Well first let's review the 5 candidates and a motley crew it is:
Patrick the recent leader Brown; Tanya the 1 issue Granic-Allen; Caroline the famous daughter Mulroney; Doug the less famous brother Ford; and finally, Christine two-time loser Elliott.
In that order then:
Brown - he should not have resigned as leader, he should not have entered this race and for his stupidity he will finish dead last..assuming current reports of him dropping out are not true.
Granic-Allen - surprisingly, has the best chance of winning it all if her social conservative followers voted for her enmasse. It will not happen though since she is an unknown and has not had the time needed to effectively mobilize her base. For her then, 4th place.
Mulroney - big name, no experience as was evident in the debates. Third for her, but if she gets elected in the upcoming General Election and hangs in there, she may earn serious consideration next time.
Ford - the only conservative in the race, will come in second, for that reason alone. And the winner is...
Elliott - it is a case of third time lucky for Christine. A compromise candidate, in every respite, who will go on to defeat the worst Government in the History of Ontario.
Sadly for the Conservatives the Big Guns never materialized which is most puzzling given that the winner of the March 10 Leadership Race will go on to be the Premier of the Province.
Could it be that after 14 years of Liberal ( read Progressive) Rule the state of the province is so bad that no one in their right mind would want the job of trying to restore it to its once vaulted place.
As I see it...
K.D. Galagher