay until we “run out of other peoples money”.

As in Greece.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

p.s. maybe I should send this to the Donald?



Saturday, June 27, 2015

A Few More Quickies…


First Off – Former Member of Parliament – Del Maestro:

Here is a guy who was caught over donating to his Election Campaign by $20,000 some thousand dollars …. of his own money no less.

He loses his MP-ship / cannot run for office for 5 years; his reputation is gone; is fined and the Judge still thinks that a jail sentence is needed.  How absurd.

And then to add insult to injury his picture appears in all the nation’s daily newspapers in hand-cuffs and leg irons as he is walked out of court to the awaiting paddy wagon.

All the while the real cheats and scoundrels in Ontario’s Liberal Government go untouched.

Second – The Memorial to the Victims of Communism:

The Conservative Government of Canada has announced that it will built this massive memorial on the grounds of our Supreme Court despite the face that nearly 80% of Canadians – Conservatives, Liberals and New Democrats alike – are opposed to it.

Even if there was 80% support for it and even if the structure was not so ugly – the question remains as to why build it here in Canada in the first place.  We never had a Communist Government! 

Better to build in Poland or Hungary – or similar countries that truly suffered under such administrations.

Is the reason for such folly an attempt to garner votes from refugees who settled here from the Iron Curtain countries?

Are you pandering Mr. Harper?

Third – Strike Two Mr. Brown:

In a recent Blog I gave Strike One to recently elected Patrick Brown as Leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservatives.

Well now the dear man has a Second Strike with his announcement that he will march in Toronto’s upcoming Gay Pride Parade which are merely outrageous demonstrations.

Brown was to be the new true spokesman for the Right but he has once again fallen into the trap of trying to be all things to everyone and will end up nothing to anyone.

Gays ‘yes’ ….Gay Pride Parades ‘no’

Fourth – A Second Team for Quebec

And speaking of pandering – this week saw Prime Minister Harper in Quebec City supporting another NHL Team for the Province of Quebec.

Quebec had a second team based in Quebec City but it folded for want of support.

Anyway we are now leading up to the Federal Election and Harper was quoted as saying ‘if Ontario can have two NHL teams then Quebec should have two as well’.

A couple of problems with your analogy Sir – first Ontario has over twice the population of Quebec and second – Quebec receives many times the largess from the Federal Government as does Ontario.

More federal cash for Les Habitants seems not to be warranted.

And Fifth – Young Trudeau and ISIS

The Young Lad was interviewed this week about the situation in the Middle East and ISIS.

He said that upon being elected Prime Minister he would call back Canada’s six (6) CF 18 Fighter Jets and replace them with on the training personnel.

After-all it would not be right to hurt these doers of evil – the ones that behead – burn – drown – bury innocent children, women and men.

He also stated that he would re-establish diplomatic relations with Iran. 

What a guy. No wonder his polls are declining.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’



Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Charleston, S.C. … it is only fitting -


That the place where the first shots in anger were fired in 1861 to start the American Civil War is the place where true healing is now taking place.

Beginning with the Black Community’s unreservedly forgiving the 21 year old racist who shot 9 of their own while praying in Church this past week.

And now leading to the White Community voluntarily coming forward to denounce symbols of that War which to the Blacks represent their slavery and which to Whites they hold dear.

As an aside, the man who could have played a useful role in this – their President - once again proved himself to be most unhelpful by declaring that America’s DNA is rife with racism.

As he enters is last full year in power – his irrelevance stands in tact.

I am a Civil War buff and believe that Slavery was not the real cause of that War.  War, as I have said, is about Power and the Civil War was caused by a power imbalance between the rich industrial north and the poorer agricultural south.

As the population growth favoured the North, the South attempted to establish their own country and in the War to follow – the lion’s share of 660,000 killed were sons of the south.

To this date, Southerners look back on their loss in the Spring of 1865 as an end of their way of life – far more genteel and closer to the earth than their northern neighbours.

Slavery though was most certainly at issue in that lost way of life.

And yet, here in 2015, in recognition that the Blacks’ distain for the Southern Civil War Symbols far exceeds their own nostalgia for those same symbols Whites are now prepared to put those symbols to rest for the sake of their Black Brothers and Sisters.

We are witness to two miracles.

Amen to that.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’