Sunday, June 26, 2011

Geert Wilders' Acquittal...


If you have been following the travails of this Dutch Politician, you will know that this past week he was acquitted of inciting violence and hatred against Muslims.

By the end of his Trial, even the Prosecution was asking for his acquittal although it does beg the question why they charged him in the first place.

A refresher.

Wilders is an outspoken critic of Dutch and indeed European immigration when it comes to Muslims. More particularly, he sees the Muslim Religion as a threat to European Stability and views the Koran as dangerous as Hitler's Mein Kampf.

He is therefore extreme in his beliefs but he is not totally wrong in his beliefs either. That aside, in Free Speech Societies like Holland and the Western World - people like Mr. Wilders have the right to say what they want unless they are directly inciting violence against a person or group of persons.

As a Christian - someone might think and say that I belong to a weird sect - that I have two heads and eat worms - so be it. In fact, I respect their right to say whatever they want while not for a minute respecting what they say.

"I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it" from Friends of Voltaire 1906.

But the issue of Muslim immigration must be aired since it has caused serious problems for Western Society, a Society based on Judeo-Christian Principles.

Muslims, almost by definition, have difficulty blending into our society given the fundamental differences between their religion and our own.

To cut off debate and pretend there are no problems, only serves to exacerbate the situation. Polarization will follow and in the end, extremists will gain control of the agenda.

It is interesting, that in many respects, the Muslim situation today parallels the Jewish situation 50 - 60 years ago. Then, Jewish immigration was discouraged while Jews kept to themselves and resisted integration into mainstream societies.

There is a big difference though. Jews promoted peace - they wanted to be left alone to their own devices and be successful in their endeavours.

In the current age - Muslims for the most part too promote peace - and they too seem to resist integration but a minority of Muslims - the Islamists - out and out hate Western Society. They will not be satisfied until we are destroyed.

In addition, a significant number of Muslims support Sharia Law and indeed our very own Premier came within a whisker of implementing it here in Ontario.

Some of the provisions of Sharia Law are incompatible with our own set of laws, especially when it comes to the treatment of women and young girls. We do not need different sets of laws for different groups of persons.

So to me a debate on this subject is most needed. How can we in Western Society preserve our Judicial System and Rule of Law and at the same time meet the needs of our fellow Muslims?

Geert Wilders freedom to speak to this issue and help generate needed debate is part of the solution and for that we all should rejoice - Christian, Jew and Muslim in his acquittal.

As I see it ...

'K.D. Galagher'

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I'd Give Them An 'F'

The New Conservative Government that is.

Maybe it is premature to mark them this early in their new mandate so let's just call it an Interim Mark and hope that things improve over the longer term.

Why an 'F' ?

Okay let's start with my most recent Blog - introducing Back To Work Legislation for both the Post Office and Air Canada with indecent haste.

Both Organizations have the legal right to strike and there was little evidence to suggest that the public is being seriously inconvenienced.

The Tories were wrong to so quickly introduce Back to Work Legislation and for that they get an 'F' from me.

Note to Report Card: if you aspire to an "A' at the end of term, you will need to Bring In Legislation Revoking A Public Servant's Right To Strike since that is the real issue here.

So that's One Area - there are more ...As Follows:

  • Your attempt to Reform the Senate will render the Upper House even more dysfunctional. Elected Senators, with but one term, will cause them to think they are of equal or greater importance to the lowly MP. As well, with no need to worry about re-election, they will be entirely without accountability. Interim Grade F-

Note to Report Card: if you aspire to an 'A' in this subject, you must find a way to Disband the Senate & redeploy the freed up resources to making the House more effective (i.e. more powerful committees).

  • Proposed cuts to the Civil Service of 5 to 10 % are anemic and will have little effect on reducing the Deficit / Debt. Interim Grade F+

Note to Report Card: if you aspire to an 'A' in this subject, you will have to cut much deeper - 25 to 40%*

*(I expect many of you will find these numbers to be draconian but please realize, the world is facing a debt crisis the likes of which we have not seen since the Great Depression and the only way for Canada to minimize its affect on us is to get our financial house in order pdq. Programs will also have to go under the knife.)

  • Your Stand on Asbestos is most incomprehensible. It is a known carcinogen. To continue to allow its export from Canada is nothing less than inhumane. Your vote this week at the UN to block its addition to its list of dangerous substances is simply bizarre. You rate an F-- and a lower mark if one was available.

Note to Report Card: if you aspire to attain a higher mark at the end of term - you will need to stop these exports now. Even then, the best mark I could give you would be a B given your tardiness.

  • Your policy to send people to jail for longer periods and to build more prisons is for the most part misguided. Prisons should be a very last resort save in the case of violent offenders. By following such a policy we are most closely aligning ourselves with the United States which, as shown in the Conrad Black case, has become one mean spirited country. Again an F.

