Showing posts with label Pinocchio McGuinty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pinocchio McGuinty. Show all posts

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Premier Says It Is All About Jobs...

And in that, he is correct !!

Too bad they are not being created in his own Province of Ontario.

New Grit Ads are out showing Mr. Premier alone and waxing eloquent about all the jobs he and his Party have created.

30,000 he states, most recently...

Despite the fact that in that same period, Stats Canada statistics show only 20,000 have been created in all of Canada...

And Despite the fact that these same statistics show Ontario in 9th position just ahead of 10th place PEI in job creation.

To his credit, Dalton was never one to let the facts get in the way of what he views as the truth.

And speaking lately of Conspiracy - last week Premier McGuinty held a photo op at a new Solar Plant - and he went on to claim that it was plants like this that were creating numerous skilled jobs. To date he noted that Green Energy had produced 20,000 such skilled j0bs in Ontario and is well on the way to producing another 30,000.

The only thing is, the plant was shut down. No one was working there.

But again that did not slow spinmeister McGuinty one little bit.

The Media was there in full force and reported his every uttering but failed to mention that the plant was shut down for want of work. Now that's a Conspiracy.

Only one reporter - for the conservative National Post - blew the whistle on his outrageous stunt.

But that is not all.

These "well paid, skilled jobs" at the shut down plant consisted of employees (when working) making $13 per hour assembling parts manufactured in China. Rather like a meccano set.

But again our distinguished Premier ignored this reality in his bid to gain re-election.

And in that respect, he is consistent since he very capably ignores reality even when he's not campaigning.

Asked time and again for particulars of these supposed 20k green jobs, McGuinty and his cohorts are lost for words. Indeed a rare occurrence.

The fact is, there is but only a small handful of people working in Ontario's green energy sector.

One final point in all of this Green Energy nonsense and the related issue of Jobs.

The reason Ontario today has such a vast surplus of power is because, under McGuinty's 8 year administration, the manufacturing sector has been decimated.

And decimated to the extent that Ontario has had to pay other jurisdictions to take our surplus energy off our hands.

All the while we pay green energy suppliers 10x the going rate to produce power we do not need and have to pay others to take.

It would be hilarious if the costs were not so high for Ontarians.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'