Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Canada's Inquiry Report Into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

Update: Since writing the Blog below, I have had the opportunity to read Anthony Furey's column on this self same subject.  He provides the following very interesting stats:

"An RCMP report from 2014 looked at data going back to 1980 and came to a number of conclusions. One was that while Aboriginal Women make up only 4% of the population they disproportionately accounted for 16% of murder victims."  The data though also revealed that the solve rate was 88% almost identical to the national average and the majority of the women were murdered by Aboriginal men and people known to them."

Bottom-line you and I have been conned!!

Of note as well, when the request for this Inquiry came before Prime Minister Harper...he turned it down - like you and me - he knew nothing would come of it other than a monumental waste of money.  Smart Man

That said, wouldn't it be nice if the wasted $100 million had been used to provide all our natives with potable water.  I can tell you if I was Prime Minister this would be my first priority in addressing the real needs of Aboriginals.  KDB

Came out yesterday with some 230 Recommendations !!

Admittedly, I have not read the report and quite frankly do not intend do so.  I say that because, in regard to the Report's 230 recommendations, I can tell you what the main ones are and more importantly, which ones are not included.

First what's there:

A call for huge increases in funding* from Canada's Taxpayers and the Rest of Society is to blame** for their dire circumstances.

     *if I could be convinced that such expenditure of money would help to significantly reduce the suffering experienced by these unfortunate women, I would fully support seeing this aspect of the Report implemented.  I just know from oodles of past experience...it will not.

     **the report concludes "that colonial violence, racism, and sexism against Indigenous people has resulted in many Indigenous people becoming normalized to violence".

So even if they are culpable for their own circumstances...they are entitled to a pass.  What nonsense.

This then is a good place to consider what the Report ignores...personal responsibility to begin with. It is always someone else's fault and taking this insupportable position means that nothing of substance will be gained until hopefully that the far off day finally arrives.

And the Report cheapens itself by focusing just on aboriginal women...what about the men and children being brought up in the squalor as well.  Indeed, the murder rate among aboriginal men far and exceed the rates among the women.

Finally let's look at the Inquiry's bottom-line conclusion...as stated by the Chief Commissioner herself, it is nothing less than a "Canadian Genocide".
The Indian Culture was destroyed some 300 hundred years ago and actually began with the arrival of Columbus. It was nothing more or less than a clash between a Stone Age / Nomadic Way of Life with then Modern Civilization.  It was no contest.

The fact is the Aboriginals have failed to replace what was lost and to call that 'Canadian Genocide' in the year 2019 it is an over-stretch and a great disservice to all Canadians ...Natives as well. 

If I had written this report here are the main recommendations I would put forward:

  1. The need for reform must come from the Aboriginals themselves and from their supposed Leadership.
      2.  And the Reserve System needs to be busted up. 

I now brace myself to have to listen to our Apologetic Prime Minister speak at length about the great value of this Report and how he looks forward to implementing the 230 backward thinking and self serving recommendations.   

As I See It:

'K.D. Bell'