Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Monkey In The Middle....Stuck Between Two Scumbags

As in The Donald stuck between severely integrity challenged Michael Cohen and the Butcher of North Korea ...The Yung-Un named Kim.

Let's deal first with Cohen .. he who is speaking right now before a Committee of Congress  allegedly to expose dirt on his former boss Donald Trump. Cohen, remember was President Trump's personal lawyer at all relevant times.

If I was a Committee Member, I would ask the dear gentleman but two follows:

First...was it not you Mr. Cohen who stated publicly that you would "take a bullet for Donald Trump"?

Second and final question...Mr. Cohen are you familiar with the legal concept of Attorney-Client Privilege?    Please answer just Yes or No.

That's it dear reader because he has to answer both my questions in the affirmative and in so doing says it all.

Next the Yung-Un.. Again, as I write this Blog, President Trump is meeting of all places in Hanoi with this murderous wretch.  The guy is a mass murderer and starves his people.  And yet Trump calls Kim a good friend and great leader.   

Enough said.  Scumbags all !!  And this includes The Donald.

As I See It...

K.D. Bell