Wednesday, August 3, 2011

They're Shocked...

That Nycole Turmel has recent ties to the Bloc and Quebec Provincial Separatists.


As I predicted in my recent Blog on dear Nycole, this was apt to get out sooner than later - indeed what surprises me is why the pundits are surprised - it was always patently evident where Turmel's true loyalties lay.

Now to Turmel herself - she has been on the talk circuit trying desperately to mitigate the damage. Her main line of defence is that "yes "she held membership in the Bloc and in a Quebec-based Separatist Organization but that was to endear herself to friends.

In fact, it was just a matter of weeks before she announced her candidacy for the NDP in the recent Election that she turned her Bloc Membership in and only days ago, cancelled her membership in the other separatist organization.

Talk about a Conversion on the Way to Damascus.

For the Record - I do not Buy it for one moment.

Turmel also alleges that she voted "No" in both of the Quebec Referendums on Separation. Lucky for her, those votes were held by Secret Ballot.

Some have suggested that Layton was unaware of Turmel's Separatists Leanings when nominating her for his replacement.


So why did he do it?

Layton knows that his recent surge in popularity is entirely Quebec based. He knows too that the bulk of his new Caucus has ties to Separation. So he needed an Interim Leader that could relate to this important contingent; enter Nycole.

What I pointed out in my earlier Blog is that his nominee will turn off their long time base outside of Quebec - the one that has stood with the NDP for decades and it will offend Canadians generally.

It was a dumb move on Jack Layton's part and his Party should never have endorsed it.

The fact that they did means to me that his Party is Dead on Arrival.

Should Nycole step down? Yes.

Will she - likely not.

In fact, from the outset, Jack Layton was probably the only guy that could straddle the divide between Quebec and the Rest of Canada when it came to the NDP.

Without Jack - it will be far more difficult to accomplish and with Turmel continuing in place - it will be impossible.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Not With A Bang But A Whimper.

My Apologies to TS Eliot.

The US passed their Bill to raise the Debt Ceiling today - just under the midnight wire.

As we all knew they would.

But the All Party Agreement really amounts to little over the status quo - no tax hikes and no substantive spending cuts.

So what exactly was achieved?

A few things in fact.

First, it delayed - at least for the moment - the collapse in confidence of the American System - which would have reverberated negatively around the world.

Second, it has refocused the debate from reckless spending - aka Bush and Obama, to an agreement - even grudgingly on the part of the Dems - that serious spending cuts will have to be taken in due course.

Third, with this agreement, the Tea Partyers have dodged a bullet. Had they forced a Government Default they would have taken the Lion's Share of the Blame for the Fall Out mentioned in my First Point. This could easily have carried over to next year's Presidential Election and caused the defeat of the Republicans.

Fourth, it keeps Obama politically alive for the time-being. He was forced to distance himself from his Left Wing which in turn endeared himself to the Centre where he needs to be to effect a second win.

So all in all much was gained from so little.

But make no mistake, the Tea Party and the Republican Party are right to make Debt Reduction an issue. The States can no longer afford to spend today with tomorrow's money. In that regard it is imperative they win in November 2012.

With their President in place and with control of Congress they can in an orderly and systematic fashion bring Big Government to Heal.

Obama and company too are correct in their pursuit of more Taxes. As I have said in an earlier Blog - the US is in such bad shape that reductions alone cannot address their insolvency. Taxes must go hand in hand with reductions and one of the best taxes to levy would be a Value Added Tax like we in Canada and most of Europe possess.

So in with a Whimper but realize the American has been changed dramatically.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Exact Question Is ....

In Regard To Norwegian Mass Murderer Anders Breivik as posed by countless Media around the World:

1. Is He A Terrorist?

2. Is He A Fundamentalist Christian?

3. Is He Simply A Christian?

4. Is He An Athiest?

5. Is He A Conservative?

6. Is He A Nazis?

7. Is He Part Of A Terrorist Cell Network?

8. Is He Insane?

In posing these questions, this self same left leaning Media miss the Answer in all of this - Breivik is simply a nut-bar who killed innocent children, women and men for his own delusional purposes.

The Media is anxiously looking for a counter-balance to the off stated claim that Islamists are the bad guys. They so desperately want to include the Right in the mix so that when extreme muslims carry out their vile acts - the righteous Left can come back with "they are no different from the violent Right".

In that, the Left is partially correct - violence on the part of anyone be they from the Right - the Middle - the Left - or from Religious Zealots - or from whomever - is always wrong.

But their trying to paint this Madman with a right wing or extreme Christian Label - is simply reprehensible.

The Left cannot continue to ignore the vile actions of the Extreme Islamists because, unlike Breivik - their actions are coordinated, often State Based and founded upon a twisted interpretation of the Koran. Moreover, it is not religion that fuels the Muslim fundamentalists - but rather it is power - the power to control their own peoples and subject others to their Will.

