Sunday, April 1, 2018


Two items in the news lately caused me to LOL; one literally and the other figuratively.

Let's deal with the literal one first.

Ontario's New Budget and our Finance Minister Charles Souza:

Souza was quoted in this weekend's newspapers as saying that the United States is playing catch-up with Ontario's Economy.

I nearly choked, I certainly convulsed in laughter as my wife can well attest.

"Playing Catch-up" ??  Indeed.

Fifteen Years ago when Souza's Liberals first came on the scene, Ontario was the Economic Engine for our Country.  Today, it is broke...has been lowered to 'have-not status' and is dependent on our fellow provinces for handouts.  Rating agencies are continually downgrading our credit, the most recent occurring right after this week's Budget was released.

So what Planet has our Finance Minister been living on for the past decade and a half?

Can't wait for the June 7th General Election.

Okay now for the second laugh and a half which you will see is more sad than funny:

Our country went through a useless inquiry into the sorry state of  our Indian Reserves.  Its report came out in late 2015 and contained 94 Recommendations few if any will ever be acted upon in our time ...many deservedly.

Inexplicably, Prime Minister accepted all 94.

One in particular stands out for me a Roman Catholic.  The Report Recommended that Pope Francis apologize for its part in Canada's Native Residential School System.  This system provided housing / education for native children who were in many cases forcefully taken off the reserves and it ran from the 1870's well into the 1960s.

Some students claim today that this School System enabled them to escape poverty and led to them having productive lives off the reserve.  Many others though claim that the system stole from them their Indian Heritage* and allege many types of abuses including sexual abuse. I have no doubt as to the veracity of these claims but am suspicious that in a number of cases it is motivated more by their interest in obtaining monetary compensation.

But all that aside, the Catholic Church was not the only Church engaged in the operation of these residential schools.  Nor do I doubt for a minute that they believed they were doing God's work in helping these young kids escape total hopelessness.

*Don't forget that by the time these Schools were established, the Indian Heritage existed no more.

The other thing lost in this effort to embarrass the Catholic Church is the fact that these Residential Schools were the Policy of the Governments in power during those times. 

Whether you believe they were rightfully established or not, the blame or the credit goes to those Governments.

That is the background ...sorry for its length.

So now flash ahead to today.  Canada's Prime Minister in his naivete accepted all 94 Recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. 

But the one that got me was his acceptance of its request that the Pope apologize for his Church's role in those Residential Schools.

To me it was totally inconceivable that this arrogant pup thought himself sufficiently powerful that he could make such a demand of the Leader of well over 1 Billion Catholics.

This past week the Pope answered Trudeau's pompous request with a well placed N'yet.

Let me play the Pope for a minute:

"Please bring the Young Prime Minister in.  Have a seat Mr. Trudeau.  I understand that you have a request of me".

"Yes I do your Grace, I would like you to apologize to Canada's Aboriginals for the damage done to them by the Residential Schools some of which were operated by the Catholic Church"

"I would indeed be happy to do that Mr. Trudeau on condition that you apologize for the millions of babies who have been prematurely killed in the womb as a result of Canada having no law whatsoever that prevents such deaths."

Trudeau, goes red, tugs at his collar, nervously coughs and then ...

"I simply cannot do that your Grace.  I have told my whole caucus that they cannot even voice their concerns for the unborn so how can I now say otherwise?"

"And Mr. Trudeau in that case I simply cannot apologize for being involved in a System promoted and endorsed by Canada's Governments of the Day".

Trudeau with his tail between his legs heads for the door.

The Pope speaks up one more time.

"Oh, Mr. Trudeau on the way out would you please pick up the letter awaiting you just outside."

Trudeau - "What is it."

"It is your Notice of Excommunication"

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'