Thursday, September 9, 2021

Life Can Be Unfair

Recently, a long time friend of ours confided in me that he was 'very angry' with the state of his health...'it was so unfair'.  He, like me, is getting on in life and for the most part has enjoyed very good health.  The last couple of years though have been a challenge for him and with it has come much pain and general discomfort.

I, as you know, have had some serious health challenges too over the course of the last two years and have endured some serious side-effects albeit not as much pain as experienced by our friend.  There is another difference between us...our friend is not a Person of Faith.

Rather than get angry, I have been thankful to God for pulling me through and thank him for the gift of each new day.  I also believe that there is a better place awaiting us after death so death is not to be wished for but neither is it to be feared. 

I would encourage our friend to look to God for help but realize from trying earlier in our friendship that this would not be well received on his part. So rather, I tell him to put his faith in his doctors and hopefully his health troubles will soon pass though I am not so certain they will.  I also Pray for his speedy recovery and tell him so in the knowledge that he will be okay with that ...and in fact will be appreciative even though he will likely find it a waste of time on my part.  I will keep Praying though.

Another example of Life Being Unfair occurred just late last month when the best friend of our granddaughter was killed in a car accident along with her 6 month old unborn baby. The mother was only 27 - far too young to die and certainly in such a violent fashion.  I do not know whether or not she was religious and regardless she could end up in Heaven based upon how she lived her life.  Kristen certainly had many nice things to say about their friendship.  I have asked God to take her safely into his arms.  And, there is no doubt that her unborn baby girl is there now with Jesus and His Mother Mary watching over her.

I guess the Moral to this is that Life Can Be And Often Is Unfair but you do not need to Let It Get You Down.  There is a way forward and it is in each of us if only we open our Hearts to let it out.

As I See It...

K. D.  Bell