Who then is Anders Breivik?

Answer: He is a lost deranged soul trying desperately to be noticed. In so doing he has gained Infamy rather than Fame.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galgher'

Wednesday, July 27, 2011



First let me say that we are all saddened by Jack Layton's recent diagnosis and wish him well.

That said, anyone expecting his return to Parliament is simply kidding himself.

The issue I want to deal with though - is why in the world did Layton pick Turmel as his stand-in.

Turmel was the fire-brand PSAC Unionist that Shepparded the Pay Equity Settlement that cost the Feds $3.6 Billion - despite the fact that public servants are the best paid workers in the land.

More to the point, she is a Separatist Supporter even during her term as PSAC Leader - you know, PSAC - Canada's major Public Service Union. Conflict of Interest anyone?

With a bunch of rabble in their Caucus - many of whom are blatant Separatists like Turmel herself - Why, would Layton put her in Charge?

Agreed, he is thin on the ground for a replacement - but does have a couple - e.g. Paul Dewar and Libby Davies - who he could count on to provide a more balanced - ie Quebec / Rest of Canada Approach.

I predict Ms. Turmel will pander to the Quebec Caucus and in so doing will turn off the NDP base outside of that Province. Don't forget, it is that base which has stuck with the NDP through thick and thin. The others are simply new-comers who came on board through the unexpected collapse of the BLOC. It remains to be seen how long this new contingent will last but the smart money is that it will not survive the next Election.

In addition when we are speaking about Pandering - Turmel will naturally promote the welfare (?) of the Federal Public Service. Now there is a subject that will warm the hearts of the average Canadian.

So there you have it - some choice.

The odds from the beginning of Layton holding his motley crew together were long - his appointment of Turmel will simply make those odds impossible.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Friday, July 15, 2011

At The Risk Of Losing ...

My Honourable Membership In The Libertarian Party -

I find myself supporting Barrack Obama, in his show-down with Republicans, over the Issue of Raising their Debt Ceiling.

This despite the fact that I have written several Blogs on the out of control US Spending and their Deficit and Debt Levels.

Indeed, I have made several comments to the effect that America is "Dead Broke".

So why my support for their President now?

It certainly has nothing to do with his sound fiscal management. Indeed, the current occupant of the W.H. has increased the debt / deficit levels more than any other in American History. And this is saying something due to the fact that his predecessor - Geo. W. Bush - was no slouch in the spending department either.

Rather, I support Obama's new approach because it has come a long way toward the Republican (read Tea Party) position that Government Spending must be drastically reduced. In fact, Obama's plan calls for 85% in such reductions and 15% tax increases. The Republicans are asking for 100% spending cuts and no tax increases.

So what gives - you thought I oppose tax increases in principle.

Usually I do, but there are two important differences here.

First and most important, America is in desperate financial shape. In my humble opinion, a combination of spending cuts and tax increases are required to address this problem. Neither alone will suffice.

Simply stated, the USA needs to attack the problem on a war footing - all hands on deck so to speak.

Second - Americans are less taxed than Canadians. This is especially true in the case of a national sales tax - the US does not have one, while we in Canada continue to pay GST at a rate of 5%. In addition, Americans are able to deduct their mortgage interest costs from their income. So it cannot be said that they are currently over taxed, at least in comparison with us.

But that said, I am still opposed in general to tax increases. Government has gotten too large - too bureaucratic - too invasive and too wasteful. It is the reason why this crisis has arisen in the first place. But under the current dire circumstances, a rise in taxes are a must.

There is another reason I support Obama's plan and this is a more self-serving one.

If the Republicans continue to refuse his offer and should Obama stand firm, all hell will break out in American Society and the Republicans will be at the receiving end of its Wrath. If welfare/social/ employment cheques stop flowing - look out.

And this will jeopardize the roll that the Republicans have been on since the rise of the Tea Partyers. This roll culminated in their retaking of the House of Representatives this past November and if allowed to continue, will regain them the Presidency next November.

So Galagher - what is going to happen - who will blink first?

I have to agree with most pundits that a last minute deal will be brokered because the effect of default is just too horrendous to contemplate. And since the Republicans have the most to lose, should a deal not be struck - I suspect they will in the end accept the President's offer.

If, on the other hand, the US goes into default - the landscape for the next Presidential will be forever changed along with the likelihood of another major world recession.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher"

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cry Me A River...

Our esteemed Provincial Treasurer, Dwight Duncan, is quoted in today's newspapers as saying 'Ontario Voters are tiring of anti-waste crusades'.

He wishes.

