Sunday, September 11, 2011


So today is the big day came and went at last.

Given all the coverage in the lead-up, I was beginning to think it would never come.

As I stated in my recent Blog - I think there should be this 10th Anniversary - but that should be it. We in the West need to get back to normalcy.

Much of the commentary in the lead-up has queried whether or not "we are safer 10 years later"?

I can understand why this question is raised so often but to me, it misses the real point. The Real Point being; have we lost our footing during this timeframe?

And I believe we have done just that. But I also believe we will eventually regain it.

Since 9/11, $trillions have been spent on 'security' while at the same time our freedoms have been slashed.

The very serious problems we now face in regard to the economies of the West can be directly linked to the tragedies of that day.

So too can be the invasion of our collective privacy and the indignities suffered when travelling, visiting government facilities, the thickening border, our growing suspicions of neighbours and so on.

In that regard, the Islamists have won a great victory over the course of this last decade. Not for the heinous 9/11 attack itself but because we have turned ourselves inside out in the face of fear.

When we needed Roosevelt's "we have nothing to fear but fear itself" - we got shoe removals, and invasive x-rays when attempting to board a plane.

Little olde ladies bent over and frail get searched by those sometimes looking more like terrorists themselves.

We needed strong leadership and got pygmies (my apologies to pygmies but I am not talking about size rather courage).

In the next 10 years we need to look fear in the eye and say "get out of my way". Bypass the airport security lines and get right on board. Tell government to get out of our e-mails. Open up the Borders like they used to be pre 9/11. Stop issuing Terror Alerts - let the Authorities deal with those behind the scenes since all these Alerts accomplish is to terrorize the citizens.

Continue to go after the Terrorist Cowards behind the scenes and in that regard, the unmanned drones have been most successful in eliminating this cancer.

Collapse the many Security Organs into a few well coordinated ones. The monies saved can be used to restore our economies and return to us our lost freedoms.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Friday, September 9, 2011

Two Stories Concerning 9/11 that ...

Leave You Shaking Your Head.

The first concerns the Official Ceremony to be held this Sunday on the 10th Anniversary of this Terrorist Attack.

Mayor Bloomberg, the esteemed (?) Mayor of New York, in his wisdom, has declared that God not be present at this Ceremony, nor any of the "First Responders" - you know, the true heroes of that day 10 short years ago - the Police and the Fire Fighters.

The occupants of the Twin Towers did not have a choice in meeting their fate, but the first responders went in knowing that in all likelihood they would never come out. Hundreds from their ranks died that day and to me they are the true heroes.

Symbolically, under the current circumstances, is the fact that the First Responder to die that day was Father Mychal Judge - a Fire Department Chaplain. Had he lived, he would have been denied status at Sunday's Memorial for two reasons then - first he was only a Responder and second because, he was a disciple of God. Imagine.

What happens to individuals like Bloomberg when they come into a little power?

The US was built on Judeo / Christian Foundations and yet today it is under attack throughout the world. These foundations made us the Great the Nations we have become and will, with its crumbling, see us actively decline. Indeed, that decline is most evident everywhere.

Bloomberg then is one of the agents of this decline.

Thankfully, other ceremonies are planned this Sunday in competition with the "Official Ceremony" where God and First Responders are invited. I fully expect that the turn out at the 'Unofficial' Remembrances will be larger - indeed much larger than Bloomberg's. Nothing would please me more than to see Bloomberg at a microphone on Sunday speaking to a people-less crowd.

The question has been posed as to whether or not this should be the last anniversary of 9/11 and I am in agreement. I think the time has come for us all to move on from those day's events. I am opposed though to one of the reasons consistently given for ceasing further remembrances and that relates to the belief, on the part of some, that this was a victory for Al Quaeda and that further remembrances only fuels their glee.

In my mind it was not a victory. To kill innocent civilians is murder of the most evil kind; victory belongs to the winner of competing armies. Cowardly killers like Al Quaeda on 9/11 deserve only our disdain.

The second story takes place right here in Canada and concerns our own Prime Minister.

This week Harper, when interviewed by CBC's Peter Mansbridge, allowed the greatest fear on the part of our Intelligence Services since 9/11 continues to be the dangers posed by Islamists.

Like the ones that blew up the Twin Towers and have exploded killer bombs across Europe and Africa.

