After His 20 year Siesta ...He would have been Shocked !!
There was NDP Leader Andrea Horwath being Interviewed and demanding that the Truckers from the Freedom Convoy lose their driving licences which would of course impoverish both them and their families.
The Dear Woman was not through though ...She spoke approvingly of Liberal Leader Del Ducca's suggestion to Seize and Confiscate their Rigs.
You see in defence of Van Winkel, when he went to sleep the NDP Party was the Champion of the Little Guy - the Worker and Truckers were at the Top of Their List in those needing the Party's protection.
What Van Winkel did not know...and how could he since he has been asleep for two (2) decades is that while he slept the NDP morphed into a Party that now caters to Unions for the Rich Bureaucrats...the University Professors and such and we all know why.
It is because those most fortunate folks can afford to pay much more in Union Dues than the poorer ...much poorer and unpensioned blue collar worker could ever imagine doing.
Nice to be able to jettison one's Principles so easily.
So take away their livelihoods and to Hell with the Hindmost.
It makes one sick...and speaking of that...:
Hidey-Hole Trudeau popped his Head up briefly last eve to unload more invective against the Truckers.
Wimpy Willie Watson our thankfully retiring Mayor eagerly joined the fray...demanding 1,800 more cops to add to the countless hundreds on the ground. They much be quickly reaching the point where there are more police than protestors.
To date there have been no injuries no deaths but that is not due to either Trudeau or Watson and I fear that to add more police to the mix that just might spark it.
Negotiations with the Protestors is what is needed but sorely lacking.
In that light - no pun intended.. Joel Lightbound a Liberal MP from Quebec and the Quebec Caucus Chair called a Press Conference this morning. I received a call from my friend since childhood - Johnny asking me if I was watching CBC. 'Now Johnny' I said, when have I ever watched CBC but he quickly told me about Lightbound's Presser and I went to the TV Guide to find CBC's Channel. Sure enough there was this most articulate young chap deploring the divisive and tone deaf ways of his leader ...Hidey-Hole Justin. He acknowledged that this action on his part could cost him his Caucus Chair Role and very likely get him kicked out of Caucus ...but finally a Liberal has stood up for Values that have been missing. Bravo Mr. Lightbound.
Hopefully this might signal the beginning of a movement to oust one of the worst Prime Ministers this Country has ever endured.
Before closing one humourous note...during all of this an interview took place with a Reporter on the Street to the Truckers. There was a constant cacophony of horns blaring. Was it not just yesterday that the Court Ordered an Injunction to Stop Such? Did the Judge not realize such a Declaration would have no effect...everyone else seemed to understand that.
But I guess there is hope that this horn honking will stop if Del Duca plan to Seize and Confiscate all offenders.
A Pox on all their Houses ...the Houses of our Delusional and out of control Politicians.
Tomorrow a Blog on a tragedy that nearly occurred in the midst of all of this.
As I See It...
'K.D. Galagher'