Showing posts with label Blagojevich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blagojevich. Show all posts

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Blagojevich, Guilty As Charged...

Seventeen Charges to be exact.

This is the number of convictions former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was dealt earlier this week.

Primarily it had to do with trying to "sell" Obama's former Senate Seat and with so many convictions, he is likely serve some serious Federal Prison Time.

The question arises as to Why? Why would someone of Blogojevich's stature and position risk all by stooping to such slimy activity? One gets the sense that when some individuals reach such heights they begin to think of themselves as invulnerable - e.g. Gerry Weiner, Bill Clinton, and Robert Edwards.

For whatever reason, Blagojevich has now lost much - most important his reputation is in shatters and is not likely to be restored.

But now enters the US System of Punishment...let's call it its Conrad Black moment.

The Prosecution will most certainly be asking for a prison sentence of at least 5 years but what will that accomplish?

  • Will he be rehabilitated? Not Likely

  • Will he be punished? Yes, but he has already suffered a great deal more than your ordinary offender due to his loss of status.

  • Will it set an example for others who may think now or in the future of conducting themselves in a similar fashion? Probably.

So on balance the serving of hard time seems to make some sense.

But it is not going to address the chronic problem of overcrowding in Prisons. (i.e. California is in the process of letting thousands of inmates out since the State is broke and cannot afford to expand their existing facilities).

Nor is it going to help the inmate himself. He or she is likely to come out of the experience much more hardened.

It will certainly not help his family who will now be without his support both financial and emotional.

Nor will the imprisonment be taxpayer friendly. Using Canadian Figures - it costs $259 per day on average to incarcerate a prisoner - males cost $87,665 per year while female inmates cost over $150 k per year. Alternative methods of punishment cost but $5 to $25 per day.

So Alternative methods are much cheaper - are they as effective?

If I was the Judge punishing Rod Blagojevich I would rely upon those alternative methods and here is what I would do.

First, I would bar him from Public Office for life.

Second, I would confiscate current and future sale revenues from his story to be deposited to the general revenues of the State of Illinois.

Next I would fine him - $100,000 in total.

Then I would sentence him to 500 hours of community service, And,

Finally, I would place him under Home Arrest for 1 year, followed by 4 more years of probation.

In my opinion, this would address the objectives and much more of serving hard time.

Alas, it is not to be. The Prosecution will ask for time and the Judge will grant the request.

As I see it....

'K.D. Galagher'