Saturday, January 26, 2019


He who marshaled up the English Language and sent it off to War.

I am speaking of course of Canada's Conservative Party Leader, Andrew Sheer.

In this morning's National Post, esteemed writer Conrad Black writes 'Sheer has a real chance of taking Trudeau down'.

I must respectively differ; he may have a 'chance' given He and his Party are Trudeau's only opposition but to describe it as being a "real chance" is stretching it.

Permit me to count the ways working against him:

First, as the title of this Blog suggests, Sheer is lacking when it comes to Charisma.  That should come a no surprise to anyone since when was the last time a Speaker of any Parliament went on to successfully lead a Political Party?  Ladies and Gentlemen, they are Speakers for a reason and that is for their blandness...i.e. they do not pose a threat to anyone. 

Second, and even more importantly, Sheer and the Conservatives have adopted Liberal Lite and in some cases entire Liberal (meaning left wing) policies.  He who supports the objectives of the Paris Accord.  Need I say more?

Third and also of great importance is the fact that the NDP is as flat a you know what on a paper plate.  It is a truism in Canadian Federal Politics that if the NDP is not vibrant enough to split the left of centre vote, the Conservatives are doomed to failure 10 times out of 10.  Unless of course the Dippers jettison Singh, which is most unlikely due to the rapid count-down to Election Day,.

And there is more.

And that is the current mood in this country as well as in other nations.  Simply stated, the silent majority has had enough of being told what to do by their Political Elites and that unfortunately includes all of Canada's major parties.  Yellow Vests anyone?  And this leads me to Mad Max and his campaign to provide a home to us social conservatives libertarians.  Bernier's new party will do damage to Sheer and company.  Not enough to derail them but added to the 3 paragraphs above he will likely represent the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.  For instance, the last poll I saw from the Burnaby By-election showed Bernier's Party at 9% - not exactly chump change when every percentage counts.

So you be the Judge.

BTW, do you think you will be voting Tory and more to the point, will you be voting Tory come Election Day?

As I See It...

K.D. Bell Esq.