I am currently following three Leadership races here in North America - - four actually, though one is a none race - 2 in the US of A and 2 here in Canada. Lets begin with the former.
We are now down to 2 candidates for the Democrats - the above-noted Biden and Bernie - both are past their 'best before dates' and even when they were in their prime - they were nothing to speak of. Sorry guys.
Smart money is now on the former V.P. but it really matters not, since neither one will take out The Donald.
And Donald Trump is the second race I will also deal with quickly here. There isn't one - a race that is and there should be. Trump has been a disaster in his term of office and someone(s) in the Republican Party should have come forward to challenge him. I can think of several but won't name them - if they did not have the patriotism to come forward - I cannot be bothered with naming them either. And, I well remember the 1968 Election Campaign when Bobby Kennedy challenged then President Lyndon Johnson. It cost Kennedy his life but it also forced Johnson's resignation.
So Donald Trump runs unopposed when he should not be there at all - and this coming November he will find himself running against a candidate - likely Biden - who is even worse than himself.
Where is Winston Churchill when you need him. Even in advanced age - he would beat the socks off these guys. And to think, the Presidency of the United States is the highest gig going. Pity.
So now we come to my own country Canada. Nationally we have a Leadership Race for the Conservative Party - and also have but two eligible candidates - both second-line stringers. For some reason, the Conservative Party apparatjik went out of its way to discourage participation and in that they have been most successful.
Given this, we too in Canada may well end up with our current Prime Minister come next election which would be similar to the United States since, like Trump, our current guy is probably the worst Prime Minister we have had in modern time. Indeed, the only thing our guy can still look up to is his own Ego.
Now to our largest Province - Ontario where 40% of Canadians reside. The Liberals in fact just wrapped up their Leadership Convention on Saturday and some guy whose name begins with Del ? was elected on the first ballot. Don't feel bad if you do not recognize the name- none of us here do either.
His claim for fame is that he is a professional politician having entered the fray at the tender age of 15. What he does not realize of course is that this attribute is not an asset for him but rather a detriment.
And, the only thing Del ? has in his favour is that if and when the mantle of power is placed on his shoulders he does not need to worry about growing gray.
With the world feeling like it is falling in upon itself we need great Leadership more than ever and yet seem to go out of our way to see that we do not get it. Pity too.
As I See It,
K.D. Bell