Let's review some of these "Crusades" causing Liberal Initiatives:

  • First, was the Health Premium his Boss put in place immediately after his initial Election having promised he "would not raise taxes" during his first term. As memory serves, he even signed an agreement to that effect with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

  • Then there was the $1 Billion Dollar Health Care Boondoggle, followed by the Hydro One Boondoggle whereby hydro user rates doubled and tripled. Of note - hydro users are still paying for "debt reduction" that has been retired some time ago

  • And the Green Energy fiasco whereby rates of over 82 cents per kwh were and are paid for wind and solar energy despite the fact that neither source is an effective generator of electricity and despite the fact that Ontario has a major glut of Electricity Production. Indeed, the glut is so large, Ontario has to pay other jurisdictions to take the surplus off our hands. I know - trivial under the circumstances.

  • And the PST / GST scandal whereby items not previous taxed by both are now all included in McGuinty's new HST. A real windfall for an alleged revenue neutral exercise.

  • There is a long list of items (e.g. paints / tires) where the public is charged eco or green fees and just last year the McGuinty Gov't tried to secretly extend this list but retreated when word got out.

So there is lots of fodder for 'crusades' but as Dwight Duncan so aptly states - it just gets so tiring.

And of course, Ontario is doing so well under the Grits - $16 Billion annual Deficit and $263 Billion in overall Debt and of course Have Not Status.

Ontario for the first time in Confederation History is now 'transfer recipient Province' - what an accomplishment. And, a great source of funding too - now we can cash in on Alberta's largess with the Rest of Canada.

I know, all minor considerations in the scheme of things.

But you cannot fault Duncan for his priorities. In the same article, he is quoted as saying how proud he is that Ontario's Public Service is so "well-paid".

So increasing taxes, out of control debts and well-paid bureaucracies - it is no wonder that taxpayers are tiring of their crusades.

If I were the Treasurer though I might start to consider another line of work after the October Election.

As I see it ...

'K.D. Galagher'

Monday, July 11, 2011

A League of Their Own

AKA - The Alliance For Democratic Nations.

This past October, I wrote a Blog about the need for Democratic Nations to Unite to form a Parallel Association to the United Nations. The Reasons I gave for this are, I think, adequately setout in that Blog.

This past weekend an Editorial appeared on the same subject in the Ottawa Citizen newspaper. The Columnist was Michael Taube.

Mr. Taube enumerated many of the same reasons I set forth in October, and just this morning, a local radio station dealt with this topic with many of its listeners calling in - in support of the need for Democratic Nations to Unite.

Hopefully this will be the start of such an initiative.

As an aside - since my October Blog a new incredible UN initiative has occurred with North Korea being appointed to lead the UN's Convention on Disarmament. Imagine? Talk about the fox among the pigeons.

So I am in sinc with Michael Taube with respect to his calling for a League of Democratic Countries. The word League of course comes from the Failed League of Nations after World War II and in that regard I like my suggested name of Alliance of Democratic Nations.

I do though differ with him when he suggests that the Democracies leave the UN and take with them their funding since I believe the United Nations still provides a few useful services.

For instance, the UN has spearheaded a number of Conventions which have bettered the lives of the citizens of the world in the areas of Law and Commerce. It has also made progress in providing food relief, medicine and better health care generally.

But I see the most important value of a continued United Nations is with respect to the Forum itself. It allows all of the world's nations to come together and talk. And contrary to some thought, talk is not always cheap. There is indeed a value in it, in that it creates a forum where diverse opinions get expressed often resulting in their moderation.

Better to "Jaw Jaw than to War War" as Winston Churchill so ably stated it.

This is especially true in the areas of Human Rights and Anti-Semitism. The UN is rife with petty dictators and religious zealots who spend the bulk of their time denying rights to their citizens and castigating Israel. Keeping Democracies involved in the UN Process helps to ensure that such activities on the part of the unenlightened is kept under a semblance of control.

Indeed three (3) of the five (5)UN Vetoes belong to Democratic Countries.

So don't leave and don't cease funding but do start a more effective Democratic Association. You can probably use much of the same UN Mission in its establishment which gets more often ignored at the United Nations.

A League or Alliance of Democratic Countries would stand as a beacon to the Rest of the World when it comes to the Enhancement of Human Rights and the Eradication of Discrimination of all kinds.

The West's Policies of Freer Trade, Economic Freedom and Agricultural Self-Sufficiency would continue to be areas envy by non-democratic nations.

Such a Democratic Association would then stand as a Beacon throughout the World. It would be able to focus on further improving our Way of Life.

As such, I can foresee the day when the non-democracies will come begging for admission as their continued conflicts, military rule, starvation and general hopelessness begins to wear.

At that point the West must stand firm by prescribing onerous conditions of admission to ensure that applicant nations are ultimately successful in their quest for Open Government and Open Societies.

As I see it....

'K.D. Galagher'