Note to Report Card: To attain a better mark in this subject you will have to scrap your current policy and find ways to get people out of jail and keep them out of jail i.e. effective alternative punishments. With that, the over-crowding will be a thing of the past and we'll have better citizens for it.

  • Taking Canada into Libya was a mistake since we have no idea who we are helping there i.e. the likelihood is that in the end, a greater Tyranny will assume control from the lesser Tyrant Qaddafi. Plus what about the real threat in that part of the world - Iran? Estimates now indicate that we are but days away from Iran acquiring Nuclear Weapons. Another F

Note to Report Card: Finish the work in Libya since it has been started but be prepared to live with the consequences. Also find someway to help destabilize Iran in concert with NATO.

  • Heritage James Moore announced the day after the recent Election that "CBC funding was secure" and that CBC provides cultural significance for the country. An F

Note to Report Card: There are now enough private sector media outlets that we no longer need our government to support a public sector alternative. And this is not even getting into the issue of outright bias by the Mother Corp against all things conservative. To get a better mark Harper will need to scrap the CBC and cashier the Hon James Moore.

  • The Conservatives continue to support the acquisition of expensive state of the art Jet Fighters. We are a middle power and simply do not have the financial resources to spend on such high end machines. Even the USA has started to cut back in the face of financial reality. Another F

Note to Report Card: Find a cheaper alternative or at the very least, reduce the size of your planned purchase.

  • Their Plan to Eliminate the Electoral Subsidy I believe is wrong. This subsidy, unlike the Income Tax Deduction (i.e. refund $75 dollars for a $100 dollar donation) at least has some rationale - each Party is compensated on the basis of how many votes it received so in a sense it has a direct relation to the voters who supported it. In the case of the Income Tax Deduction, all taxpayers are financially supporting parties that they did not vote for. Plus the less public funding - more private funding is inevitable - big corps / big unions - just like the Americans.

Note to Report Card: Preserve the subsidy and deep six the Income Tax Deduction - if individuals believe in one Party they should be prepared to spend their own money in support of it and not expect taxpayers to join them in the privilege.

  • I could not let this interim report go without honourable mention of Quebec. Your reimbursement of costs associated with Quebec's combining its Provincial Sales Tax with the Federal GST years ago - i.e. some $2 billion dollars is tainted. Quebec did this on its own and for its own purposes. It alleged unfairness but conveniently forgets about the $10 to $15 Billion it receives annually from the Rest of Canada in transfers and the like. If the Federal Treasury was bursting at the seems - this could possibly be overlooked, but you are broke. Hence another F.

Note to Report Card: To late to do anything here to redeem yourself but if you worked on getting Transfer Payments generally under control - I'd be pleased to give you an A++ in your final report.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

To Strike Or Not To Strike...

And my answer to both Questions is unequivocally -"Yes".

(This Question, as you know, has been in the News of Late with respect to Air Canada & Canada Post).

But how is it I am answering both Questions in the Affirmative?

Well dear Reader, as you know, I am opposed to public servants having the right to strike in the first place.

  • Public Servants are paid by Taxpayers who are viewed by Politicians and Unionists alike as a bottomless money pit. In other words, there is no mechanism in place to bring about discipline settlements; 5 - 10 - 15% settlements fully indexed pensions - what the heck.

    Second - Public Servants work in a monopoly situation; there is no one to replace them should they go on strike. In the private sector, should a Marshmellow Plant shut down, there would be other such manufacturers to fill the void. Not so in government.

As a result, Public Servants now work in the best of conditions, receive much better wages and pensions that their private sector counterparts and enjoy enviable job protection (despite the threatened Tory minor cut-backs through attrition).

I could go on and on - but suffice to say - "Yes" I am opposed to Individuals Paid By The Tax Payer having the Right to Strike.

Now the Private Sector is another matter entirely, as I have alluded to above in the Marshmellow example. If Unions there go on strike - so be it. Both sides know - or should know, that if settlements are too generous, competitors in their industry will thrive at their expense. Remember GM?

The only exception to this would be in cases of Monopoly where there is not another organization to pick of the slack so to speak and where the product/ service is of critical importance to the public - e.g. private sector garbage pick-up.

So with that criteria in mind - let's look at Canada Post and Air Canada.

Canada Post first.

CP is a Crown Corp and by any other name a Public Service Organization. But even if one were to call CP a private entity, it would still be a monopoly service, entirely dependent upon you and me to buy its Stamps.

Ergo - I am opposed to its employees having the right to strike - True.

I am also opposed to them being denied the right to strike - True Too.

Been drinking Galagher?


Currently Employer / Labour Agreements at Canada Post allow for a strike. Those agreements were negotiated in good faith and should be honoured i.e. employees should be permitted to strike at least until it becomes unbearable for the public. The Tories in this regard have acted prematurely - not only was there no time for public suffering to materialize, all indications were that it was unlikely to do so to any serious extent. That was not the case back in the 1960s and 70s but that was then - this is now, with so much electronic transmission available.

