Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Italy is often mocked for the number of Parties it has in its Parliament ...six (6) to be exact.

But Dear Reader, so do we ... permit me to list them:

1.  Liberals

2.  Conservatives

3.  NDP

4.  Greens

5.  Bloc

6.  Madd Max's Peoples Party

And if you count the independents, we actually have one more than Italy.

Why do I raise this, you might add?

A person very close to me has great trouble believing that Justin Trudeau will be defeated in the October 21 st Election - despite  my assurances to her that JT is a dead-man walking.

The main reason I say this is because his greatest opponent is none other than himself and as such - he goes from blunder to blunder.   Many of these have been discussed in my earlier blogs.  Those blunders are so numerous, he simply does not have the time to undo the damage they have caused him.

So despite the fact that Two Thirds of the Canadian Electorate is centre left and only One Third is centre right , the latter is being bolstered by Trudeau's blatant ineptness which alone will ensure a Conservative victory.

But there is another important factor at work to doubly ensure his electoral demise --- Our Pizza Parliament of course.

Five of the above-noted Pizza Pieces reside in the Centre Left Spectrum so the usual advantage to the Left (read Liberals) is split 5 ways to Sunday.

That leaves but two Centre Righters and that is split between the Tories and Madd Max.  However recent polling shows that split to be 34% to 1%.  Ergo the People's Party will not be a factor in the Election. Bye Bye Max you will be missed since you are the only real conservative in the mix.

Bottom-line, the Conservatives will win a majority government this year but will not win a majority of the votes.  That majority of votes will go to a very splintered left. 

Pizza Anyone ?

As I See It...

K.D. Bell