Showing posts with label Back to Gus the Barber. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Back to Gus the Barber. Show all posts

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hair Cut Time...Again

And Back to Gus the Barber.

As you know from an earlier Blog, every 6 weeks or so I am off to see Gus the Barber.

Yesterday was 'Gus the Barber Day'.

Gus was in Rare Form - I mean - he was Meaner Than Ever.

I met Gus coming up the escalator - he was coming up and I was going down - down to his shop that is. Gus was off for his ubiquitous cigarette break. I asked him to please hurry since I would be waiting for his return. Gus sneered and continued on up the rolling stairs.

He was soon back though, which had more to do with Gus' ability to inhale a cigarette faster than any man on Earth than it did him worrying about me waiting.

In the few minutes I did have, I considered sweeping up the loose hair on the floor beneath his Barber Chair but from past experience realized my finer efforts would go unappreciated and even be resented. So I refrained.

What I did do was to go to his newspaper bench and pull out one of the day's rags. I had no sooner gotten comfortable with it when Gus returned - sneer and all.

I jumped up and headed for The Chair - leaving the newspaper behind.

"That your paper"? asked Gus.

"No, it is one of yours", I replied.

"Put it back" he demands.

I went on to tell him that I had planned to do just that - when the cutting was over ....

"Someone will come in and sit on it and ruin it".


I refrained from saying that over the course of the last year, I had yet to seen 'Anyone' come and go from his shop save for Yours Truly.

I replaced the endangered paper.

The cutting began.

At this point I am thinking do I just go silent - like the man himself - or do I try to provoke conversation.

Ever a sh** disturber, I go for the latter.

I notice some new pictures Gus has posted up on his wall - one being a pix of himself about age 9 when he was living in Italy. "Good looking kid" I exclaim..."whatever happened to those good looks"?

I can be a devil.

Gus Grunts.

On to another picture, in this one a Gus around age 19 is seen cutting All the hair off a client.

I asked him "why would anyone want all their hair cut off"?

Gus finally breaks silence "If he wanted his head cut-off and paid me, I would do it".

Might be frowned upon in some quarters I respond - Gus Grunts.

We go quiet again.

I try one last thing - knowing that he hates - absolutely hates politics, I ask Gus if he got to Jack Layton's Funeral?

If looks could kill...

Okay - I gave up at this point.

On leaving I always give Gus a good tip - usually as much as $8.00 and I did so yesterday.

I thought for a moment of telling Gus that the tip was for his 'Friendly Service' but thought the better of it.

One, I was not sure how he would react - physically that is and Two, for all his faults, Gus is a Proud Individual.

When I got home and told Anne about my latest Gus experience she asked the expected; "why do I not find another Barber"?

Simple - Gus is the Best.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'