Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Throwing Pebbles


The Throwing of Pebbles has been in the news muchly over the course of the past couple of days and it reminded me of a little ditty that made the rounds when I was went like this:

      Brothers came home and told their father that they had thrown 'pebbles' off a cliff - the father responded "no harm in that boys"...until this kid came to the door all broken and battered.  You guessed it - his name was Pebbles.

With that, we cast ahead to the present and learn that pebbles a.k.a. bits of gravel were thrown at our distinguished Prime Minister though the Woke Media was quick to turn them into 'Stones' and that they were hurled at a totally defenceless Trudeau by an unruly and totally out of control mob this despite the fact that He was surrounded by a protective wall of Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Those who entered the bus along with Him - reported that he was unfazed by what had occurred and saw it as no big deal.

But the very next day, Trudeau did a 180 and was now in great dungeon about what had occurred the day prior.  Violence has no place in Canadian Election Campaigns.  So what happened in a mere 12 hours or so?  I can just imagine...His Brain Trust in Campaign Headquarters - known as the War Room - seized on this like a Spider on a Fly.  Why they told Him - this is pure gold - we can discredit the Right - once known colloquially as the Conservative Party of Canada. So they wound Him up and out he went and did his drama schtick for which He is so well known.

As for me - Trudeau and His Team and the Progressive Media made a mountain out of a molehill.  That said, Trudeau is correct when he said there is no room for violence on the part of demonstrators.  Anyone doing so should be criminally charged while bearing in mind there is a great deal of difference between the seriousness of tossing pebbles and the hurling of rocks.  And there is nothing wrong in a healthy democracy of having demonstrations take place even when those participating might be angry as hell. You and I may not agree with their point(s) of view and often we do not - but for the sake of everyone they need to be able to voice their concerns. 

One of the great deficiencies in our Democracy has been the Left's Insistence that only they speak on behalf of society.  Any and all opinions are okay as long as they coincide with their own.  It is simply not healthy.

And in closing I continue to think back to His Father who withstood the slings and arrows thrown at him by the FLQ with nary a whine nor complaint. 

As I See It...

K.D. Galagher