Friday, June 19, 2020

What Is Canada Going To Do About China????

Or better yet, What is the Free World Going To Do About China???

China is holding three of our citizens hostage ...Michael Kovig, Michael Spavor, and Robert Lloyd Schellenberg.  Schellenberg is on death row in this gross dictatorship while the two Michaels have been confined to solitary confinement for over a year and a half.  Interrogated every day for hours on end and housed in a small cell with the lights on 24 hours a day.  Inhumane does not begin to capture what these bastards are doing to our citizens.

Today our distinguished Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he was "disappointed".  Never in the history of man has a word so understated the tragedy of what is taking place in this far away gulag.

And all because we - Canada, had the temerity to detain Meng Wanzhou a top executive with the well-known Chinese State controlled internet company called Huawei.  We arrested her in accordance with a Extradition Order issued by the United States in accordance of international law.

While our guys live in purgatory, Ms. Wanzhou lives the Life of Riley under house arrest in one of her two spacious mansions in British Columbia. 

Let me be clear here...I do not wish Wanzhou ill - but her legal battle is between her and the United States ...not Canada.  And unlike our guys, she can be assured of being treated fairly under the law. 

All this, is on top of the descent into Hell of this once proud and respected nation.  Simply stated, China, led by its chief henchman Xi Jinping, has gone rogue and is taking his country down the drain with him .

Words escape me on how best to vilify China.  But I will keep trying.

And I keep thinking of what might have been.  Through its nod to Semi-Capitalism it has raised millions of its citizens out of stark poverty and today has the world's second most powerful economy next to the Unite States.  But Dear Reader that will not last.  You cannot act the Fool and still expect riches to come your way.

Okay, I started this blog with asking what is Canada going to do about the way in which Red China is treating our citizens: 

First, we cut off all trade coming and going.  I would rather wear a $50 dollar shirt made in Canada than a comparable one made in China for $10 bucks. 

I would then canvass the world to find better, more honourable and friendly markets for our products.

I would also try to convince other nations to cease and desist trade with this Bully. 

Diplomatic relations with their Monstrous Leaders would be reduced to but a corporal's guard in our Embassy there and they would be only there to try in some way to be of help to our three innocents.

Our days of pandering to the beast would be over.

Okay - now the Free World:

We need to establish a League of Free and Democratic Nations to do everything the United Nations was setup to do.  We would include most especially Trade.

The likes of China will not be included.  Let them deal with the North Koreas. 

We would strengthen NATO since until the Dictator Nations like China and Russia collapse, or see the light, they will be dangerous militarily in much the same way as they are today.

The time has come.  We cannot continue along as we have been doing.

As I See It...

'K.D. Bell'