So I am in favour of this Strike.

If the Government is desirous of ending the Posties Right to Strike it should do so via legislation that takes this right away from all persons paid by the taxpayer. And of course, I would be in favour of just that.

Now Air Canada.

It was a Crown Corp but now is entirely Private. It is not a Monopoly - there are other airlines to pick up the Slack - so I have no trouble with its Employees walking out and staying out permanently if they so desire.

But again, the Tories acted too fast stating that an AC strike would injure a struggling recovery.


The only real explanation I have for the Government's fervour here is that they wanted to protect Air Canada - since it is Headquartered in Quebec. Remember the demise of Western based Canadian Airlines - a far superior organization?

Air Canada is struggling and has been struggling for countless years now. One of the reasons is that they retain the Crown Corp attitude after all these years. You know the one where they believe the paying public should be honoured just to fly with them. Their Stock Value is approaching penny stock status.

The Government knows AC cannot handle too many blows and hence steps in before it loses further pax miles to West Jet and Porter.

But it cannot say why it is doing that since it offends the fairness doctrine.

I think what happened here, is that the Tories came out against the strike at Air Canada first - for the reasons I have given above but were not so disposed to do the same with Canada Post. But what followed was legitimate questions as why would they not treat the two companies alike? i.e. order them both back to work.

Stuck between a Rock and a Hard Place - the Government's hand was forced to do just that.

So again, Strike or not to Strike - That is the Question

And welcome to the real world of politics Minister Riatt.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Maher Arar ...

And His Ship Of Fools.

AKA 'Sea Hitler'.

Before I get onto the Ship Business a little background.

A few years ago Maher was travelling the world - he held two passports and possessed two citizenships - Syrian 1st and Canadian 2nd.

He ended up in the USA and was flagged as having possible links to terrorism. The US checked with Canada where their suspicions were apparently confirmed. They then sent Mr. Arar to his country of birth - Syria - where he alleges he was tortured.

The Torture allegation was made by Maher Arar alone.

Let's say for the sake of this discussion that he was indeed tortured by the Syrians.

Canada arranged for his return to this country where upon Mr. Arar launched a lawsuit against Canada and was successful to the tune of over $10 million. He also sued the United States, whereupon his claim was summarily dismissed. He never sued Syria to my knowledge.

So here we have the United States shipping this chap off to Syria where he is allegedly tortured and we Canadians are left to pick up the tab by forking out a cool $10 million.

Not bad for a days work.

I listened to a lady call into local talk radio and said it better than I can - "we have troops returning from Afghanistan missing arms and legs and they get virtually nothing while we pay Maher Arar $10 million for, in the scheme of things a minor torture".

This has troubled me too but now we find out he is a backer - albeit one of many (e.g large Canadian Trade Unions and such) - who backs an upcoming Flotilla from Turkey to Gaza for the sole purpose of breaching Israel's sea blockade of that region.

Arar and Company from Canada, are contributing a ship dubbed the 'Sea Hitler' - Cute don't you think? So warm and fuzzy.

And, it is not that Israel wants to stop ships from entering into Gaza - rather, their sole purpose is to inspect such ships to ensure that they are not carrying armaments that will with certainty be used against them.

Gaza, as you know, is controlled by Hamas with their stated goal to destroy Israel - to wipe it from the face of the earth.

Over the years, Israel has suffered numerous missile attacks from Gaza which they are unable to properly defend against given Gaza's close proximity.

It makes imminent sense therefore for Israel to stop the shipment of arms destined for that part of the world.

What puzzles me, is how a fellow like Maher Arar can worry so much about receiving fair treatment for himself while showing no regard for Israelis who face death or serious injury should weapons successfully make their way to Gaza.

From my perspective, I think Mr. Arar has shown his true stripes by being willingly part of this dangerous stupidity.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Senate Page ...

And Her Sign.

This Young Lady deserves the 'Book' thrown at her.

The nerve.

Here she is, holding down a very prestigious position as Senate Page and she abuses the Trust bestowed upon her.

What was she thinking?

Now she has established a trust fund for donations and in her Web Site, bemoans the fact that she was "fired" from her Senate Post.

Reality Check - the position of Page is a Volunteer one - albeit highly sought after - it is not though a paid position.

Bottom line - she is not out of pocket, and moreover as a result of her high-jinx, her economic future is now much brighter.

But it is not for her juvenile antics that I want the Book Thrown at this Young Lady.

Rather it is because the Sign she held up, in all her obnoxious fervor, was in English Only.

Does the Woman not realize that this Country is a Bilingual One?

A Unilingual Sign - and English to boot - in Canada's Highest Institution is nothing less than Sacrilege.

