Showing posts with label I like Ann Coulter.... Show all posts
Showing posts with label I like Ann Coulter.... Show all posts

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Like Ann Coulter...

Though I do not have much use for Ottawa U - so called 'Canada's University. (It is not by happenstance that the CBC calls upon the tenured left wing professors of Ottawa U to support its politically correct point of view)

And my above feelings long preceded Ms. Coulter's recent attempt to speak on its campus.

I have followed Ann Coulter over the course of the last couple of years and I must admit that initially I too found her to be a right wing loon. But as time went on, I realized that she was simply trying to be provocative - and in so doing to make points which needed to be made.

Permit me to give you a recent example.

Coulter has been accused of saying that Muslims should not be allowed to fly - I guess on the premise that not all Muslims are terrorists but nearly all terrorists are Muslim.

Well the fact is - Ann Coulter never made that statement - and as she herself has pointed out - this is consistent with most of the statements that she has alleged to have made. This is not surprising given the inherent bias of our left-wing media.

What she did say - and she admits to doing so, is that all Muslims who fly, should be profiled.

Even with that she has gone too far but the essence of what she is saying makes imminent sense.

Here we have democracies around the world suspecting everyone of being a terrorist with this leading to grandmothers, babies and the like from the general population being searched for bombs and weapons and indeed most recently being electronically stripped searched.

As I have pointed out in past Blogs, this state of affairs is utter nonsense.

Alas with current state of technology, Profiling is still the way to go.

But Profiling itself need not apply to the whole of the Muslim Community. It too can be targeted to those most likely to fit the description of a terrorist - e.g. young, not married. And it can be further supported by counter terrorist measures such as continued development of the no-fly lists.

Anyway, what I am trying to say, is that although Coulter exaggerates for effect, but the essence of her message is solid.

Political correctness and aversion to profiling are fall-outs from the transition in society which began in the 1960s and for which I am planning one day return to in greater depth.

Canada has sold out to such thinking - as has Europe. The United States is the only country remaining where the fight against it remains but even America is split right down the middle.

Like it or not, the Ann Coulters are part of this fight - from the right, and if they lose, all of us in the West will lose too.

As I see it...
