Saturday, March 17, 2018



After some astute moves such as dramatically curbing illegal immigration and substantially reducing corporate and individual taxes, Donald Trump now appears to go out of his way to do dumb things.

For instance, the specific tariffs he has placed on steel and aluminum, and the tariffs he is contemplating to levy on a host of other products against U.S. major trading partners such as China which also happens to be their Banker.

The cashiering of a number of his closest advisors all the while speaking publicly about dumping more. Thus, I had to laugh when a Trump spokesperson said they were assured by his Chief of Staff, John Kelly, saying there were no more firings planned for the time-being.  Yuk, Yuk, Yuk...since there has been much speculation that even Kelly is on the chopping block.

Me thinks The Donald still believes he is hosting The Apprentice rather than being the President of the United States. 

If I suspected I was on such a firing squad list, I'd be out of there faster than you could say "you're fired".

And then to add insult to injury, Trump via his Attourney General Jeff Sessions, fired Ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe yesterday and by so doing denied him his pension.

How mean spirited.  And Sessions too is one of the top candidates to be dumped next by Trump.  Had I been Sessions I would have told Mr. Trump, 'I will not fire McCabe' while handing him my own resignation'.

There appears to be a consensus that McCabe may well have been engaged in illegality and if that turns out to be the case, criminally charge him and let the courts decide.  But to take away his pension is simply much too much.

And we won't even get into his planned face to face with the lying, murderous Young-un of North Korea. 

The Republicans of late have lost two election races in Congress they should have easily won. 

If Donald Trump keeps up with his erratic behaviour between now and November, both Houses of Congress could well end up back in Democratic hands.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'