Showing posts with label How to make health care work - anywhere. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to make health care work - anywhere. Show all posts

Saturday, September 12, 2009

How to make Health Care Work - Anywhere

Another 2 parter...

Picture this - 3 glasses - two full of water and one empty.

Glass A represents private health care currently available in the USA. The vast majority of American citizens drink from this glass and give it a grade of 10 out of 10.

Glass B represents the lack of health care for those 45 million Americans (15%) who have no coverage. Needless-to-say, this group scores their empty glass at zero.

Glass C represents the public health care received by all Canadians. The water tastes salty and the citizens score the contents at 5 out of 10.

In America, the experts ignore the fact that the majority - 85% are pleased with their private coverage and place their focus on the 15% that do without. Their solution is to have a public system set-up - like in Canada - for all Amercans. In effect, to turn the majority's glass of water from a grade of 10 to a 5. Rationing will result as will the lack of Doctors and other key health care providers and so on. Without competition, health care - like the sale of cereals or any other product, suffers.

The 15% though will be pleased since their score will go from 0 to a 5.

In Canada, our so called experts believe our public system is the best in world regardless of the facts which indicate otherwise. They continually shun a private system which would raise the water in our glass from 5 to 10.

But experts and proponents on both sides of the health care issue in both countries have it wrong. They trying to determine which is the better system for delivery of health care - public or private, when they should all be looking at what exactly is to be delivered under either regime.

My solution in part 2...