Well you'd have thought he had disparaged the CBC itself.

Both Opposition Leaders - Turmel and Rae quickly came out to condemn Harper for his 'divisive' language - scolding him for using the term "Islamists". This despite the fact that they are the ones in 99 out of 100 cases, behind these cowardly attacks and despite the fact that he was only saying what was occupying the attention of our Security Forces.

What planet do these two live on? It is hard to imagine that anyone living on Earth since 9/11 can be so out of touch with reality.

It does show one thing very clearly though - neither deserves full time occupancy of their respective party leaderships.

As I see it....

'K.D. Galagher'

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Strange Bedfellows for the Left...

And one other Related Story.

First on Oil.

The Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu have joined forces with internet inventor* Al Gore to condemn construction of an oil pipe line from Canada to the Texas Gulf.
(* Gore has said he was the inventor of internet when it was NASA)

These dear souls are worried about the environment.

They should stick to their knitting.

Canada has been a big supporter (as in Big Supporter) of both gentlemen when it comes to promoting Human Rights in their respective countries. With this in mind, why they would sully themselves in oil debate is simply beyond belief. That said, you can understand why Gore is involved since he has made a career of promoting the Fraud of Man-Made Global Warming.

I say this because the US has but only two choices in this oil debate - buy its oil from us - a secure and friendly neighbour or from the Middle East which is in turmoil and where much of the oil monies end up in the hands of terrorists. A no-brainer except for the above threesome.

If I was Harper it would be a frosty day in hell when I met again with either the Dalia Lama or the dear Archbish0p since there needs to be consequences for their inappropriate meddling.

The Second Story concerns Obama's 1000th speech he plans to deliver this eve.

This one to create jobs.

By now with all his previous announcements and Trillions spent one would wonder why the need for jobs - there must have been millions created by now.

But not so - since Government created jobs - unless they are jobs in government itself - are a misnomer.

But that does not deter olde Obama - is reports are accurate - he will announce a further expenditure of $300 Billion - nearly one third of a Trillion $ on additional job creation.

This will succeed only in creating more government debt - and less private sector jobs.

As I indicated in a recent Blog re Obama - the guy not only does not get it - he is incapable of getting it as a result of this upbringing and background.

My advice - buy gold.

Before leaving this topic and with tongue in cheek (sort of) - I have a solution to America's unemployment problem. It would create 50 million new jobs and would not cost America one red cent.

How you might ask?

Put all Welfare / Unemployed to work for the government - cutting grass, picking up trash, volunteering in the area of sports etc etc. Their pay? Why the Welfare / Unemployment benefits they are currently receiving.

It is a win / win. They all get a job - Government Worker and the Government gets Work Done - all for the same money it is paying out for zip.

So how are these two stories related?

The US private sector needs a stable source of oil to function effectively. An expanded pipeline from Canada would help to accomplish that. Anything to assist business will in turn create more jobs - as in real productive jobs. The kind that pay taxes and support government infrastructure.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Savers Bailing Out Spenders....

Note: I am not satisfied with my explanation below so let me try to drastically simplify it:

  • Borrowers can get a mortgage for 3% while the CPI is also at 3% and actual inflation running at 5%. While their underlying asset - ie their home retains its original value. That is to say, they can always get their $100k investment back whenever they decide to sell their home. Plus even more, should real estate prices rise faster than inflation.

  • However the poor investor - gets but 1% on their investment in the face of 5% inflation - so each and every year their investment declines in value by 4 % ( 5% minus 1 %). Over 5 years, that amounts to at least 20% (4% x 5 years) or $20k. In other words, at the end of 5 years their original $100k nest egg would have the buying power of only $80k.

  • From this I hope you can see that the Investor, in reality, is subsidizing the Borrower.

  • This can last only until the Investors have money left to invest - which as you can imagine, is not forever.



Do you ever wonder how the youth of today can afford big homes, big cars and all the toys?

If you are a Boomer - like me, it is thanks to us.

How so, you ask?

The following example should suffice:

Let's say a Young Couple (YC) buy their first home for $100k (as if, but let's just pretend).

YC go to the bank and arrange for a five year mortgage @ 3% per year so their interest payments over the next five years totals $3k per yr x 5 years or $15,000.

