Showing posts with label From out of the West ... once again. Show all posts
Showing posts with label From out of the West ... once again. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

From Out of the West ...once again.

Alberta has a new Party - the Wild Rose Party and I predict it will win the next provincial election over the hapless governing Tories. Whether it morphs into a federal movement after that remains to be seen, but I sure hope it does just that.

New political parties are not unusal for Alberta, as the recent Reform Party can attest. There have been many others before that, including the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) which today is known as the NDP and the Social Credit Party founded in 1935 and headed by 'Bible Bill' Aberhart.

The Wild Rose is disappointed with the Tories since they have squandered billions of dollars in Canada's richest province and today it runs a deficit. In many respects, the Tories of Alberta mirror their counterparts in Ottawa: Big Spending; Big Government; and Big Deficits / Debt.

The Wild Rose Party is the only Party in Canada that can lay claim to Libertarian status.

Albertans are a proud people. They have not been co-opted into socialist thinking - and thereby do not expect the government to provide them with cradle to grave coverage. They alone, in Canada, have retained the independence that is so evident outside the major cities of the United States. An independence that I believe is needed for peoples to excel.

For decades, Alberta money has siphoned off and been used to fund Canada's have-not Provinces in the East. This has allowed those provinces to become comfortable with UI, Welfare, Transfers, etc - a life-style based upon the hard work and ingenuity of others.

We in Canada, have to stop the never ending growth of government where more and more of our freedoms are eroded and more of our earnings taxed away.

Perhaps the Wild Rose Party will spark something in us all to caste off the suffocating cloak of Big Brother.

As I see it..
