Tuesday, April 10, 2018


News out this past weekend that the Mueller investigation obtained numerous search warrants to seize documents from President Donald Trump's personal lawyer.

As a lawyer myself, I have to ask whatever happened to Solicitor-Client privilege heretofore the cornerstone of criminal law?

And dear reader, the need for these warrants relate to an alleged sexual dalliance Trump had with a prostitute. 

Regardless of how you and I might feel about his and her rendezvous it has nothing whatsoever to do with Trump conspiring with the Russians to effect the outcome of the 2016 Election. 

Rather, all this does is to confirm Trump's claim that he is the victim of a Witch Hunt. 

And regardless of what the leftist media has to say, there has never been one iota of proof that Trump conspired with the Ruskies...even though there is lots of evidence that Hillary Clinton and her Campaign did that very thing.

It all comes down to the fact that the Left could not accept the outcome of the Election and have been doing everything in their power to see it undone.  

Whatever happened to Democracy?

The foundation of civilized democratic societies is that they accept the will of the people even though they may not personally agree with the outcome.  To do otherwise is to invite chaos and anarchy. 

I have mentioned before a similar case close to home here in Ottawa.  A businessman ran for the Mayorship and won.  This came about after years and years of double digit tax increases and he promised to put a stop to it.

The Unions here had other ideas and through false charges were able to effectively neuter the Mayor's platform.  He was finished from politics.

The only difference between the two examples is the size.

So if I was Trump here is what I would do:

First I would fire Mueller since by his actions he has shown that he is the problem and not the answer;

Second I would then fire Attourney General Jeff Sessions since by his inaction, he has shown that he has lost control.

Would the Progressive Left Howl?

As Sarah Palin would say 'You Betcha'.

But know ...they brought it upon themselves.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'