Now Old Couple (OC) go to the same bank with their $100k nest egg to invest and they get the princely sum of 1% interest - if they are lucky. Over five years that interest accumulates to $5k ($1k x5) so their nest egg is now at $105k.

So YC is down $15k and OC is up $5k. Right?

Not at all.

Permit me to shine some light on the real situation.

While trying hard not to bore you.

The Consumer price index (CPI) states that our annual inflation rate is roughly 3%. (Which is not true since economists believe that the real rate is twice or even three times that figure).

But let's for argument sake take the official government 3 % rate. (as an aside, the gov't understates the CPI because its annual social payment increases are based on that figure).

Let's deal with OC first.

Each year their $100k nest egg declines in value by the CPI rate so if the rate is 3% over 5 years it declines by $15k ($3 k x 5 yrs). Since they are receiving 1% from their Bank - this drop in value is mitigated by their interest earnings or by $5k ($1k per year x 5yrs).

So their net loss over five years is $10k ($15K - $5k). In other words, their nest egg is now worth only $90k in real dollars.

Now let's look at YC. They borrowed their $100k @ 3% which also reflects the gov't sanctioned CPI at 3%. So they end up neutral re their borrowing. In other words their borrowing has cost them nothing.

But as a result of inflaton, their home has increased 3% per annum for their 5 years of ownership so what was purchased at $100k is now worth $115 k in inflated money (3% x 5 yrs) or $100k in constant dollars.

Bottom-line YC at the end of 5 years has an asset valued in constant dollars of $100k while OC has a nest egg valued at $90k in constant dollars.

In a fair economic climate, the YC should be borrowing at approx. 10% - double the actual rate of inflation and the OC should be investing at approx. 7.5% - 50% above real inflation.

That would mean, on a $100k mortgage, YC should be paying interest at the rate of $10,000 per annum or $5,000 after inflation and OC should be receiving $7,500 per annum interest on their $100k investment or $2,500 after inflation.

What we have here is an inter-generational transfer of money which has gone on far too long and in the long run will benefit neither YC or OC since YC can only keep up their spending as long as OC has the money to loan them.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hair Cut Time...Again

And Back to Gus the Barber.

As you know from an earlier Blog, every 6 weeks or so I am off to see Gus the Barber.

Yesterday was 'Gus the Barber Day'.

Gus was in Rare Form - I mean - he was Meaner Than Ever.

I met Gus coming up the escalator - he was coming up and I was going down - down to his shop that is. Gus was off for his ubiquitous cigarette break. I asked him to please hurry since I would be waiting for his return. Gus sneered and continued on up the rolling stairs.

He was soon back though, which had more to do with Gus' ability to inhale a cigarette faster than any man on Earth than it did him worrying about me waiting.

In the few minutes I did have, I considered sweeping up the loose hair on the floor beneath his Barber Chair but from past experience realized my finer efforts would go unappreciated and even be resented. So I refrained.

What I did do was to go to his newspaper bench and pull out one of the day's rags. I had no sooner gotten comfortable with it when Gus returned - sneer and all.

I jumped up and headed for The Chair - leaving the newspaper behind.

"That your paper"? asked Gus.

"No, it is one of yours", I replied.

"Put it back" he demands.

I went on to tell him that I had planned to do just that - when the cutting was over ....

"Someone will come in and sit on it and ruin it".


I refrained from saying that over the course of the last year, I had yet to seen 'Anyone' come and go from his shop save for Yours Truly.

I replaced the endangered paper.

The cutting began.

At this point I am thinking do I just go silent - like the man himself - or do I try to provoke conversation.

Ever a sh** disturber, I go for the latter.

I notice some new pictures Gus has posted up on his wall - one being a pix of himself about age 9 when he was living in Italy. "Good looking kid" I exclaim..."whatever happened to those good looks"?

I can be a devil.

Gus Grunts.

On to another picture, in this one a Gus around age 19 is seen cutting All the hair off a client.

I asked him "why would anyone want all their hair cut off"?

Gus finally breaks silence "If he wanted his head cut-off and paid me, I would do it".

Might be frowned upon in some quarters I respond - Gus Grunts.

We go quiet again.

I try one last thing - knowing that he hates - absolutely hates politics, I ask Gus if he got to Jack Layton's Funeral?

