Sunday, September 12, 2021

Did You Know That We Have Dangerous Weapons


And I am not talking about illegal drugs and handguns...they are a given.

No, in the case at hand, I am speaking of in Pebbles.  Although the Toronto Star, in its finite wisdom, would likely refer to them as Stones...if not Boulders. 

But no, it is puny little gravel that is now deemed criminally to be a weapon. 

And no other than our Politically Tainted Royal Canadian Mounted Police have deemed it so.

On Saturday, police announced Shane Marshall, 25, of St. Thomas, has been charged with one count of assault with a weapon.  And it carries with it a maximum sentence of 10 years in Her Majesty's Slammer.

I did a blog when this recently happened and pointed out the small potatoes this matter really is but did say that should those responsible be found, they should be charged  with simple Assault which seldom carries with it time behind bars.  Over Kill ? 

I do not like these types of antics on the part of protestors anymore than you do but we are after all in the heat of an Election - one needlessly called in the midst of a pandemic and a botched withdrawal from Afghanistan so tempers are apt to fray a bit but it makes you wonder if charges would have been laid if it were rotten tomatoes that were thrown.  Personally, if I was a politician, I'd prefer being hit by the former.

Let me end this short blog with a prediction - soon after the election ...if not even before, the RCMP will drop these charges.  It was done just to placate our prima donna PM. 

As I See It...

K.D. Galagher