Monday, November 17, 2014

Another Judge … Another New Law


As in an 11 year old native girl now has the legal right to refuse white man’s medicine which would in all probability cure her.

Can you just imagine if the reverse was true – what if an 11 old native girl was denied white man’s medicine which would in all likelihood cure her. 

There would be hell to pay.

But here we have a Judge deciding the Charter of Rights can be interpreted to give the little girl and her parents the right to sign her death certificate and this is just what the medical experts say will happen if she does not receive timely chemo therapy.

The only good that will come out of this is that finally a Judge will have to live publicly with his boneheaded decision.

Not that this good in any way compensates for the girl’s loss of life.  It won’t.

But it will look good on a Judge having to live his life knowing that a decision of his – where he made new law through interpretation –as is their want – has snuffed out a young life.

We have laws on the books now that compel parents and those in parental authority to provide children with the necessities of life. This should be the test applied here and the fact that it is not, is simply a tragedy.

At 11, the girl is far too young to even have a say in this.  If we were dealing with an adult – it would be entirely different – an adult can make such decisions for themselves.

So dear Judge – continue to interpret away but know that there are some dire consequences for your so doing.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’


Friday, November 14, 2014

They Are All In … HIGH DUDGEON.


The Generals – both Active and Retired; The Politicians – of all stripes; The Mass Media; and of course - The Man / Woman on the Street.

And exactly what has gotten their collective knickers in a knot – why some poor dude dressed up in pseudo military attire and had the nerve to attend Remembrance Services here in the Nation’s Capital on November 11th. 

I take a different tack – I feel sorry for the poor sod – obviously he is not happy in his own skin and for a moment was trying to be ‘somebody’. 

And in that regard, he got his 15 minutes of fame when interviewed by CBC at the War Memorial.

But he got more than that – he was outed and shamed.  The Police are looking into the possibility of laying Criminal Code charges against him and there are reports he may lose his menial employment consisting of building wooden steps for a local contractor. His marriage could well be in jeopardy too.

But that is not enough for the easily offended – one caller suggested he be put in jail for at least 10 years, another called for him to be forced to undergo basic training to ‘see what the military is all about’. 

Where is their charity … where is their compassion?

I try to think what my late father and his father – my grandfather would have said – veterans of World War 2 and 1 respectively.

I believe they too would have shown sympathy for him – not that they would have approved of what he did, since they would not.  But in the scheme of things such as ISIS creeps cutting off heads and terrorists killing unarmed soldiers here in our own country – his offence is really very small potatoes.

Many have even argued that our safety was threatened by this chap’s mascaraed – but how so - unless he came armed - which he did not. 

And it would be entirely different situation if he impersonated a cop.  Now that would be going too far since the public look to the police for protection.

So let’s call it for what it was – a pathetic little guy who for a few minutes tried unsuccessfully to be someone important. 

It is to pity him not destroy him.

Postscript:  Is it not somewhat ironic that an event where the underlying fear was that a terrorist would be found among them – the only one found was a would be soldier.  And wouldn’t it have been even more ironic had the would be soldier been killed by a jihadist?

I wonder what the chattering classes would have said then?

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Union Government In Canada


Over the years, there have been only a few Union Governments where two or more parties have come together to run the affairs of state.  The most famous was the Union Government headed by Robert Borden in 1917 during the latter days of World War One.

But do you happen to know the most recent example of this?

If you guessed this year’s Ontario Election … you’d be absolutely right.

The two parties which came together in victory were the Unions of Ontario’s Public Service and the Liberal Party of Ontario.

And is it not ironic that the term Union Government in our most recent example, contains just that – Unions.

If you are as old as me, you will recall a time when Unions really represented the over-worked and under appreciated – those who often worked under dangerous conditions and for the honour were paid a very modest wage.

Today though, Big Unions represent those who they would once have ridiculed – the overpaid and most privileged civil servant.

You might quibble with my contention that a Union can join forces with a political party and form Government but of course this is exactly what has happened.

Unions are not restrained by nuisance election laws that limit or cap spending and indeed spent multi millions in assisting the Grits to victory. Even the police union piled on against the hapless Tories.

And speaking of the Tories – do you really think anything will change with a new leader.  Look at the numbers: there are 1.5 million on Ontario’s payrolls.  Add spouses, adult children etc. and that number quickly turns into over 3 million all of whom have a vested interest in seeing the current arrangement prevail.

