Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Trump Ends Government Shutdown and

Update:  It was announced earlier today that President Trump will not shut down government again but rather will Call for a National Emergency  and order the completion of  the Wall himself.  Heard that outcome before?  Oh yea, see my recent Blog below. But  I can tell you that I could not find many (anyone?) who believed with me.

Before finishing here I must apologize for being silent of late...I have volunteered for a number of non-profit projects and it has taken up most (e.g all) of my time.

It was not a hard prediction for me to make...it simply made sense and no matter what you think of Trump - he does not like his numbers to fall and a further shutdown would have done that.  That is not to say his calling for a National Emergency may too turn out to be unpopular on both sides of  Congress but dear reader ...he is on the side of the angels. Without proper defensible borders a nation does not qualify for independent status...it is but a failed State.

So what's next...as I say below it will now become a battle between the Executive and the liberal Judiciary. Nothing will get settled until it reaches the Supreme Court and even then the odds are but 50/50.  And a favourable outcome for Trump will depend on whether or not this gets concluded in his favour in time to get the Wall built.

He won't make that mistake ever again...i.e. once burnt...twice shy.

Indeed, there is a greater chance the Dems will use the 3 week hiatus as an opportunity to compromise with the President but that too almost amounts to wishful thinking.

Rather, before the 3 weeks is up, Trump will use his power under the Constitution to Call the Need for A Border Wall a Military Emergency and will call upon the Armed Forces to pay for and build it.

(As an aside, Sheer and / or Bernier  here in Canada would be smart to do the same using the Peace, Order and Good Government provision available to them under the British North America Act to see the desperately needed oil and gas pipelines built on an emergency footing too).

I have for sometime believed this was Trump's only viable option and in late December finally got around to firing off a note to him recommending the same.  (Below is the answer I received).

And this was before he, or anyone for that matter, had publicly suggested that this avenue might be open to him.  I am not vain enough to think that my missive had anything whatsoever to do with his ultimate decision but at least I know that I was on the same wave length.  Some of you no doubt may find that to be a scary thought on my part.

                Trump's Reply:


January 2, 2019

Instead of setting politics aside and putting the safety of our country first, Democrats in Congress have continued to obstruct. In doing so, they have refused to come together with Republicans to pass commonsense legislation that provides adequate funding to secure America's borders and prevent a partial government shut down.

As I have said throughout this process, I remain committed to finding an agreement that reopens our Government and ensures that our Nation's borders are safe and secure.

I urge Congress to rejoin me in Washington to immediately pass appropriations legislation that properly addresses the critical issues affecting our Nation's security and prosperity.
Thank you for your email.



I know when it comes to the Wall there are many detractors but tend to think that much of it has to do with 50% of America viscerally hating Trump.  It seems simplistic to me but still valid... a country that cannot control its own borders is not worthy of its Nation State Status.  And this pertains as well here in Canada where Canadian Customs and Immigration states for the period January 2017 to March 2018  25, 645 refugees entered Canada illegally and the flood continues.

The problem Trump will have once he makes his military necessity pitch is that the issue will then quickly go before the Courts ad tedium.  Once the matter finally gets before their Supreme Court - the Trump position stands a good chance but how long will that take and more to the point will it be adjudicated in sufficient time before the next election?

If not, then it is assured the Wall will only get built if Trump is elected to a second term.

And that leads me to Government by the Judiciary which appears to afflict Western Nations in this new Millennia.   Its another impairment to Democracy's underlying principle of majority rule. Our Courts have stridently moved from interpreting laws...their legitimate role, to making laws and our politicians being the quick studies they are realize that if the Courts deal with the hard issues of Society it spares them the grief.

The trouble with this of course is that Society cannot hold a handful of independent judges accountable.

Now back to the Wall, Trump campaigned on it and indeed it was one of his major..if not his main election promise and he was elected President based upon his platform.  Add to this the fact that as President, he is now the Commandeer in Chief of America's Armed Forces and protecting its borders is a prime function of this role.

So we have the Dems pushing him into taking this stand and now the Courts taking up their fight where they left off.  All the while the Media cheers both on. 

And don't even get me started on the drubbing Capitalism is taking.


Or Rather I have decided to let you do the ending.  If you have any thoughts in that regard, please let me know.  In the meantime I am going on to my next Blog which will be about an Elephant....in fact, two Elephants...so stay tuned.   Please don't forget to read 'Humour For This Day'...directly below. 

And now Humour for this Day:    I just paid for my 12 month gym membership and my bank called to see if my credit card had been stolen.