Even as a lowly Page, this Lady would know the Slight caused by this.

Where is Jack Layton and his Kindergarten Caucus when you need them?

That said, let me be clear - when I say throw the book at Ms. Muffet, I am not suggesting for a minute that she do hard time in a federal prision, - rather two years less a day in a provincial facility would suffice.

And with that, she might even qualify for a Hudak Chain Gang and be able to pick litter - possibly even some discarded signs.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Sunday, June 12, 2011

What To Do About The Senate.....

Deep Six It.

Lots in the news these days about what to do with the Senate - the answer - and only answer is to Disband It.

When I was a first years student studying Political Science I wrote an Essay on the Senate which called for its retention as an "August Body of Sober Second Thought".

I was young and naive and hadn't yet realized that finding a "sober" Senator was in itself a Feat.

In truth - the current Senate is an Undemocratic Body filled by burned out Politicians and Aged Bag Men (aka political fundraisers). It is very much Welfare for Has-Beens.

Maybe a little strong but not that far off.

Okay then - why not reform it - Make It Elected?

And what would we have then - a Second Elected Body doing the same work as the First (i.e. the House of Commons).

Redundant Bureaucracy at its Best.

Couldn't the Senate be Elected to Represent the Provinces as it is in the good ole US of A?

Yes it could, but it would be unwise to do so.

Our system of Confederation differs from that of America's. We have a very specific differentiation of Powers in Canada between Federal and Provincial This division is setout in Sections 91 (Fed Powers) and 92 (Provincial Powers) of the BNA Act - e.g. The National Government is responsible for Canada's Armed Forces and the Provinces are responsible for Health and Education.

In sum, the Provinces have lots do within their own realm of responsibilities and collectively can take care of themselves.

But the Senate does good work via its Committees - Does it Not?

Not Really.

Yes they are always meeting about one thing or the other and some good work gets done - but given their irrelevance - that work is more oft ignored. Call it busy work.

That said, there is certainly a glaring lack of meaningful and probing committee work on the Hill. It is in desperate need of being done and the people to do it are our Members of Parliament. These current No-bodies when they leave the Hill.

This is an area where we could mirror what goes on in Politics to our South. They have very Strong Committees and Strong Committee Memberships - it would not only give useful and meaningful work to non-Cabinet Ministers but would instill needed vibrancy to our Democratic Process.

The monies saved from disbanding the Senate could be applied to establishing these needed House of Common's Committees - e.g. more research staff. More funds than that will be required but at least it would be a start.

In closing permit me to go back to the Sober Second Thought basis for the Senate that is oft used in wishing its retention.

Give me one example of where the Senate used Sober Second Thought rather than Petty Politics in its deliberations?

I cannot think of any.

Rather, if the Tories control the House and the Grits control the Senate - the Grits will do their best to defeat the Tory Agenda - and this applies in reverse.

I would love to be able to redo my first year paper.

As I See It....

K.D. Galagher

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

MY Father Wrote His Own Eulogy...

It has been nearly three years since my father past away at the local nursing home in Brighton and I still very much miss him.

He had a bad heart for a number of years and knew that his death was only a matter of time. One day he asked me to give his Eulogy when the time came. I told him that I was not looking forward to it, but if that is what he wanted, I would do my best. He promised to send me some notes I could use.

And, in a way he did.

The "notes" he promised, turned out to be Actual Drafts - in all, at least 10. I read them - at least the earlier ones - thinking that I could do better.

A week before my father died, I visited him at which time he told me that the end was near. We said our goodbyes - I told him that he was the best father ever and that I loved him. (Easy to write, but hard to say). He responded by saying that he had done his best. There were tears on my part.

Anyway, as I was about to leave, he handed me his final Draft - I pocketed it and returned home.

I didn't read it, but rather over the following week went to work on my own version.

When I received word of his death, I completed the final touches.

On the day of his funeral, I took my completed effort - along with his final version which I had still not read. I thought to myself that I would read it on route to Brighton simply to add any key points that I might have missed in my own.

His Final Draft Was Great - in the end Dad had written something beyond my poor ability.

I put my version away.

In the Receiving Line at our Olde Family Church, many of the mourners stopped to say how much they had enjoyed my Dad's Eulogy. How so, I had yet to give it?

Apparently, over the preceding weeks when anyone had gone to visit Dad - he had them read his Auto-Eulogy.

I chuckled.

Later, as I stood before the gathering, I acknowledged that Dad had indeed written his own Eulogy, that I was about to read and that, thanks to Dad, many there were privy to its contents.

"For those few who were not" - I commenced.

I won't go into the content, other than to deal with his Opening and Closing - since I believe those two sentences speak to the Man, My Father Was.

He Opened By Thanking Everyone For Coming To His Service.

And He Closed, By Telling Them That They Live In The Best Country In All The World - Canada.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher