Showing posts with label Polls are for Dogs - or not.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Polls are for Dogs - or not.. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Pre-Election Prediction...

For Ontario's Election this October.

You may recall that I did a similar pre-election prediction for the recent Fed'l Election at which time I called for a Tory win and said that the Libs would have trouble hanging on to official opp status over the NDP.

Just before the polls I did a final prediction - based on my assessment of the polls and called for a Tory minority and Opp Status for the NDP. It turned out I was partially wrong re the Tories - they did of course win but they won by a majority. In the case of the NDP, I called for them to win 101 seats but they actually took 103.

You be the judge on how I did.

But now to the coming Provincial Election - Here Goes.

Recent Polls have the Conservatives at between 34 and 41 %; the Liberals between 32 and 39%; and the NDP between 15 and 20 %.

So what do I see happening:

Same as with the recent Federal Election - The Tories will win, and the Liberals need to watch out for a reinvigorated NDP for second place (i.e. it is too close to call which of the two will form the opposition at this point.)

You may wonder at my prediction given the state of the polls but as many olde pols say - the only poll that counts is the one on Election Day.

And of course olde Dief used to say that Polls were only good for Dogs.

Be that as it may, you heard it here first.

My final prediction - with seat numbers, will follow just prior to the polls opening.

As I see it ...

'K.D. Galagher'