Juxtapose that to the number with the number who actually voted this past June – some 4.5 million or roughly half of the 9 million who were eligible to vote.

So if you start off with 3.5 million bureaucrats and their families in your pocket all anxious to preserve their entitlements -  it becomes virtually impossible to affect the status quo.

It reminds me of the days when the Liberals federally won election after election since they started off with virtually all 75 seats in Quebec along with those ridings in francophone eastern Ontario and northern New Brunswick.  

But the real issue here or should I say issues, is the fact that all of this support is most undemocratic:

  • first, why should Unions be able to vote for one party when their membership is made up of voters who support numerous positions.
  • but even more sinister, is the fact that when Public Service Unions support tax and spend they are thumbing their collective noses at the voters who are also the Province’s Taxpayers who end up paying the freight. 

So what to call this coalition Government?

What about the Liberal / Union Party of Ontario?

Or better yet, the Union / Liberal Party.

And even better, the Union Party of Ontario since that dear reader -  says it all.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Should November 11th Be A Holiday …


Note:  I meant to say in the following Blog that the day of course should be given off to all veterans.  In addition, I am now more convinced than ever that a general holiday is a big mistake.  I say this because I learned today that the big Unions of Quebec take the long weekend as their remembrance so today – Monday the 10th of November - is a holiday for them.  How disrespectful but then again, the Ontario Teachers did something similar as per below.


Rather it should be a time of Remembrance… not party time.

Some of you will know that I once worked for the Minister of Veterans Affairs.  I vividly recall our first Remembrance Day then and still a holiday for federal employees. 

The staff was called together the day before and it went something like this:

Given that tomorrow is November 11th, wouldn’t it be nice if we all met at the office at 10 am tomorrow and then walk down to the War Memorial together.”

There were over 20 staffers present and the suggestion was met with dead silence.  Obviously  they had no intention of spending 11 am in remembrance, despite the fact that for the rest of the year, they worked directly on behalf of Canada’s veterans.

Ontario teachers have shown that they too hold Remembrance Day in questionable regard.  Once upon a time Schools here had November 11th off but teachers, in their wisdom, traded the day for more time off at Christmas.

So no, I am not in favour of a day off and I would even be inclined to rescind the holiday for Canadian government employees.

Rather, I would like to see the tradition begin to have all commercial enterprises closed between the hours of 11 am and noon.  And that everyone come to a stop for two minutes at the strike of 11.

Someone suggested earlier today that the two minutes silence be concluded with the peeling of church bells across the country.

I like the idea since it would touch everyone alike – those who would go to services and those who would not.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’ 


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

PM has acquired a little more competition.


In the form of Premier Kathleen Wynne …she thinks she is the Prime Minister.

This is not that new of an affliction, many Quebec Premiers in the past have also suffered from it but I do believe this is the first for an Ontario Premier.

As as aside, it has also afflicted others in a different way; we have had three Governors General who believed themselves to be the Queen – Sauve, Clarkson and Jean.

So why do I say dear Ms. Wynne believes herself to be Prime Minister?

First she brings in a Bill to create a Pension Plan to compete with the Canada Pension Plan.  It is so unnecessary.

Then she travels to China on a Trade Mission which in my opinion is and should be the propagative of the Feds.  To make matters worse, she does so in the face of the Hong Kong demonstrations for Democracy.

She then sends money to Africa to fight Ebola – albeit a most worthwhile endeavour but one the should be led by the Government of us All.  In reality her job is to get her province ready in case this epidemic spreads here to us. 

There is only so much money to spread around as she should well know.

And most recently, the dear lady is advertising in the media about Remembrance and Canada’s role in wars around the world.  I thought matters of veterans was the exclusive preserve of the Federal Government.

I guess Wynne is not happy confining herself to ensuring high hydro rates, loss of high paying manufacturing jobs, wasting money on numerous scandals …she now wants to branch out to the federal level.

Prime Minister Wynne… it has a nice ring to it.

But Heaven help us all.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

It Beats Me How …


One little twerp – albeit a ‘terrorist’ little twerp, could cause so much mayhem in and for our society.  I cannot recall more print and film being expended on one petty, vile individual; the 24 hour news cycle at its worst.

The following comments abound – end of innocence, this changes everything…  Not.

Ever hear of World War One when Canada lost over 1 in 10 of its male youth?  Heaven help us when we suffers a more significant terrorist act like that sustained by America on 9/11. 

