Tuesday, October 21, 2014

One Thumb Up …


One Thumb Down.

The Upped Thumb:

Yesterday, in the House of Commons, Prime Minister Harper did not hesitate whatsoever in announcing the Terrorist Attack in Quebec which took the life of one of our force’s members and badly injured another.

The Jihadist, was shot to death when he plunged at police with a large knife.

The cowardly killer had run down the two soldiers with his car, a method of killing recommended to these domestic creeps by Islamist Extremist.

Just before he was killed, the Terrorist called 911 to boast about his despicable act all of course in the name of Allah.

Had this happened below the border,  the Little Guy in the White House most likely have written off the incident as an unfortunate automobile accident.  Indeed that has been his modus operandi in numerous such incidents to date – spewing such nonsense as ‘workplace violence’.

So well done Mr. Harper for calling this inhuman act for what it is. 

Too bad you are the type of Leader the West needs – all you lack is an army as opposed to the Little Guy who has an army but lacks leadership.

The Downed Thumb:

Rona Ambrose, the Minister of Health announced today that Canada would not be sending medical personnel to the Ebola infected parts of Africa until … are you ready for it “we have a guaranteed medical evacuation (plan)”.

So here we have thousands of Africans dying from a disease that has no known cure and are in desperate need of the type of modern medical help that only  countries like ours can provide.

And what a weak excuse – no evacuation plan. 

I say that because the key to stopping this outbreak is to contain the outbreak where it now exists and the only way that can effectively be done is by sending expert medical help and treatment to the source.

Sure it is dangerous but so is sending our troops out to fight bad guys around the world.

In our supposed civilized world there are some things that just have to be done and the poor souls fighting for their lives from Ebola are deserving of our humanitarian best.

I would not force medical personnel to do this – rather I would ask for volunteers and knowing us Canadians I suspect there would be lots of takers.

In the meantime get the army working on needed evacuation plans – they are fully up to the task.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Blood Is Thicker Than Water …


  Note:  In the spirit of fairness I must point out that although I am critical of Muslims who betray their non Muslim neighbours, it was not that long ago when Christians in Germany did the same thing with respect to their Jewish neighbours.  Sadly, I fear, if given another opportunity, it would happen again; Civilization appears to have a very thin veneer.

It certainly appears that way for Tribal Members in the Middle East.

Recently, I was part of a small group which organized a Rally on Parliament Hill intended to support our Government in its efforts to stop the Killing, Raping and Pillaging going on throughout the Middle East and many parts of Africa.

The worst offender is the Barbarian Group known as ISIS.

During the course of the Rally, one of the clergy with strong ties to Mosul, Iraq told us that when ISIS invaded Mosul they had no idea where the Christians lived.  They were soon identified by their hereto peaceful Muslim neighbours.

These neighbours painted signs on their Christian neighbours’ doors thereby conveniently identifying them for persecution at the hands of ISIS.

Mosul today is totally bereft of Christians despite the fact that Christians there dated back to the 1st Century A.D.

More recently, the Kurds fighting for their collective lives in Syria have seen this too.  Invading ISIS has been helped by Muslim Neighbours marking Kurdish abodes for slaughter.

All this seems fly in the face of conventional wisdom that states the vast majority of Muslims abhor ISIS and their minions and that if only given a chance, they would come out and publicly say so.

But they certainly don’t appear to be doing so when given the chance in either Iraq or Syria.

So what are we to take from this?

I am not sure – especially as it relates to us here in the West.

One thing I do think we need to assess – and quickly – is whether major reductions are needed in the flow of Muslim immigration to our shores.  Sad to say, but it appears that this will be necessary until peace is restored in these war torn parts of the world

And that peace will only come when the Muslim Majorities demand it.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Death and Dying …


Better said - Dying and Death …

Or Best said – just Death.

All in keeping with the fact that the Supreme Court of Canada is about to hear a case involving the right of Canadians to Death by Assisted Suicide.

Without getting into why the courts are dealing with such issues of social import rather than our elected Parliament - let’s deal with the matter itself.

That said, I believe the Court will rule in favour of expanding this manufactured ‘right’ – it just can’t seem to help itself - and in so doing, will mirror the wishes of today’s society.

Indeed, recent polling reports that 84% of Canadians are in favour of such; count me though as a 16%er.

Some attribute such high support to the decline in organized religion but realistically thinking – the religious have nothing to fear from death; the atheists everything.  Rather, I see it more as a fallout from society’s great propensity to dispose. After all, it’s much easier to use pampers than cloth diapers as our over-full landfills can attest.

When I grew up in the late 40’s and 50’s families took care of themselves – households were often multi generational – grandparents, aunts and uncles. That generation took care of their own.

