Thursday, March 30, 2017

Donald Trump Said Today He Never Knew Being President Was Going To Be So Much Fun.

And I for one am glad that he is enjoying himself so much since I too am experiencing his joy of office, albeit vicariously.

I experienced this with both JFK and with Ronald Reagan...but to a much lesser extent.

So why the glee Galagher.

Why let me count the ways.

Forgetting policy for a moment, I like the fact that Donald Trump communicates with the people.  This is a first in history and of course owes itself to recent developments in technology most notably to the invention of Twitter.  

Up to now, as soon as a President was elected, he was isolated in the White House and surrounded by a myriad of people from the Secret Service to his Personal and numerous staff.  No longer.

And speaking of firsts, he is the first President ...dare I say Prime Minister/ Chancellor and so on, that is coming out and doing what he said he would do in the lead-up to his election.

How novel.  Up to the time of Trump I always said you could trust politicians right up till the time their lips moved.

You may not like it... and gawd knows many do no,t but Donald Trump also has a Vision ...something which is as scarce as hens' teeth in modern day politics.

So yes, I am happy, I have never enjoyed a Presidency as much as Trump's and I am not even American.

So let's look at what the Left is saying about President Trump:  'he is doing too much; he is doing too little; he is making a laughing stock of the USA throughout the world'.


Lets take the last one first...the laughing stock comment.  What I have seen and if you are have seen too, the world leaders are prostrating themselves at Trump's feet. They may well believe him to be a clown but I do not see any of them laughing at Trump in public.

America is just too darn important to the world.

They too have never seen anything quite like The Donald with his innate ability to speak to and for the common man. 

Now to the other complaints:

1.  He is doing too much;

How so, since he has been in office barely 2 months?

But I agree, he is off to a busy start...again doing things he said he was going to do.  But it's early days and as the saying goes, 'you ain't seen nothing yet'.

2.  He is doing too little;

Oh yeah?  

  • The Southern Border Crossing has been tightened significantly and the number of illegals crossing over from South America and from Mexico has dropped dramatically up to 40% and tenders are now going out to contractors to build the Wall.

  • He has instituted a temporary travel ban affecting targeted Muslim nations where the danger of Islamist Extremists mingling with ordinary travelers is most likely. The ban is to provide Border Security with time to analyse the danger posed from this and to take remedial action where necessary.  Don't forget the primary role of the President of the United States is to protect the safety of his countrymen.

  • He has approved two pipelines desperately needed to see America reach energy independence...the Keystone and the Dakota Pipelines.  Hereto America has been dependent upon oil from the Middle East with some of the proceeds being used to fund Terrorism against the West.  (The irony here of course is that had America used the Oil Crisis of the early 1970s as the reason to gain energy independence much sooner, there would not have been Islamist Terrorists Groups causing death and destruction around the world today). 

  • He has called off the war on Coal which with proper scrubbers is as clean or cleaner than Natural Gas.  That said, as non-combustible energy sources mature, the days of Oil, Gas and Coal are rightfully numbered but it is madness to sabotage one's economy for feel good measures that cost too much and achieve too little. 

  • Trump also kept his promise by dealing early with replacing Obama Care.  The fact that the Bill was withdrawn for the time-being is not the President's fault rather it is the fault of the Representatives of the House ...both Republican and Democrats.  Republicans because they had 7 years to develop a comprehensive approach to the current law's replacement and for which they failed miserably.  It is a good thing it was withdrawn since hopefully on their next attempt...and there will be another shot at it, they will propose a much better product.
      And the Democrats too share the blame for not helping to improve a faulty health care law.  For instance, prior to Obama Care polls showed that 90% or so of Americans liked their health care.  The problem was the 20 million or so that found themselves without coverage due to lack of money.  Even today, a majority of Americans want to see Obama Care replaced.  So if the Dems were working for their constituents you would think that they too would come forward and try to improve things.  But you would be wrong...not 1 Democratic Rep supported change.

As aside here, what I never understood is that if 90% of Americans liked their Health Care pre Obama and if the real issue was the 20 million or so without care...why didn't the legislators at that time focus solely on those without,,, primarily by expanding Medicaid which was one of the few good things Obama Care did.

I think I have covered the highlights of President Trump's accomplishments during his first 60 days but before signing off, want to say a word about the Investigations concerning Russia that are currently wasting so much time and treasure.

And the word is HOAX.  

And I look forward to the day (and the Blog) when this finally becomes apparent to the Progressives.

As I see it...

'K.D. Galagher'