Monday, May 30, 2011

Hudak's Election Platform...

Mainly Winners.

First the Winners -

  • End the Green Energy Scam

  • Cut Provincial Income Tax by 5%

  • Allow for Spousal Income Splitting

  • Corporate Tax Cut 1.5%

  • Remove HST from Heating Oil and Electricity

  • End Time of Use Electricity Pricing

  • Reduce Public Sector Wages

  • More Funding for Education

  • Provide Teachers with more Class Room Flexibility e.g. allow to Fail

  • Scrap $30 million in annual Foreign Student Funding and direct that $ to Ontario Students
Now the Losers -

  • Increase Health Funding (if $ was the key factor in Health Care - Ontario would have one of the best systems in the world. The fact is - we don't. We need to move to a partnership between private and public health care delivery and save $ in the process.)

  • Close the remaining Coal Fire Generating Plants (these plants should remain open until Ontario has a secure and financially viable alternative system(s). Plus new technology has rendered Coal Plants much cleaner - they no longer are to be feared).

The In-betweens -

  • Welfare Recipients need to establish 1 year residency before collecting welfare (what are they expected to do in the interim - rob banks?)

  • Lifetime Ban on worst repeaters of welfare fraud (seems harsh)

  • The Mandatory Chain Gang (should be made voluntary - you would still have lots of inmates coming forward and time on the line should be compensated with time off from their initial sentence).

Missing -

  • Amend the HST so that it applies only to those items taxed by the PST and/or GST prior to their merger (e.g. in some cases items are now subject to the combined tax that previously were subject to only 1).

  • Eliminate Ontario's Human Rights Commission

  • Reduce Provincial Taxes on Gasoline

  • Reign in the Ministry of the Environment

By in Large, I support Their Plan - but you can expect Liberals to come out and be highly critical of the Tory Plan by way of mean spirited Negative Ads.

When watching / listening to those ads simply keep in mind the following:

1. For the First Time, Ontario has descended into Have Not Status

2. Hydro Rates have doubled and tripled and are projected to double and triple again under Liberal Rule

3. Green Energy has been a fiasco

4. Health Care continues to deteriorate

5. E-health - a billion here and billion there

6. Students Rule the Classroom

7. Unions Rule the Public Service - wage increases far and exceed those in the private sector

8. The List Goes On and On...

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Hand that held the dagger….

Has Struck It In The Back Of Its Neighbour. (apologies to FDR)

The Hand belongs to Barack Obama.

The Back belongs to Israel.

This past week, Obama in a major speech, announced that the USA would demand that Israel return to its pre 1967 borders in any negotiations with Palestine.

This, despite the fact, that such borders today are indefensible. And this, despite the fact, that a written promise to the contrary, was given to Israel in 2004 by then President Bush.

And this, despite the fact, that the Middle East is now in Total Chaos - with the only common thread being Anti Semitism.

The loss of Mubarak in Egypt is of particular concern since his Administration and Anwar Sadat's before him, recognized Israel's right to exist and provided needed stability in that part of the world.

That Stability Is Now Gone.

So now we have Obama destabilizing things even further, at a time when Middle Eastern Nations are looking for signs that US / Israeli bonds are fraying.

Some friend.

And of course, we still have Iran beavering away on its Nuclear Bomb Program. Why that has not been addressed by force, by either America or Israel, remains a mystery to me.

It turns out that the Israeli Prime Minister was not even warned about Obama's change of face - Ironically, he was on route to America when the infamous speech was delivered.

On a positive note, when Netanyahu spoke to a Joint Session of Congress the very next day, he was met with virtually unanimous support from Congressmen and Senators alike - both Republican and Democrat.

But it is Obama who singularly commands the World's largest and best Military. And it is Obama whom Israel must depend upon should overwhelming forces be directed against it.

Since its birth in 1948, Israel has felt ever more isolated usually only being able to count on the US to come to its defence. And as time has gone on - their reliance on such support has increased proportionately.

Last Week's Presidential Speech has given them real cause to doubt the depth and sincerity of that Support.


As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Lot Of Huffing & Puffing

Over Harper’s 3 Appointments to the Senate.

In a few days time this will be history but I personally view these appointments to be a hopeful sign.

First, it sets the stage in the Senate for some Real Reform. Harper will most certainly introduce term limits for the Upper House and he needs to be sure that he has enough votes in that Chamber to see it through.

