Showing posts with label You Have To See The Humour .... Show all posts
Showing posts with label You Have To See The Humour .... Show all posts

Friday, October 7, 2011

Post Election Analysis...

First, I am rather pleased with my prediction:

% Vote: Libs got 37.6 - I predicted 37.5; PCs got 34.9 - I predicted 33; and the NDP got 23.2 and I predicted 24%

Seats: Libs got 53 - I predicted 58; PCs got 37 - I predicted 32; and the NDP got 17 and I predicted 17.

From my perspective, I was predicting a small majority for the Liberals and with their 53 seats they virtually have that and don't forget - there will be recounts, the Grits can appoint a non-lib Speaker, plus they can entice non-liberals over with Cabinet appointments etc.

So for all intents and purposes they squeaked a virtual majority.

My Analysis:

I had planned to go into this in some detail - reminding dear readers of the many gaffs and screw-ups on the part of McGuinty and company over the course of the last 8 years but for the most part, I have done that in Blogs leading up to last eve. Plus it would take a lot of room and more time than I have this morning.

So a few quick thoughts instead.

First, I cannot remember a more anemic campaign put on by Hudak and his Handlers and I go back quite a while.

Second, I do not believe McGuinty is a liar all the time; ...only when he opens his mouth.

Third, and surprising for most of you no doubt, I am glad McGuinty won.

I say that because by winning, Dalton McGuinty now has to face up to all his follies of his first two terms. Events around the world have overtaken him. He can no longer ignore the high Debt and Deficits that are tearing the Western World apart and that contagion will engulf Ontario over his new mandate.

He did nothing to prepare Ontario for this coming onslaught so it will be fun watching him squirm trying to react to forces now beyond his control.

And, poor olde Hudak did nothing to warrant facing these coming problems.

Plus I am sorry to say, he is not the man to deal with them in any event. He is Tory Lite when Tory Heavy is needed.

The sooner Hudak is gone from the picture the better.

That said, it would be justice to see him stay on and for him to face each day how wrong he was in fighting a lifeless Campaign. A Campaign that should have begun at the time he was appointed Leader but never took off.

That's it - Ontario got what it deserved and will soon reap the results.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'