That is not to say that a lone gunman cannot wreck havoc and affect the course of history – think of Lincoln and Kennedy.

But let’s not overstate it and to cut the chaff from the wheat, the only real issue that emerges from last week’s killings in both Montreal and here in Ottawa is what should we do with the 90 or so other little twerps freely roaming around..ready to strike?

Lock them up for Treason comes immediately to mind even though that would take a legislative change and I say this as a retired lawyer and a Libertarian to boot. 

Dear reader, we are at war and this will likely continue for some time to come. Our enemy is the World’s Terrorists …primarily the Muslim Extremists of every ilk and kind.

And know, these Bully Terrorist Groups are not doing it for Religious purposes – that is just to  shield their real motives of power and prestige.

They want to see Western Societies and indeed all Societies in their own image and will not rest until those ends are achieved or until they rest a good 6 feet under. In regard to the latter, let’s do our bit to help them along.

So that brings us back to the infamous 90.  They spout their venom and mimic their foreign twisted masters in the wish that our Society come to an abrupt end.   

This is a new phenomenon – we are not dealing with foreign armies but rather with organized guerrilla groups intent on inflicting as much pain on us as they possibly can.

If we have those amongst who support those objectives, they are our enemy – plain and simple.

Round them up with a view to deprogramming them.  If that does not work – keep them under lock and key until their masters abroad are defeated.

Harsh?  You bet, but sadly necessary.

The bottom line here is that although we should not fear terrorists, we should not leave them alone to their own devices.

Freedom of speech and thought is still paramount but there are limits; you cannot let someone like Hitler speak freely about the need to kill all Jews nor can you allow Islamic Terrorists to speak freely about the need to kill “infidels” like you and me.

The left will howl but as P.E.T. famously said, let those bleeding hearts bleed.  Your life and my life is more worthy than the lives of petty, cowardly terrorists.  Full stop.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

On One Of The Proudest Day’s Of His Life -


Corporal Nathan Cirillo, 24, married - with one young son, was cowardly shot dead this morning while he stood guard over the Grave of the Unknown Soldier at the War Memorial in Ottawa, Canada’s Capital. 

Cpl. Cirillo was a Reservist with the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders based in Hamilton, Ontario. He had joined army cadets when only 13.

His death follows by only two days the equally senseless and cowardly murder of Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent in Saint-Jean sur Richelieu.

In regard t these deaths, the first question on everyone’s lips is understandably – Why?

And to that I offer the following:

In both cases, it appears that these murderers were born and raised here in Canada. And given their actions, they would have been raised on violent and soul destroying computer games that depicted killing, rape and maiming as normal daily activities.  A toxic mixture itself, and then overlay that with extremist messages from the Internet and you have a very potent and volatile situation.

In essence, the murderers become brainwashed and in a sense are victims themselves.  Not said to excuse their acts but to explain how they are being used by extreme terrorist groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda.

They are not core members for the simple reason that it is power that fuels the Bin Ladens of the world – they want to be in a position to tell you and me how to act.  Rather the home grown terrorist is much like Stalin depicted them – useful idiots.  They are and can be just as deadly though.

The next natural question naturally to arise is what do we do?

Another soft one.

We are at war with Terrorists throughout the world - especially in the Middle East.  When our security forces uncover those living within our borders expressing sympathy for these murdering barbarians – we lock them up for the duration.  Simple as that.

I am not a big fan of the late Pierre Trudeau but I do very much appreciate the following comments he made during the height of the FLQ Crisis in the 1970s:

A. Well there are a lot of bleeding hearts around who just don't like to see people with helmets and guns. All I can say is, go on and bleed, but it is more important to keep law and order in the society than to be worried about weak-kneed people who don't like the looks of ...

Q: At any cost? How far would you go with that? How far would you extend that?

A: Well just watch me.

Q: At reducing civil liberties? To what extent?

A: To what extent?

Q: Well, if you extend this and you say, ok, you're going to do anything to protect them, does this include wire-tapping, reducing other civil liberties in some way?

A: Yes, I think the society must take every means at its disposal to defend itself against the emergence of a parallel power which defies the elected power in this country and I think that goes to any distance. So long as there is a power in here which is challenging the elected representative of the people.

So Terrorists, whether home grown or from afar bring it on, you will find us more than up to the task.

As I see it…

“K. D. Galagher’