Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Xi Jinping has met his match...Donald John Trump...


The current Trade War they have launched against one-another...albeit mostly the Trumper's fault, will severely harm both their countries along with numerous other countries throughout the world.

I am not going to get into it other than to point out that Americans will feel the pain when they go to their local Walmart and find the shirt marked made in China which they could buy pre-trade war for under $10 dollars will now cost them $50 bucks with the only difference being the made in USA tag. 

China too will suffer since their massive population will be denied critical things like good safe reliable foodstuffs.

What is surprising in this is that the pain is being caused primarily by a supposed businessman in the Presidency.  Who'd a thunk?  At least Obama had the excuse of being a left wing academic.

But the Donald's failings do not stop there.  Remember his peace in our times talks with the little murderous dictator of North Korea?  Today those talks have broken down and missiles are flying out of the Hermit Kingdom...left, right and centre.   The Chamberlain Peace Award anyone?

And then there is Venezuela.   They are fighting for their very existence all the while Trump has sat back and allowed both Russia and Cuba to fill the void.  Things are coming to a head ...thanks to dear Mr. Trump, and any resultant bloodshed will be laid at his size 10 feet.  Obama, you will recall made the same mistake in Syria and the Middle East is paying the price for that now.

The only place I can see where Trump is on the mark is his determination to plug the vast flow of illegals through their southern border.

Maybe one for four is not too bad of an average?

As I See It...

'K.D. Bell'