Saturday, July 23, 2022


 Post-traumatic stress disorder ... the 21st Century Must Have Ailment

That said, it was also prevalent during the First World War where it was usually a fatal condition because its sufferers were summarily shot.  

Now those men truly suffered from the Disorder. 

But I am talking about today...not over 100 years ago.

I have said many times that it seems to me that if someone runs over and kills a squirrel with their car...they contract PDSD.

Like the W.W. I'ers there are true sufferers even today and I do not want to minimize their suffering...but so many - it almost seems to the Complaint De Jour. Or should I say - De siecle  (aka century) 

But it appears there are some benefits with contracting this affliction ...who knew. 

In the Book 'The Power of Bad' the author quotes experts in this field as saying 80% of those who experience PDSD come out from the experience "stronger" and are more ready to face the challenges of life.  Again who knew. 

The ones covered by the Media though seem to go out of their way to focus on the other 20% - those who are forever adversely affected by whatever caused them this grief.

I like to focus on the positive aspect of this and while my heart goes out to those from the First World War who had every reason in the World to suffer from this disability - too many of our fellow citizens today appear to be using ...just because they can.

Before I close - we have all been following the horror show of travelling through our Airports.  Earlier this week I say an interview on television where the interviewee was asked if she would book another holiday in the future after her current efforts to do so failed miserably.

Her answer was that probably not given that she was now suffering from "PDSD".

She was joking of course...or was she ?

"As I See It..."

'K.D. Galagher'