Wednesday, October 20, 2021

What do an 'Orange' and the Supply System...



My Father often told the story that he and his sister Joyce believed they were lucky if they got an Orange for Christmas.. nothing else... during the Dirty Thirties.  Imagine. 

Today, the news is all about the breakdown in the Supply System and that ...wait for this...'What You May Wish For Christmas May Not Be There Because Of This'.

It got me thinking ...'So What'.  We are now nearly two years into a World Wide has changed for us all - for far too many, it has prematurely come to an end.

So what if You do not get the latest Gizmo and what if the coolest Toy on the Shelf is missing in the lead up to December 25.  Will the World come to an end?

You and I know what is truly of value is Family, Friends, Health and Happiness.  And what a great time to refocus on that this coming Christmas Season.

So back to the Orange.  Maybe it does after all have a relevance to the Supply Issue today.  I can just imagine my Grandparents trying unsuccessfully to get an Orange for each of their Two Children and being told - sorry... since they would be coming all the way from a place like Florida; 'Do Not Plan OnThem Getting To You In Time For The 25th'.  

I can also imagine my Dad and Aunt Joyce being able to cope with that.  Perhaps one or two locally grown Apples would suffice in their stead. They, like us, put family first and to their credit at a time when most had nothing.

We, on the other hand, today have so much and if we are inconvenienced slightly by some be it.  We'll cope too and hopefully will use this upcoming Season as an opportunity to be thankful for all our Blessings and Renew Our Efforts to Help Others Who Are Less Fortunate.

After all, isn't that what Christmas is all about - Giving Rather Than Receiving.

As I See It...

'K.D. Bell'