Friday, February 21, 2020



Permit me though to quickly put your minds at ease.

We here in Canada are currently undergoing 3 weeks of Indian Blockades of our rail systems which has greatly adversely affected our economy.   These environmental thugs are blocking our rails attempting to shut down various large mineral and oil extractions.  What they do not seem to realize is they can stand-down easy since our Prime Minister - the one and only Gadfly Justin Trudeau has always been willing to do their bidding for them - and there is no indication he will do differently in the future.

So why I am becoming a Proponent for these Shenanigans?

Well to tell the truth the idea is not mine - but belongs to my friend Johnny who grew up with me in our village of Brighton Ontario on the same street.  I have mentioned this street in past blogs - as you may recall - it has two names - at the one end it is called Sandford and at the others - the d is dropped. I lived at one end - Johnny's home was more toward the other end so I guess we really did live on separate streets...

I spoke with John last eve by phone - by way of our land phones if you can believe it.  Johnny currently lives nearby the Tyendinaga Reserve which has reveled in this self-destructing tactics for many years now.  In keeping with Peter MacKay's vocal support for Albertan vigilantism, I asked John if he and his wife would be renting a pick-up truck and routing out these marauders just like the fellows did a couple of days ago out west.  Sadly Johnny said "No" - I was naturally disappointed but now hold MacKay in somewhat greater regard.

Okay here is his idea.  Many reserves in Canada are simply places for illegal business - cigarettes,  marijuana, booze, gambling and the like.  In recent years, routes into these reserves have been lined with state of the art prefab illegal sales outlets and all while the police turn a blind eye to the general public coming there on mass to seek out spectacular but illicit deals.

So what would happen - Johnny opinions - if the cops were to block off the general public from their Merchandising Bonanza?  I could see his point immediately - their lucrative misadventures would immediately be ruined.  Bet you would see their rail blockades come down pretty darn fast.  And no one would get hurt.

But the chances of this happening are most unlikely despite the fact that it is so common-sensical.  Common sense appears to have less and less relevance in the affairs of man as time goes on.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell