Showing posts with label Ignatieff Will Say Anything. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ignatieff Will Say Anything. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ignatieff Will Say Anything

Just after completing the Blog about Quebec's Representation in Parliament, I read where our esteemed Leader of the Opposition also believes that Quebec is being grossly short changed when it comes to the receipt of infrastructure monies.

If true, it would be a first, since Quebec has proven itself to be rather adept at acquiring its share and more whenever federal money was to be handed out.

In fact, it is not true and Ignatieff is well aware of that.

He sees his dream of becoming Prime Minister quickly fading away and he has now shown that he will do anything - including lying - to try to keep his dream alive.

But it is worse than lying. It is once again an attempt by one of our politicians to seek to divide Quebec from the Rest of Canada for his own petty political purposes. In a real sense, such politicians are prepared to gamble the future of our country, for their short term gain.

Too many Quebecers have grown up hearing from their leaders how the Rest of Canada has short changed them in Confederation. They are too ready to believe the Leader of Her Majesty's Government when he says that once again they are not receiving their fair share. I saw Bloc Leader Duceppe on television last eve and he was smiling.

As an aside, several years ago I flew into Jonquiere and during the taxi ride in the driver, noticed that I was English, and apologized to me that they would soon be leaving Confederation. The reason. He told me that Canada was holding them back financially and that they were better off going it alone. I didn't argue with him since I could see he had his mind up - that he fully believed the tripe he'd been fed.

If you have any doubt about the incorrectness of Ignatieff's statement, please go to the Government of Canada Web Site to see all of the infrasture projects approved for Quebec. One in particular stood out for me and that was the allocation of some $40 billion to Quebec City's Davie Ship Yards for the construction of Government ships over the coming years.

So no, Quebec is not being short changed.

But yes, Ignatieff is in deep political trouble and like most politicians in that situation, he is prepared to say anything at the expense of the truth.

As I see it.
