Showing posts with label Obama is wired differently .... Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama is wired differently .... Show all posts

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I Finally Figured Obama Out.

Since his Election I have found Barack Obama to be an Enigma - I just could not get a handle on the guy.

Let me come clean here - it will come as no surprise for you to know that if I was American - I would not have voted for Obama but what you might not realize is that I was hoping he would win.

In my mind, the time had come for a Black American to be in the White House in the same manner that the time has come for a Woman to occupy that space.

I felt the pride of Black America that one of their own had a shot at being President.

For a long time, I hoped that he would grow in office but as time has gone on, I can see this will not happen.

The guy blames everyone for failings - the Big Corps; the Big Banks; Republicans; Tea Partyers; The Rich Whites, George W. Bush, Fox News and so on and so on.

Each target in turn, gets a hammering at what seems to be one of his daily Press Conferences.

He forgets that he is the President of ALL AMERICANS - he is in place to represent Them ALL and he is in place for find Solutions for What Ails the USA.

He needs to drop the Blame Game, but I have just come to the conclusion that he is incapable of doing that. In fact, he is wired in such a fashion that it is just not in his DNA.

What I now realize is that it comes down to his upbringing and his life experience that prevents him from acting differently.

This realization came to me as a result of his several appearances over the course of the Recent Down Grade Debacle- and in particular in what he said and what he failed to say.

I guess I have known about his flawed approach for some time and have even touched upon it in many of my Blogs but this recent Crisis brought it home to me.

Obama's father left him when young, his mother could not keep him and he went to live with her Grand Parents.

As an adult, he worked as a Social Worker in the poor Black Districts of Chicago.

He sat over the course of 20 years in a Church where the Pastor ranted and raved about the vile Whites while condemning America as 'G.D. America'. (While this same Pastor lived in a rich white enclave in a $10 million home - some hypocrite).

As a Black and given his life experience, he too had to come to believe in victimization - the Whites victimizing the Blacks.

Us versus Them.

Problems of the Black Community could easily be placed at the door step of the insensitve Whites.

Solutions were not needed, only excuses and blame given.

That explains why he has surrounded himself with such Socialist Minded Persons - each ready to support his dogma that someone else is to blame.

No need to take corrective action - just Blame, Blame, Blame.

It also explains why he is so cool to Israel . I hesitate to say it but there is a streak of Anti Semitism that runs through Black America i.e. if Rich Whites are bad then Rich White Jews are even worse.

I do not envy Barack Obama, indeed I feel quite sorry for him. He has a little over a year left in office and I do not expect much positive will result.

In my mind though - it is not his fault. It is in his wiring.

Post Script: I forgot to mention an important aspect of Obama's being - he truly wants to reduce the disparity between rich and poor / the have and the have-nots. And this has led to his high spending and in turn, the S&P downgrade. I fully support his goal if for no other reason than it is fair and is the humane thing to do. Where I diverge from him is that you cannot help the poor by beggaring the rich. Plus, sadly, the time is not right for such heavy spending since US and indeed much of the Western World is on the financial ropes. That said, I would like to see some of the Military Spending diverted to helping the less fortunate especially in the area of good schooling. As I have said before, the time has come for America's NATO Allies to offer up coin and resources to offset a much needed diminished role for the US.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'