If looks could kill...

Okay - I gave up at this point.

On leaving I always give Gus a good tip - usually as much as $8.00 and I did so yesterday.

I thought for a moment of telling Gus that the tip was for his 'Friendly Service' but thought the better of it.

One, I was not sure how he would react - physically that is and Two, for all his faults, Gus is a Proud Individual.

When I got home and told Anne about my latest Gus experience she asked the expected; "why do I not find another Barber"?

Simple - Gus is the Best.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Pre-Election Prediction...

For Ontario's Election this October.

You may recall that I did a similar pre-election prediction for the recent Fed'l Election at which time I called for a Tory win and said that the Libs would have trouble hanging on to official opp status over the NDP.

Just before the polls I did a final prediction - based on my assessment of the polls and called for a Tory minority and Opp Status for the NDP. It turned out I was partially wrong re the Tories - they did of course win but they won by a majority. In the case of the NDP, I called for them to win 101 seats but they actually took 103.

You be the judge on how I did.

But now to the coming Provincial Election - Here Goes.

Recent Polls have the Conservatives at between 34 and 41 %; the Liberals between 32 and 39%; and the NDP between 15 and 20 %.

So what do I see happening:

Same as with the recent Federal Election - The Tories will win, and the Liberals need to watch out for a reinvigorated NDP for second place (i.e. it is too close to call which of the two will form the opposition at this point.)

You may wonder at my prediction given the state of the polls but as many olde pols say - the only poll that counts is the one on Election Day.

And of course olde Dief used to say that Polls were only good for Dogs.

Be that as it may, you heard it here first.

My final prediction - with seat numbers, will follow just prior to the polls opening.

As I see it ...

'K.D. Galagher'

Monday, August 29, 2011


Can be bad for your health.

I have two sons-in-law who insist on riding their bicycles to work even though I have warned them both that in a collision with a car - the bike and cyclist lose out 10 times out of 10.

They both politely smile.

And then there is the rest of that earlier generation - all out jogging. And not just for a kilometer or so - Not for Them - nooo they have to run for at least 5 k or it is not worth doing.

I tell them when they reach my age - 62 - they will be on their 5th knee transplant.

They too politely smile back.

What they all lack is my wealth of experience but not from personal experience since I have tried to avoid useless exercise all my life.

To me, exercise should be gained from splitting wood or heaving bales - it simply escapes me why anyone would want to exercise just for the fun of it.

And my philosophy in that regard had held me in good stead- no knee replacements for me.

Now my wife Anne is another story entirely.

Several years ago she went on one of her own 'exercise' kicks. We had taken skiing lessons but had not been all that active on the snow hill front. One day she said enough - we were off to the highest peak around and were headed for the Diamond Run.

We all headed down - Anne - myself and our three children made five - but only 4 got to the bottom.

Anne had blown out her knee about a third of the way down the Diamond.

Next thing I knew I was following Anne, Ambulance bound for the Truro Hospital.

Surgery followed and a knee replacement to this day has not been ruled out.

The only good that came from this was that Anne has spoken less (much less) about the need for exercise.

I was in a neighbourhood store the the other day when the wife of a good friend of mine stop me and suggested, if possible, that I make some time to visit her husband. Apparently he was laid up from a sports injury and was not at all mobile - so some company would be most welcome.

That afternoon - off I went. The dear soul was confined to a cast from ankle to groin. Talk about immobile.

What happened, I enquired. Playing volley ball - the ligament that controls the motion of my leg snapped, he said. In other words, he had no ability to either lift or lower his leg below the knee. He'd been confined in this contraption for approximately three months.

Did it hurt, I asked?

Well yes, but not as much as when I injured my other knee. I then looked at his cast free leg and at the knee which was a mass of scars from previous surgical interventions.

What happened to it, I enquired?

Soccer, he responded.

Well I hope your days of exercise are over I intoned, you can't take much more. He nodded without smiling.

And then just this weekend, I was in a hotel elevator with a chap on his way to a golf tournament.

Quite an extrovert him. Without prompting, he told me that a few years back he had torn his rotator cuff and that this was his first time back at golfing. He allowed that he was not sure if he could even still swing a club but off he went to try.

I thought the guy a masochist.

So exercise - great for dogs but for their owners...

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'