Thursday, January 6, 2022


 For example the Department of Veterans Affairs is long past its Best Before Date and so is Canada Post. 

DVA  for another time save for saying the Volunteer Veterans from WW II are fewer by the day and today are mostly no longer with us.

With regard to the Post Office though one sends mail anymore.

When Justin Trudeau came to power in 2015 he promised faithfully he did for several other restore door to door mail delivery.  Seven Years later we are still waiting but this is one area where his inaction has proven to be a blessing.  As I said one mails anything, anymore.  Computers / Internet have mostly replaced it.

We go to the local drop off box every other day ...sometimes longer and often there is zip there...not even a flyer.  And speaking of flyers ...if we did not receive them there would be virtually nothing left to get.  In fact, I just got in from checking out the box and there was not even a flyer waiting for me and I of course I had gone there yesterday. 

But the Post Office knows full well that no one is mailing letters any more.  In fact it was not that many years back when it started to cry the poors for that very reason.  It then went headlong into the parcel business buying controlling interest in Purolator in 1993.  Prior to that, Canada Post claimed that it had to be a Crown Corporation since no private body could be trusted with the delivery of Canadian's Mail from Coast to Coast to the USA Border.

With internet and the many modern ways of communication this argument no longer holds water. And to make this same claim for parcel delivery is utter hogwash.  In fact the parcel delivery business is full of private companies delivering here and there and everywhere....Fedex, UPS, Old Dominion to name but a few.  And that does not even take into account the delivery prowess of the Amazon Behemoth.

But despite this parcel pivot of Canada Post still loses money - big bucks actually,  In 1918 it lost $270 million, in 1919 a further $153 million and for 1920 the Conference Board of Canada predicted a lose of a Billion Dollars.  I tried to find what the actual amount was online but was unsuccessful but tend to think the Conference Board knows a thing or two about profit and loss.

In addition according to Wikipedia, Canada Post employs a staggering 64,000 Employees.

Would it not be great for the hard-pressed Taxpayer to get back into their own hands some of that dough?

If a political party was astute enough to call for its end I believe that one promise alone would go a long way to getting it elected or re-elected whatever the case may be.

As I See It...

'K.D. Galagher'