As an aside, I get quite a kick out of Layton’s frothing that the appointments of these three unsuccessful Tory Candidates “is a slap in the face to Canadians and is most undemocratic”.

Earth to Jack – the Senate itself is Most Undemocratic.

My Second reason for optimism is that I see these appointments as a sign that the Tories are planning to ‘hit the ground running’ once the Throne Speech has been delivered.

Harper, with his Minority Status, has suffered at the Hands of The Opposition for the last 5 years. Now he has a chance to break the deadlock and really get on with business.

The controversial stuff will have to get done in the first year or two and these three Appointments cannot but help speedy passage of such Legislation.

So ever the optimist – I am hopeful that Harper will use his Parliamentary Majorities to his best advantage.

The first signal of that will be what is in next month’s Throne Speech.

More on that – then.

As I see it….

‘K.D. Galagher’

Brian Tobin’s Son Jack…


Has just pleaded guilty to driving drunk resulting in the death of his best friend.

Sentencing to take place later next month.

In a Radio Call-in Show yesterday – the vast majority of callers were demanding serious jail time for this young (24) offender.

Some even suggesting that a life sentence (25 years) would be appropriate.

Most seemed to think that at least 5 years would suffice.

I was shocked.

Where is their humanity?

The Young Tobin did a stupid thing – most of us did stupid things when younger – albeit in Tobin’s case it cost the life of another young person.

But how is imprisonment going to benefit the situation?

All it will do is probably break this individual or harden him in the prison school of hard knocks.

So Society pays for his care for say 5 years and he comes out a true bad guy.

Some result.

Tobin himself took full responsibility for his actions from the moment the police came on the scene – and then he pled guilty at the earliest possible opportunity despite his lawyer’s advice not too.

In earlier Blogs I have argued that jail be used only for those who are violent. 

Other sanctions need be found for those who are not so classed.

In the Tobin case – suspension of his licence and / or prohibition from drinking and/or community service and/or house arrest….

The list goes on and on.

What he did was wrong – but he most certainly did not plan to kill his closest and best friend.

He will have to live with that the rest of his life and, sadly, that is the best punishment possible.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’

Friday, May 13, 2011

Sun T.V…..


Best Thing Since Sliced Bread.

This past month, Sun Media launched its Cable TV Channel here in Canada – it is described as Fox News North and I can tell you that it is a most welcome development.

Outright Conservative and non-politically correct it is a refreshing change from the lame street media we have been forced to endure for so long – i.e. CBC and CTV.

Sun T.V. prides itself on being right wing focused while the Left Wing Media pretends to be impartial all the while promoting their own left of centre agenda.

Honesty vs. Subterfuge

Take last evening for instance.

I was watching Ezra Levant’s segment which included a couple of most interesting items.

The first was a look at the “non-partisan” poll CBC had placed on its website during the recent election.  CBC promoted the poll as a tool for ordinary Canadians to use in determining which party best suited them.

A large number of Conservatives complained that they had taken the poll with an outcome that they were in fact Liberal.  I believe Ezra indicated that he too was described as such when he first went through the exercise.

So last eve, Ezra went through the Poll twice again.  The first time he answered each and every of the 30 questions with “the no opinion” option.  - The Result was that he was still a Liberal.

The next time he went through the poll he alternated with picking the most extreme answer for each question – first on the left and then on the right.  And guess what?

Liberal again.

So according to the Survey, Liberals have either no opinions whatsoever or they are totally Bi-Polar. 

So much for a balanced Survey and so much for CBC being impartial.

And Guess what else?

The First Official Act of the New Conservative Majority was to approve Funding for the Mother Corp.

It of course should have been to deep six the olde girl.

The Other Story that Ezra dealt with concerned the Provincial PC’s in Ontario.

As we all know, Ezra Levant has been hounded by the Human Rights Commissions the most notable time being when he had the temerity to publish the Mohammad Cartoons.

A year later and a hundred thousand dollars lighter he was successful (?) in his fight against them.

Anyway, until this week he and Tim Hudak were of a like mind in wanting to see Ontario’s Commission disbanded.

Imagine Ezra’s surprise when he read that Hudak was back-tracking on this pledge and was now going to make ‘adjustments’ to Ontario Human Rights Legislation if he successfully wins this October’s Election.

Levant invited Hudak onto his show but Hudak sent Randy Hillier in his stead.  You know Randy – the no nonsense Libertarian who boldly goes where others fear to tread.