Then in the 60s we came along – along with  nursing homes.  We could now warehouse the sick, the elderly and the infirm.

And with the ever rising cost of health care, this warehousing has itself become inconvenient…and  dear reader, it is all about convenience.

We – us boomers - are ‘me generation’ – and we want for society what we perceive as good for us individually.

I saw a woman interviewed recently who complained bitterly about having to be care giver to an elderly relative.  Apparently no beds were available in the community and she was angry that the government did not financially compensate her for her efforts.  Her patient was her elderly father.

Now the overwhelmng cry is for a permanent solution.  Reminds me of the Nazis era.

The Pro Suicide folks  – like Pro Choice – couch it as providing a choice but the choice really comes down to death.

So bring us your sick, your dying, your infirm and did not financially compensate her for her efforts. we’ll happily send them on their way into the abyss.  All the while, we comfort ourselves in the mistaken belief that we are being humane.

Modern medicine has advanced to the point where no one needs to suffer – so the need for choice is a hollow one.

Either life is sacred or it is not; there should not be qualifiers.

But for 84% of us – and likely the SCC, let’s just get rid of those who don’t measure up – or are used up – it is much cleaner and of course so much more convenient.

And with us baby boomers getting longer in the tooth – it will most certainly save money at least for those of us who remain healthy.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’ 



Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Is There A Solution To The Muslim Crisis?



Certainly not in the short or medium term – i.e. not within the next 10 to 20 years.

And do you know who shares much of the blame?

You and I and more specifically, we in the West who have paid $ Trillions of dollars to Middle Eastern Sheiks for our energy .. primarily oil.

We had a chance in the early 70s – when OPEC was formed, to put in place a crash program to become energy self-sufficient but we let that opportunity pass – some 40 years ago.

Our cash over those subsequent years – has been used to terrorize us abroad, and innocents in their own homelands.

So if there is no solution to the ‘crisis’ – why are we and our other allies sending CF 18’s to bomb ISIS et al?

Glad you asked.

There are three (3) main reasons:

First, it is to degrade (destroy) ISIS the most despicable and barbaric bunch of bastards the world has seen in many a century.

And they can be destroyed from the air since they are not only detested by our friends but by many of our enemies as well.

Second, to give those innocents who are currently trapped by ISIS a chance to run to freedom.  Most notably among these groups are the Christian minorities.  - and -

Third, to give those troops on the ground – the Kurds, the Shia etc. an opportunity to regroup and renew their fight against these ISIS maniacs.

That is why Canada and so many others have joined the US led coalition.

But as the title of this Blog states, this will not bring peace to the Middle East or so many troubled spots in Africa.

Nor will our boots on the ground do any good – as some propose.  Indeed, it has been over 60 years when boots on the ground did any good and that was Korea.  Since then, it has been once big disappointment after another and the consequent loss of life, maiming and loss of treasure.

The only way peace will come to these tragic areas is for the people there themselves to rise up themselves and demand change.

Until that happens – nothing of substance will happen.

In the West we can help things along first by becoming energy self sufficient so we no longer find ourselves funding our own demise.

Second, we need to cut off these troubled areas as much from the rest of the world as possible - not only to prevent the spread of this cancerous terrorism but to force the Muslim populations generally to look inward at themselves for solutions. (can’t you just hear the loony left screaming at this one). 

That’s it from here – bomb ISIS into oblivion while helping native boots on the ground to do the clean-up work – all the while letting those innocents trapped by ISIS an opportunity to escape.

It will not be a fix for the problem but it will at least set the stage for a real fix and drop the issue squarely into the laps of the locals where it properly belongs.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’


Saturday, October 4, 2014

Beg Your Pardon ?…


Say Again.

Mssrs. Mulcair and Trudeau will vote against Canada’s involvement with the coalition of over 40 other countries against ISIS because …

‘Harper has not adequately explained to these two gentlemen the need for it’.

A reality check for them – ISIS has already explained the need to do so by their public beheadings, other vicious modes of killing, raping and sexual slavery and the burying alive of children and babies.

Here is what this week’s UN Report had to say on the subject:

ISIS forces have committed gross human rights violations and violence of an "increasing sectarian nature" against groups including Christians, Yazidis and Shia Muslims in a widening conflict that has forced 1.8 million Iraqis to flee their homes, according to the 29-page report by the UN Human Rights Office and the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

"These include attacks directly targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure, executions and other targeted killings of civilians, abductions, rape and other forms of sexual and physical violence perpetrated against women and children, forced recruitment of children, destruction or desecration of places of religious or cultural significance, wanton destruction and looting of property, and denial of fundamental freedoms."

A reputable poll out this weekend states surprisingly that Mulcair and Trudeau are not alone in their bizarre thinking since 26% of Canadians say they share their myopic vision.  

And it is not as though Canada’s contribution is significant … it is not.  Indeed our help to the mission is below modest even – a half dozen aged war planes and a refueler.

Even so, ISIS has made the case for countries like ours to get involved and even the left leaning United Nations concurs – so Harper’s two cents worth is really redundant.

But doesn’t one just shutter to think of either opposition leader as PM – other than I guess for their 26% public supporters.

Let’s be clear here – Canada’s contribution and indeed the entire mission will not succeed in cleaning up the Middle East – it can’t.

The only way the Middle East will be calmed is when the inhabitants of those war torn countries say they have had enough and work together to restore peace and prosperity and the likelihood of that remains years (decades?) off.

What Canada and the others are doing is to curb (degrade) ISIS, the most ruthless group of barbarians the world has known in many of centuries. 

The Mission gives the good guys on the ground such as the Kurds a chance to regroup and fight these cancerous terrorists on their own.

And finally, it gives the victims of ISIS brutality, the opportunity to flee for safety.

That is why Canada is joining on and that is why Mulcair and Trudeau are so misguided in their thinking.

As I recall, was it not Young Trudeau’s dad who rode the streets of Montreal during the Second World War wearing a Nazi helmet?  And was it not Mulcair who came out after 9/11 to say it was an inside job?

Stellar men both.

As I see it …

“K.D. Galagher’


Friday, October 3, 2014

Mine is bigger than yours …


As in Young Trudeau and his macho comment of yesterday.

Apparently Trudeau thinks it’s macho to see who can whip out the biggest …… jet fighter.

Well I hate to break it to the young lad but in Canada’s case we are dealing with aging CF 18s that no longer measure up – so to speak – to current day state of the art air machines.

And if he thinks Harper is dumb enough to play such a macho game with out-dated fighters, it makes you wonder how small his point of reference is?

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’

Thursday, October 2, 2014



This new century was supposed to be one of peace and prosperity and instead has recycled back to the mid half of the last century some 50 – 60 years ago.

And I vividly recall those troubling days:

Communism was our common foe, the USSR was act its pinnacle of power and Red China was considered a most sinister albeit sleeping giant.

The World had undergone several hot wars, WW I and WW II as well as Korea and was then entangled in Vietnam, the latter, a product of the Cold War with Russia.

Nuclear War was a constant threat back then but as the Century progressed that concern declined in the lead up to the end of the Cold War with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the accompanying disintegration of the USSR.

China began to awaken and in so doing, jettisoned radical socialism in favour of capitalism while retaining its totalitarian way of governing.  The hope though was that as consumer goods became available to them – things like cars, homes and money in the bank, totalitarianism too would gradually fade into history.

Boy were we wrong.

Flash ahead to today and Russia is on the move again trying to reinvent their Socialist Soviet Republic.  Its former satellite states sit ripe for the plucking.

All the while, the little guy in the White House sits idly by offering nothing but a bewildered look on his face and all the while professing it is “not my fault”.  I have never in my life come across a person who could so readily find someone other than himself to blame.  (Have to wonder if he does that at home with Michelle?)

In a matter of a few short years, China will be the world’s largest economy replacing the once almighty US of A.  To make matters worse, China has now positioned itself as America’s banker and is using its new found profits to dramatically expand its military. Her neighbours shutter.

This is occurring while Chinese authorities ruthlessly crush protest throughout the country and are now engaged in a stare down with Democracy Advocates in Hong Kong.

And yet things are not as bad as they were back then… they are far worse.

The Middle East is on fire.  Terrorists there and throughout many parts of Africa are butchering and raping at will while the supposed civilized world stands idly by awaiting a most reluctant America to come to the rescue.

The little guy tries to screw up the courage to do something while avoiding the fact that had he acted sooner … drawing real red lines in the sand in Syria and retaining troops in Iraq, the chaos the Middle East could have been avoided.

What a mess.

But dear reader, I have avoided the real danger issue and that is with respect to a Nuclear Iran.

Iran for all intents and purposes now has the bomb and is working diligently on perfecting its delivery.  Moreover, it is on record as saying its goal is to entirely eradicate Israel and with these bombs, the small State of Israel could be vaporized in a matter of minutes.

All hell would then break lose with the likelihood of war too catastrophic to imagine.

The US is currently engaged in negotiations with Iran in regard to seeing its nuclear program limited but as things look now, these negotiations are likely to end in failure with no adverse repercussions for Iran.

Our only hope is that Israel acts unilaterally to set back Iran’s program (i.e. bomb their sites) to give the west more time to get it right. 

As I said, things have never looked so bleak and yet many in the West continue to advise against getting involved.

It is to cry … or to laugh.

Where are the Winston Churchills and the FDRs when you need them?

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’