Showing posts with label 50 million jobs created at no cost.... Show all posts
Showing posts with label 50 million jobs created at no cost.... Show all posts

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Strange Bedfellows for the Left...

And one other Related Story.

First on Oil.

The Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu have joined forces with internet inventor* Al Gore to condemn construction of an oil pipe line from Canada to the Texas Gulf.
(* Gore has said he was the inventor of internet when it was NASA)

These dear souls are worried about the environment.

They should stick to their knitting.

Canada has been a big supporter (as in Big Supporter) of both gentlemen when it comes to promoting Human Rights in their respective countries. With this in mind, why they would sully themselves in oil debate is simply beyond belief. That said, you can understand why Gore is involved since he has made a career of promoting the Fraud of Man-Made Global Warming.

I say this because the US has but only two choices in this oil debate - buy its oil from us - a secure and friendly neighbour or from the Middle East which is in turmoil and where much of the oil monies end up in the hands of terrorists. A no-brainer except for the above threesome.

If I was Harper it would be a frosty day in hell when I met again with either the Dalia Lama or the dear Archbish0p since there needs to be consequences for their inappropriate meddling.

The Second Story concerns Obama's 1000th speech he plans to deliver this eve.

This one to create jobs.

By now with all his previous announcements and Trillions spent one would wonder why the need for jobs - there must have been millions created by now.

But not so - since Government created jobs - unless they are jobs in government itself - are a misnomer.

But that does not deter olde Obama - is reports are accurate - he will announce a further expenditure of $300 Billion - nearly one third of a Trillion $ on additional job creation.

This will succeed only in creating more government debt - and less private sector jobs.

As I indicated in a recent Blog re Obama - the guy not only does not get it - he is incapable of getting it as a result of this upbringing and background.

My advice - buy gold.

Before leaving this topic and with tongue in cheek (sort of) - I have a solution to America's unemployment problem. It would create 50 million new jobs and would not cost America one red cent.

How you might ask?

Put all Welfare / Unemployed to work for the government - cutting grass, picking up trash, volunteering in the area of sports etc etc. Their pay? Why the Welfare / Unemployment benefits they are currently receiving.

It is a win / win. They all get a job - Government Worker and the Government gets Work Done - all for the same money it is paying out for zip.

So how are these two stories related?

The US private sector needs a stable source of oil to function effectively. An expanded pipeline from Canada would help to accomplish that. Anything to assist business will in turn create more jobs - as in real productive jobs. The kind that pay taxes and support government infrastructure.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'