As in protesting Governments' recent shut-downs and closures.
With the great number of Omicron Viruses, the Experts are besides themselves with new suggestions on how to tighten things down even more than they currently are.
These 'Experts', as I pointed out in a recent Blog have yet to be right and with their recent fearful announcements they are keeping to true form.
Parents expecting to send their kids back to school on Monday here in Ontario were told just yesterday that this will be delayed until Wednesday. Some notice.
But worse than that - the reason given is to ensure Schools have the time to install air filtration. First off - 2 days extra time will not accomplish this and Secondly, they won't work even when installed due to the high contagion of this new variant. It will only amount to a colossal waste of money and will only give parents and their kids a false sense of protection.
In Quebec, it is even worse. New Year's Eve Partiers were given but 1 day's notice that there will be no partying even in their own homes. I'd tell the could Premier (President?) of Quebec what he can do with His directive. Worse - restaurants are to be shuttered - food to be wasted and another nail in the coffin of private enterprise. Talk about Scrooge even he wasn't that mean.
When the Experts look at the growing numbers with horror on their faces...they are doing so from the wrong end of the looking glass. Granted, Omicron is more contagious but it is far less less severe that it actually is of benefit for those of us who have received their prescribed vaccines. I cannot wait to catch it.
Every hour it seems another business reports it is being crippled by lack of staff who have to isolate due to the sniffles. It cannot go on like this...Air Lines need to operate, Police need to Police, Firemen fight fires, Nurses / Doctors need to keep Hospitals open and Home Support Workers need to help the frail and elderly.. Simply stated we are shooting ourselves in the foot - both feet actually and have the Experts to blame for it.
You know that I am the last Person to call for a Rebellion but as for the Nonsense taking place before our very eyes - I say ...To The Ramparts. Are you with me?
As I See It...
'K.D. Bell'