Sunday, October 17, 2021


I am not going to get into 'Why' Something Needs To Be Done...

Rather, I am going to limit myself to The 'What'... That Needs To Be Done.  I say that because if you do not not already know the reason for Why... You Most Certainly Will Not Understand Why The 'What' Is Even Needed...if that makes any sense. 

And in that regard before I get too far into this blog,  I would like to identify some key personages here in Canada who continue to fail to understand the Why... beginning with our Esteemed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (and going back 50 years this club included his father the infamous Pierre Elliott).  And not to be left out are other distinguished Liberal Leaders - such Jean Chretien and an array of Senior Bureaucrats... the most recent being our misguided Ambassador to China ...Dominic Barton.  The same who lectured us peasants on the need to continue our diplomatic and trade efforts with this Rogue Nation or miss out on future wealth.  

Well Ambassador Barton, there is more to life than Wealth and besides Canada and indeed the rest of the Free World can do very nicely economically and otherwise without the help of China.  In fact, China needs us more than we need it but will reserve that for another time.

So now let's get to the Whats:

First ..We need to Stop Trading with China...not so much as a marshmallow in or out;

Second...Kick China out of any and all International Organizations for which we are able to do so;

Third...Boycott their upcoming Olympics...a no brainer but wait and see how many no-brainer countries attend especially those that pretend they put stock in Human Rights;

Fourth...No more students or visitors or "experts" exchanges from this Rogue and Reprehensible Nation;

Fifth...Flood the Taiwan Strait ...(aka the Formosa Strait), with NATO Warships to discourage China from invading Taiwan;

Sixth...Related to 4, Recognize Taiwan as its own Independent Country and in due course make it an equal member of NATO;

Seventh...treat their illegal.. artificially manufactured islands as Bogus Non-Entities and mark them as such on the World Maps;  -and,

Eighth...Form a League of Democratic Nations with a Mandate to work together for Common Defence and Economic Well-being of its Members and to work to see their numbers multiplied in the years ahead.

Is this likely to happen?  Certainly not in the short-term nor even the mid-term even though it most certainly should but I do not see any nation or international Leader with courage and vision needed to do this.  Simply stated, their are no Winston Churchill's among us.

But it will most certainly happen eventually and I hope and pray that it comes in time.

That said, there is the possibility that China will see the error of its ways - by itself and that pertains to its Government Directed and Managed the long run, it simply does not work.  Evidence of that has surfaced in the news of late with the failure of Chinese property developer Evergrande and the fact that the Chinese Government controls the country's banking system. To its credit, the Chinese Government adopted a form of Capitalism but to truly work Capitalism must be free to act in the best interests of its owners / shareholders and not for its Government Masters.  This is why the hybrid system setup in China will eventually fail and why the possibility - albeit remote, exists that the Chinese Dictatorship may be forced to come to its senses for no other reason than the Almighty Dollar or should I say Yuan.  Something to hope for and this will come much more quickly if the West ceases to do Business with them.

The one thing that Democratic Nations, thru NATO,  must do in the interim is to prevent Taiwan from being invaded.  Taiwan is one of us - it is vibrant Democracy and in need of our protection.  China has made it abundantly clear that its takeover is merely a question of when ...not if and that time is getting closer by the day.

As I See It...

'K.D. Galagher'