Thursday, November 10, 2022


 As in Pierre Elliott and His Son ...Young Justin

And As In November 11th

Canada lost 66,000 dead in World War One and an additional 45,000 in the Second World War.  Each Nov 11th, Veterans, their Families, Friends, Neighbours and Canadians generally come together at the nearest War Memorial to pay their respects.

Politicians too are well represented - so one would expect our Prime Minister to be front and centre tomorrow but you'd be wrong...Justin Trudeau is off to some minor event in SE Asia.

Justin never misses an opportunity to strut but I guess Nov 11th just doesn't measure up to his very low standards.  Do you think it has anything to do with the fact that while our men and women were dying overseas in the 1940s- His Father was tooling around the streets of Montreal wearing a German War Helmet?

If I were to bet, I would bet that this is the very reason the Little Twerp will be M.I.A. tomorrow.

I have to wonder if His Co-Prime Minister...the Head of Canada's once proud New Democratic Party will find the time to attend.  Wouldn't bet on that either.

If those 111,111 soldiers could come back to vote do think even one of them would vote Liberal?  I wouldn't want to bet on that either. 

As I See It ...

'K.D. Bell'