Well Ezra’s interview last eve of Randy was something to behold.

Is it true that your boss (Hudak) has back-tracked from his pledge to disband Ontario’s Human Right’s Commission?

Well Yes, but he is going to improve their legislation.

How so?

Well we are going to make it more in keeping with the Rule of Law?

How so?

Well, I just answered that question.

No you didn’t Randy – I respected you as a no nonsense politician but you are now behaving as a nonsensical politician.  So just tell me – how are you going to amend the legislation.

We are going to bring in more Judges to deal with the backlog of cases.

(Yeah so they can render their stupid decisions more quickly)

Anyway the exchange went on and on with Randy Hillier looking ever more foolish.

It ended with Levant giving up and vowing to get Hudak on the program – ‘since he was the one that should really be answering  for his reversal on this important topic’.

My point is – beyond being personally saddened by Hudak’s change of heart - you would never see such an exchange on the Lame Street Media because they are too much in love with the discriminatory Human Rights Commissions.

If you get a chance tune into this new Station – you will not regret doing so.

As I see it…

‘K.D. Galagher’


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Is It Just Me …


Or are You equally offended by the facts stated in the following two newspaper articles?

Case One:

A child is kidnapped in Quebec and the body found this past September.

Rather than notify the parents – whom the Police knew were totally innocent of any wrong-doing – the Police delayed telling them about their find until just recently.

So the poor parents went over half a year not knowing the whereabouts of their child – and whether or not he was alive or dead.

Can you think of anything more humane?

The Police excused themselves by saying they withheld this information in order not to jeopardize their investigation.


The newspaper article rated a page six and 1 mere  paragraph in length.

Can you believe it?


Case Two:

In today’s paper, I found an article about a driver charged with Dangerous Driving – and oh yes – leaving the scene of an accident.

Again, it was down-played appearing in the Ottawa City Section rather than on the Front Page where it belonged.

This Fellow had killed a pedestrian who had the temerity of placing his hand on his sports car while walking past it.

To me, anytime you aim your car at someone and deliberately run them down – causing their death, it has a name – and it is not Dangerous Driving…

It is Murder.

What am I missing in these two cases that causes them to be handled in such a cavalier fashion, by both the Police and the Press?

As I see it..

‘K.D. Galagher’

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Osama Bin Laden’s Death …


Exposes Western Society’s  declining values.

First, let me assure the reader that I support Bin Laden’s summary execution (although I do not think myself capable of shooting anyone who is unarmed).

Second, his hurried burial at Sea was, I believe, for the best.

Where I diverge from conventional thinking is in regard to the release of photos and to the underlying issue of Torture.

First the Photos.

Two Schools’ of Thought have immerged in regard to the release of photos showing the corpse.

First – revengers who want to display this handiwork for all the world to see and be damned with the consequences.  Let’s call it the Sarah Palin School of Thought.

The Second School of Thought is that held by President Obama who is fearful that the release of such Photos would only encourage retaliation by Radical Muslims against the West.  Let’s call this the Fearful School of Thought.

I subscribe to neither.

Dealing with the Second School first.

We in Western Society have shown enough Fear since 9/11.  My message to extremists is “bring it on” (i.e. in the words of Churchill, as I mentioned in an earlier Blog) – ‘You do Your Worst and We’ll do our Best’.

But that said, I would not release the pix – not out of fear but out of a conviction that it is not the Christian Thing To Do.  You don’t parade bodies around – even if our Enemies consistently doing so.

And of course my belief here applies equally to the Palin School of Revenge.  Western Society in the 21st Century should rise above that.    

Bin Laden’s killing has also caused a revisit to the Issue of State Sanctioned Torture.

Again two sides have immerged in this debate.

Obama has consistently come out against Torture because it is Ineffective.  Let’s call this the Position of the Left.

The Right (e.g Fox News) has pointed out, with some support of its position, that torture has yielded valuable information that has ended up saving society from further hardship.

More specifically in the case of Bin Laden, Fox argues that Water-Boarding resulted in information that eventually led to his death.

I, though, am opposed to any Torture.  Again, just because Evil does it – does not give us the right to do the same.

Sadly, neither the Right nor the Left advances this Basic Christian Tenet.

And in a broader sense, I consistently see the lack of such Values and Convictions in our Modern Societies.

Unless Reversed, we are headed for trouble.


As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’