Friday, May 17, 2019


UPDATE:  More Dead Men Walking Plus Now ? Women.  

Just after I penned the Blog below, I read David Pugliese stellar article on Mark Norman which not only confirms the rightness in my belief that Jonathan Vance is headed for the trash bin of history but so are several other unworthies.  This updated list includes the RCMP Commissioner ..the not so.. Brenda Lucki, Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan (he should have been dumped eons ago), DND Deputy Minister John Forster, and another woman -former PMO Staffer Zita Astravas.  They will be lucky to last until the Election and if they do, will be gone soon thereafter.

NO NOT YOUNG TRUDEAU although his is a dead man walking and he knows it but unless his spineless troops rebel, his demise will have to await October's Election Day.

The latest to join this illustrious club is no other Chief of Defence Jonathan Vance.  Even as I write, Vance and Trudeau are sniping at each other ...blaming one another for the Norman debacle.

From the start it was obvious to me that Vance played a leading role in seeing Vice Admiral Norman relieved of his duties while Trudeau worked the judicial system to ensure that he was criminally charged.

What I could not understand was what had Norman done to upset Vance so?

Well of course now it has all come out.  Norman took the position that his Navy needed an oil supply ship since they had none.  Just imagine his temerity.  In particular, he wanted to go with the former Tory Gov't plan to have a ship refitted at the Davy Ship Yards in Quebec.

Vance, for some inexplicable reason, wanted to go out for a 3 year tender for a new vessel - and when I say 3 years ..given DND's track record are talking 10 years and likely by then the whole thing  simply collapses.

Do you get the impression that Vance may have a touch of jealousy when it comes to Norman?

Whatever the reason, Vance has put himself in the position that now he too has to go.  Indeed, how can Norman come back to work... as the Grits are promising him, and at the same time continue to report to an obvious enemy?

If Vance was smart ...which I question, he would simply walk the plank now rather than be pushed sooner than later.  Either way he is going to go.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell