Showing posts with label What a coincidence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What a coincidence. Show all posts

Saturday, September 17, 2011

More on McGuinty....

The Subterfuge continues.

I am not one to readily believe in Conspiracies but in the case of Hydro - I smell a Rat and he is the Premier of our Once Great Province.

We have had the Smart Meter for well over a year now and our hydro rates have increased 2.5 fold under this new McGuinty regime.

When Hydro advertises its three daily rates - .11 peak, .9 median , and .6 low, - you can multiply those numbers by 2.5 to take into account the 'other' hydro charges - eg debt reduction, line usage etc.

Th1s increase was inevitable of course since Dolton needed the extra hydro income to pay for his 82.5 cents per kwh paid to the Green Energy providers (e.g. solar).

But did you know that the "debt" in debt reduction we are currently being charged was repaid over two years ago?

And did you know, another tax is slated by dear olde Dalton to come into effect this January to pay for the Smart Meters - despite the fact that we are all ready paying for the cost of these meters in the current 'line charges'. Plus this new tax will attract more HST - so you have tax on tax.

Even the Grits have acknowledged that Hydro rates will dramatically increase in the short term.

"All bad news Galagher, but where does the 'Conspiracy' come in"?

Glad you reminded me.

This past Spring a freeze was introduced on the extension of Smart Meter installation until November.

Correct me if I am wrong - but isn't there a Provincial Election in October? What a coincidence Dolton's freeze expires right after the vote.

But that's not all.

Since earlier in the summer our Smart Meters have gone off service - they are not working. So all usage is being charged at the low rate of 6 cents per kw.

How convenient.

I would not be the least bit surprised if they miraculously started working again after October 6th assuming of course McGuinty and his totally bankrupt Party returns to office.

Call me a cynic.

But this is the basis for my Conspiracy Theory.

On October 6th you'll be the Judge as to whether or not it has merit.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'