Showing posts with label Anders Breivik - Mass Murderer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anders Breivik - Mass Murderer. Show all posts

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Exact Question Is ....

In Regard To Norwegian Mass Murderer Anders Breivik as posed by countless Media around the World:

1. Is He A Terrorist?

2. Is He A Fundamentalist Christian?

3. Is He Simply A Christian?

4. Is He An Athiest?

5. Is He A Conservative?

6. Is He A Nazis?

7. Is He Part Of A Terrorist Cell Network?

8. Is He Insane?

In posing these questions, this self same left leaning Media miss the Answer in all of this - Breivik is simply a nut-bar who killed innocent children, women and men for his own delusional purposes.

The Media is anxiously looking for a counter-balance to the off stated claim that Islamists are the bad guys. They so desperately want to include the Right in the mix so that when extreme muslims carry out their vile acts - the righteous Left can come back with "they are no different from the violent Right".

In that, the Left is partially correct - violence on the part of anyone be they from the Right - the Middle - the Left - or from Religious Zealots - or from whomever - is always wrong.

But their trying to paint this Madman with a right wing or extreme Christian Label - is simply reprehensible.

The Left cannot continue to ignore the vile actions of the Extreme Islamists because, unlike Breivik - their actions are coordinated, often State Based and founded upon a twisted interpretation of the Koran. Moreover, it is not religion that fuels the Muslim fundamentalists - but rather it is power - the power to control their own peoples and subject others to their Will.

Who then is Anders Breivik?

Answer: He is a lost deranged soul trying desperately to be noticed. In so doing he has gained Infamy rather than Fame.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galgher'