Friday, January 25, 2019


Today's victim of the Mueller Inquiry is Trump confidante Roger Stone...not to worry I've never heard of him either.

His offence?   Are you sitting down?   Lying to Congress.

I call this the Martha Stewart Crime and we all know what an evil person she was and presumably still is.

But it is the far reaching implications of this that should be of concern to all of us and that is why I hope you are sitting down. 

Since if lying to Congress or to the general Public for that matter is a crime, then all of our politicians have broken the law continuously so I guess they too should all be behind bars.

And long time readers of this Blog will know my definition of a lying politician...if you see their lips move you know they are lying.

In their defence though the whole political system is built on that premise.

  • You are racist; no you are.
  • You want to wreck the economy; no you do.
  • They are legal refugees; no they are illegal refugees.
  • We need the wall to keep bad people out; the wall will only keep women and children out.
  • With Global Warming the Earth will be uninhabitable with x years;  no it won't it is all a hoax.
And so on and so on.

And all of these positions are taken not on the basis of what any particular politician personally believes to be the truth but rather on the basis of what his or her Party states to be the truth.

We have a case right now here in Canada that aptly describes the situation within which we find ourselves.   Our Ambassador for China held a closed door meeting this week with Chinese Reporters in Toronto where he provided his unequivocal opinion that Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou has a strong case to avoid extradition to the United States.  (China as many of you know is holding 3 Canadians hostage, one on death row, until this matter is their favour.) 

So was he telling the truth or was he merely parroting his masters in Ottawa's Liberal Government?  In any case, within a day or so he was back-tracking; said he had 'misspoke' during his 40 minute dissertation to the Chinese media.  So was he telling the truth then?

Who cares, save for China and the United States and save for our relationships with them both.  But for you and me what is important here to realize is that you really cannot believe any of what is being said by our politicians or quasi-politicians. 

Sad but true.

So let's return to Meuller and Roger Stone saga and his charge of lying to Congress.

It goes back a long way now but when the Mueller Inquiry was formed, it was to find proof, if it even existed, of Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.  In that regard, it was much like the Ken Starr inquiry into Bill Clinton in the 1990s and whether or not he was involved criminally in the Whitewater Scandal.  Starr like Mueller looked at everything under the sun and  but finally was forced to come to the conclusion that Clinton was innocent.  

As I have said from the beginning of this charade, Mueller Inquiry will have to come to a similar conclusion in the case of Trump.

Now I promised more humour so sadly this is the best I can do here.

There is ample proof of Russian meddling in the 2016 Election and that relates to Hillary and the Democratic Party paying the Russians for dirt on Trump.  But has dear Hillary been charged.  Are you kidding.

And speaking of interfering in Elections,  the Democratic Campaign actively worked to discredit the candidacy of Hillary opponent Bernie the Professor Sanders who mysteriously went on to support the dear lady in the coming Election.

So who you gonna trust...if you still believe in politicians you have my condolences. 

As I See It....

K.D. Bell  Esq.